On the night of the fourth day, less than four hours after the sun set at sea level, the battle was completely over.

The attacking team, a team of ten Neptune fishmen, were all captured, and then quickly converted into Di Xia's dependents, believers in the Mandate of Heaven.

However, what puzzled Wang Yi was that the challenge was not over. But according to the intelligence of all the fishmen, there are no new enemies left.

"It seems that the only successful judgment of this challenge is to complete the four days and four nights, and at sunrise on the fifth day, check whether the altar of God is intact..." There

were still a few hours of dark night to pass, Wang Yi was a little bored, and his dependents were a little overwhelmed for a while.

The three captains, who did not know what would happen next, knelt down in front of the altar of God together, asking the Lord of Destiny to guide them on what to do next

, Wang Yi thought and thought, and finally slapped his hand and issued the second sword oracle - waste is shameful! Pack it and take it away!!

The dependents immediately understood, and they also thought that there were still so many resources on the island that had not been used, so it would not be a waste to leave them here.

The Savior spoke! Shame on waste!

Since this is the destiny of heaven, then what else is there to say?

Pack! Take everything you can take away! If you can't pack it, find a way to pack it and take it away!

The island, which had fallen silent, instantly became lively, full of dependents who were busy collecting resources.

Even, in order to deal with some things that are difficult to pack, some dependents got together to start brainstorming and came up with a lot of whimsy.

In the midst of this busy scene, a tidal fish man stands on the shore, murmuring something to the sea.

The captain of the turtle, who was directing everyone to dig sand, accidentally saw this strange fish man, and quickly put down the work in his hand and stepped forward.

"Companion, what's wrong?"

"Ah, Captain... It's nothing, I'm just..." The

thin fishman saw that his actions were discovered, and scratched the fins of his head a little shyly: "My mother and family and friends are still in the sea."

I think that after I leave this time, I will probably never see each other again in my life.

So, I want to say goodbye to them. Of course, they probably won't hear it. But I still want to... Say something. Captain

Turtle bowed his head slightly, and when he came on the first day, a large number of tidal fish people died in the battle.

At that time, the two sides were absolute enemies, and the fight was inevitable, there was nothing to say.

At that time, this part of the fish people trapped in the crypt of the maze were captured, and then preached, and became part of Dixia.

For them, it's quite lucky.

After the fish man finished talking to the sea, he turned around and continued to get busy. But the captain of the turtle stood on the beach, but his brain began to come alive.

At this time, the captain of the sea crocodile and the captain of the sea serpent happened to walk over, and after seeing him, they greeted him one after another.

"Old turtle! What's the daze? Do you feel that you are finished fighting and want to swim happily? The water quality here is not good, it is lifeless.

Or our outer sea is good, vast and deep! I can't wait to go home!

"Old snake, you said... Is our pattern small again? "

Huh? Suddenly, what's wrong with this? When

the old turtle told the two about the fish man just now, the sea serpent captain was unimpressed, but the sea crocodile captain fell into deep thought.

"You two don't forget that at dawn, there are still many tidal fish people who can retreat back to the sea."

The captain of the turtle looked at the sea, then at the busy fish-people, and finally at the altar of the gods on the top of the mountain.

"I said, brothers, shall we go to the sea and capture all the escaped Fish-Terrans? After all, the Savior said, all packed and taken away! Captain

Sea Serpent's face changed: "No, we have already won, so don't make trouble." What you say, old crocodile? "

Shhhh This one...... The idea of the old turtle is really good enough, you don't let go of the run? Do you really want to empty this sea?

But in this matter, we can't be the master. How about this, while there is still time, let's ask the Savior again.

If the Savior allows, we will save. If the Savior doesn't let us, we shouldn't do it.

"Good, good, good!"

The three captains hurriedly ran to the top of the mountain, knelt in front of the altar and prayed reverently, and told the doubts in their hearts.

In fact, when the three of them chatted, Wang Yi could always hear it. Seeing the three of them running to pray, Wang Yi directly used the last oracle.

But unlike the previous two times, he chose to appear directly this time.

In fact, the first two times can also be told in the form of appearance, but Wang Yi deliberately only passed on simple words, just so that they can learn to think and judge for themselves.

After all, it is not always when you can be by the side of every believer. Not every prayer is answered by oneself.

But this time, it is obviously not clear in one sentence or two, so he chose to appear directly.

"Savior! Savior, you have finally appeared!

"I heard your question." Wang Yi looked down at the three captains and slowly spoke: "I have always taught you that you must open the pattern.

You guys did a good job this time, and the pattern has indeed opened..." After the

three of them listened, they all showed a smile, and even a little triumphant.

"But, it's not all open."

The three were stunned for a moment, and all looked up at the divine shadow of the Lord of Heavenly Destiny in horror and doubt.

Wang Yi deliberately paused for a moment before he spoke again: "Have you ever thought that this challenge, for you, may just be a test and an adventure."

But for those fish, it is quite possible ... That's their whole life. The

three captains suddenly felt their hearts tighten, as if they had been grabbed by someone's hand, and their breathing became heavy.

"If you want to catch the escaped fishmen with the idea of making a lot of money, then I absolutely forbid you to do so, because it is desecrating life."

But if you do it with a different mindset, things are the same, but the results are completely different.

Some roads must be understood before you can set off.

Otherwise, you will definitely lose yourself.

Go..." The

divine shadow gradually dispersed, but the three captains were crawling on the ground, not getting up for a long time.

For a long time, the captain of the sea crocodile suddenly stood up and walked towards the bottom of the mountain. The remaining two captains followed, and although they did not communicate, they seemed to have decided on something together.

"Brothers! Companions!

The sea crocodile stood on a boulder and stopped all the packing works: "All combat units, all assemble here!" Everyone, look to me! I'm going to announce something!

After most of the members had arrived, the sea crocodile glanced at the two captains and raised the tomahawk in his hand.

"Now! We will rush into the sea and bring back all the fish people who escaped! "


The others were confused when they heard this, and the leader of the Neptune Fish Man widened his eyes even more: "Do we even have to take everything in the sea with bags?" That's a lot of work! There are still many

resources on the island..." "Even if you don't want any resources on the island!" Let's also take all the fish people in the sea away! Captain

Turtle said with his hands on his back, "When the Lord of Destiny saved us from the Exile Land, we didn't care about any value!"

As a believer in destiny! We don't value lives.

All of them! Go to sea! Save! "

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