Chapter 1206 Tragic foster mother (32)

"How about it?"

After    Qianyan took a sip, Boss Feng couldn't wait to ask her about the taste.

  Qianyan did not speak, and took another sip of the soup. The soup was very fresh and the noodles tasted good. In terms of taste, many times the noodles made by Boss Feng are absolutely delicious and there is no problem.

   After listening to Boss Feng read out the taste of Feng's noodles in the past, he realized that the current taste is good, but it is not one of the flavors of Feng's noodles, which is a pity.

   Boss Feng is responsible for remaking 66 kinds of Feng's noodles, and he will not study how to improve it into other flavors before that.

  Only when all the flavors of Fengshi's noodles are made, will he have time to improve or research new flavors.

   "It's delicious, whether it's soup or noodles, you can describe the formula for this taste."

   "The Snow Mountains in the Lake: The soup is milky white, fresh and fragrant, and the whole body is warm when you drink it. The noodles are rice white, thin and strong, slightly sweet in the sour, and sour in the sweet..."

  Qianyan took another bite after listening to it, eating the noodles carefully: "The soup should be lamb bone soup, is it the taste of noodles?"

Boss Feng: "Yes, there is no way to add vinegar to the soup, but the noodles are a bit sour and have a sweet taste that cannot be eaten without careful consideration. Tomatoes are very suitable for this point, but this bowl of noodles is called Huli Snow Mountain, except for the white color, No other colors can appear. So when kneading the dough, it is impossible to use tomato juice, and it is impossible to add tomato slices to it.”

  Only this bowl of noodles is still very good, if you use tomato juice and noodles, it is a way to eat. It's a pity that Boss Feng's purpose is to make a real lake with snow-capped mountains.

Qianyan suddenly thought of a possibility and said, "Have you ever thought about boiling the tomato juice and filtering it before kneading the noodles? You should know that there is a dish called boiled cabbage, and the soup itself is not clear. Just like clear water."

  The former people, if nothing else, are still very varied in terms of food. Even though the diet is relatively backward, there are always some folk eating methods that are amazed by today's people.

   Boss Feng was taken aback for a moment, and he quickly patted his head. He didn't turn the corner, he should have thought of this long ago.

  After thanking the boss, he turned around and went back to the kitchen to get busy.

   Qianyan glanced inside, and saw a basket of tomatoes in front of him, who were looking at all kinds of tomatoes. As for how to filter out tomato juice that has tomato flavor but no tomato color, then Feng boss has to use his IQ.

   Qianyan felt that he was still very talented in this regard, and it shouldn't be long before he could eat this bowl of Feng's noodles called "Huli Xueshan".

   After eating the noodles, the busy Boss Feng stopped Qianyan: "Leave a call, and let me tell you to come and eat when I make it."

   Qianyan reported the phone number, and Boss Feng went in Huo Huo Tomato again.

   Then Qianyan took Gong Yuanren and Zhang Zengmei back to the village, and the two also bought some snacks and fruits.

   In fact, the two of them are quite capable. They adopted their daughter back then and gave the Deng family a lot of money. Before the car accident, the two couples raised the original owner well.

  Because of this, when the original owner raised Xie Shangyun, he also referred to the method of the two, and would not force the child too hard. As for the two who usually praise Xie Shangyun, of course they are encouraging him, and there is no malicious intent.

   Even if the people in the village say that Xie Shangyun will be successful in the future, the Gong family has hope when he is admitted to university. This is not to oppress Xie Shangyun, but full of envy.

   (end of this chapter)

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