Alien paradise

Chapter 270 Two-front operation

At the same time, closer to the northeastern end of the old continent, another plane also slipped out of the clouds and quietly entered the airspace of Qianlimbao.

In fact, the plane arrived before the sun set, but in order to avoid being directly seen by others, it waited until the sun set before descending to facilitate landing for passengers.

The people on the plane were none other than Chaoyang, Elodie and Reske.

"Let's go down." Chaoyang nodded to the angel.

The latter opened the cabin door, grabbed Chaoyang with one hand and Reske with the other hand, spread the wings behind his back, and jumped out of the cabin.

Even though he was mentally prepared, Reske still couldn't help but close his eyes and scream.

In less than half a minute, the three of them landed in a deserted street in the town.

"Next time, fly slower, maybe you will scare people."

Chaoyang pretended to be calm and patted his sleeves, but in fact he was also calming his heartbeat - this was not fear, but the natural discomfort caused by the weightlessness caused by terrestrial life during high-speed dives. Falling straight to the ground from a height of two thousand meters until the angel slowed down at the end, this is more exciting than any roller coaster on earth.

"Sorry, I thought the angels were all strong." Elodie smiled and blinked, with no hint of apology in her tone. Although she was apologizing to Reske, her eyes kept staring at Chaoyang's heaving chest. Apparently Chaoyang's pretended calmness did not escape her eyes.

"Fragility is a characteristic of the mortal body."

"Slime" also emerged from Chaoyang's collar at this time.

"Shut up, you."

Because it didn't count as a human at all, Chaoyang didn't count it as a passenger from the beginning.

"This city...isn't good."

After finally recovering from the excitement of free landing, Reske suddenly lowered his voice.

"Have you been here before?" Chaoyang asked.

"No, first time."

Qianlin Castle is the closest human stronghold to the Acropolis in the Old World. The two places are about 150 kilometers apart and surrounded by dense jungle. This is probably where the name "Qianlin" comes from. Chaoyang knew all about this place from Gleike Academy. Its main industries are forestry and animal husbandry, including logging, wooden products, acorns, raising goats and deer, etc... It is a typical primary resource city. Before the Acropolis was not engulfed by the fog, it was still responsible for the transportation route connecting the Acropolis to the interior. Commercial development was quite prosperous. With a population of about 300,000, it could be considered a third-tier town.

"You mean it has declined." Chaoyang looked around... Compared with Brilliant Castle, the first impression here was that it was lifeless. It was just past 7pm, but there were not many people moving on the street outside, and the surroundings were eerily quiet.

The commercial street of Brilliant Castle was still lively even after 9 o'clock - this had nothing to do with Paradise Cult. When he first arrived at Brilliant Castle, he felt that it was a very dynamic city.

Although the ground here is also paved with blue bricks, many places are cracked and sunken. The same goes for the walls of the alley, with mottled moss spreading everywhere, and the old two-story buildings rarely have lights, as if everyone has the habit of going to bed early.

"Without the Acropolis, it has become the de facto border of the kingdom. Merchants will no longer pass through here frequently. Decline is inevitable."

"No, I don't mean that it is backward." Resker shook his head. "I feel dangerous here... The smell of the mist is so clear, as if it is ready to engulf this place at any time. I don't know if there is any danger here." The believers of the God of Hidden Mist are waiting and watching. If there is one, I have to contact him as soon as possible, otherwise..."

He didn't continue, but the meaning was very obvious.

"The Corruption of the Evil God?"


According to Reske's previous description, the God of Hidden Mist was born because of human prayers, and its purpose is to cover up and forget. What is covered up is the erosion of evil spirits, but what is forgotten is the evil in the world.

The reason why he took this plane was because Chaoyang asked him about the possible consequences of eliminating the fog. After learning that the Paradise Cult planned to eliminate the fog on the Acropolis, he showed great shock and uneasiness, and tried his best to Advise Chaoyang not to do this.

"The fog exists to protect human beings. If the power of the evil god still exists there, the consequences of losing the fog would be disastrous!" This was what he dissuaded at the time.

Chaoyang's answer was also very simple: "The evil god also appeared in Glory Castle, but now the people who rule the pioneering land are still normal people, not the followers of the evil god."

The power of the Lord of Paradise can defeat the evil god.

Resker couldn't refute, because he had witnessed with his own eyes how the brilliance comparable to divine power broke through the fog in the sky. Although he couldn't refute it, he still asked Chaoyang to take him with him on this trip. If any accident happened, he still had a chance to save it.

"Look, luckily we're here." Chaoyang shrugged, "It's impossible for those guys who were bewitched by the gods to only get their hands on one acropolis. I guess this must be their next target. Xianyin, you are also the cause and effect. Can a part of the teaching sense the existence of the same kind?"

"Huh? You don't want to slander me!" "Slime" was very dissatisfied. "What does this ignorant primitive worship behavior have to do with me? Do you care about how ants praise you?"

Its voice was sent directly into everyone's mind.

"Yes or no?" Chaoyang ignored it.


"Thank you. It seems that the Cult of Karma is not at fault."

"I have to remind you that what I perceive is divine power, and individual human behaviors are not within the scope of my perception."

Chaoyang patted its head, "Without the support of the evil god, wouldn't those cultists be easy targets for bullets? That's the same thing."

"But we can't rule out the existence of other cults, right? After all, there are more than one named evil gods." Elodie analyzed.

"The same goes for other gods... I mean the ancestor gods you call them." Mianyin added, "The ancestor gods are full of conflicts. They wish each other would disappear, especially the Rotten God, with his disgusting stench. I can smell it from eight hundred miles away!"

"Then why can Reske sense that the fog is about to move?"

Reske did not answer this question, but his expression was very gloomy.

"Let's focus on business first." Chaoyang coughed twice, drawing the attention of the two of them back, "If we want people from the Old World to take a boat from the Acropolis to the New World, we must first ensure this transportation hub It's running smoothly." This is also the reason why they came to Qianlimbao. "It takes more than a day or two for Dann to spread the news. We have enough time to find out the situation in this city."

According to the plan, they will form a fleet in the name of new company development, or simply rent a train to undertake the function of transporting voluntary migrants. During this period, you must establish a good relationship with the local managers and complete the entry and exit documents. At the same time, you can also inquire about the civil war in the kingdom. If there was really a cult causing trouble here, he wouldn't mind helping the government to clean up these lunatics.

Chaoyang has full confidence in this - compared to him who was a bare-bones commander at the beginning, the resources of the park are no longer the same. Not to mention the presence of Elodie and Reske, even the money is enough. In the face of the power of money, what kind of mundane things cannot be done?

"Anyway, let's find a hotel to rest for the night and then take action tomorrow." He took two steps towards the entrance of the alley and suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Elodie immediately became alert.

"Someone is praying..." Chaoyang murmured.

"Ah? What do you mean?" Angel didn't react for a moment.

"I heard someone praying to me -" Chaoyang said in surprise, "praying to the Lord of Paradise."

The other party is in this Qianlin Castle!

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