(Chinese New Year's Eve Happy!) Oye ~)

"Okay, let's practice it in class. In a moment, I'll talk about the Heavenly Chosen. The way to practice is still the same as the last time, using the Phantom Mirror. Teacher

Liu stopped teaching and began to walk back and forth with senior sister Ye Tong in the class, helping to solve questions.

Wang Yi had already swiped his card to open the Phantom Divine Mirror at this moment, and cast it into the scene of the outer sky.

At this time, the outer heavens are peaceful, and all the dependents are working hard and forging ahead towards a beautiful new life under the guidance of the Lord of Destiny.

The only thing that is more special is the elite 100-man team of sea reptiles, which made their collective debut at the suggestion of the Great Elder of the Half-Orc Clan! Switched to a speech team.

They began touring the clans to talk about how they practiced for two and a half years and how they were perfect for winning challenges in the desert island.

The stories of these sea reptile warriors are so exciting, so inspiring, so fascinating.

For a while, the entire Dixia clan set off a martial arts frenzy, and all the tribes of the half-orcs began to spontaneously form their own elite teams, constantly training themselves like sea reptile warriors.

Interestingly, the outer heavens are still the shining light bulb in the Endless God Domain, attracting a large number of marauders to send people and resources every day.

This provides warriors of all ethnic groups with a natural whetstone, giving them the opportunity to hone their fighting skills after their daily work.

Today's Dixia family has evolved from all the people to the whole people's elite soldiers, and is forging ahead towards the whole people's strong soldiers.

With the blessing of the Soul of Dixia and the aura of self-sufficiency, all this is a spontaneous act of the dependents. Wang Yi didn't care about it at all, he just needed to let them develop on their own.

I don't know when, senior sister Ye Tong turned behind Wang Yi. She stared at the back of Wang Yi's head with an unhappy face, and suddenly lowered her head and said in his ear.

"Don't leave after school, I have something to find you!"

"Wow!" Wang Yi was so frightened that he almost jumped: "Senior sister, you scared me."

His shouting instantly attracted the attention of all the students in the entire classroom. Everyone cast their gazes in unison.

Ye Tong, who had not yet had time to straighten up her waist, and Wang Yi in front of her naturally became the focus of everyone's eyes.

Remembering the school flower love gossip circulating on campus a few days ago, everyone immediately talked about it.

"What's the noise? Have a good lesson! Ye

Tong, relying on the majesty of the auxiliary teacher, directly forced down the scene, but he could not suppress the blush on his face.

In order to hide the embarrassment, Ye Tong pretended to be serious: "Classmate Wang Yi, why haven't you started to condense your divine power yet?"

Wang Yi couldn't help scratching his head: "I'm still thinking about using a softer way to release the restrictions on sacrifices in stages." I'm afraid..." "

What are you afraid of? What is there to be afraid of? Just give an oracle and let them offer sacrifices, and I'll do the rest and I'll guide you how!

Wang Yi looked at the other party's sworn appearance, and helplessly spread his hands: "Okay... Then I issue an oracle to temporarily cancel the guidance on the prohibition of the use of sacrifices when priesthood. As soon as

the oracle arrived, all the dependents were stunned at first, and the entire outer heaven seemed to be still for three seconds.

Then the next moment, everyone threw down their work and ran frantically towards their home.

It didn't take long for all the dependents to rush to the side of the altar of God as fast as they could, carrying large bags and small bags, competing to pile the sacrifices in the package on the periphery of the altar.

In the blink of an eye, the entire base of the Altar of God has been buried, leaving only a small tip, and it can be seen that it is the Altar of God.

However, this is not the end, these dependents are obviously not yet addicted, after losing the first round of sacrifices, they turned around and ran towards the house, ready to carry the second wave.

Looking at the mountains of materials, as well as the dependents who were happy to be afraid that the gods would change their minds and could not catch up, Ye Tong once again realized that he should not take common sense.

"This! That's too much! "

Huh? Is it a lot? I don't know.

"Of course more! Already full! Stop quickly, you even want to come a second time? It will overflow! Wang

Yi had no choice but to issue the oracle again-[Guidance on temporarily canceling the guidance on the relevant regulations on not using sacrifices during priesthood]

The moment the oracle was issued, those dependents who did not have time to put more sacrifices on the altar all beat their chests and cried. That feeling, as if missing a hundred million!

If you fail to immediately put the sacrifice that is enough to express your heart on the altar, the great Savior, the supreme Lord of Destiny, cannot feel all his reverence, what can he do!

The dream is shattered! The ideal is buried! We struggle all day long, if we can't use it for the destiny of heaven, what is the meaning of life!

“...... Aren't your dependents a little too fanatical? Ye Tong trembled and asked a topic that everyone was interested in.

"This is the first time I've seen believers cry until they pass out because they failed to show their piety with sacrifices.

Still piece by piece!

Wang Yi smiled awkwardly: "My dependents compare... Sensibility! Probably... However, senior sister, you also saw it. If I let go of the restrictions on sacrifices, this is what it will turn out.

But if I don't let go, I can't condense my divine power.

If I only let go of some dependents, the consequence would be that other dependents would be separated from each other, and finally affect internal unity.

You say, what should I do in this situation?

Ye Tong rolled his eyes and spread his hands: "I'm sorry, junior brother, your situation, senior sister, I really haven't seen it." There is no experience for you, and there are no cases to refer to, you may have to rely on yourself.

Wang Yi frowned and pondered, and suddenly slapped his thigh: "There you have it!" I've got it!

Ye Tong also looked at the probe curiously: "What method did you think of?"

Wang Yi smiled: "That is, on merit and reward!" Since they are so fanatical about offering sacrifices, they simply regard the opportunity to offer sacrifices as a reward!

When the time comes, I will divide the specifications of the priesthood into many different ranks,

and whoever does a good job will be qualified to offer the best and most sacrifices. Then talk about merit and deeds, and so on!

Those who do the worst, only worship, not allowed to place sacrifices!

Problem solved!

Ye Tong's beautiful eyes were dripping, she looked at Wang Yi dumbfounded, and then looked at his phantom mirror picture, and it took a long time to slowly digest this fact.

In other words, if you want to be eligible for the offering, you have to fight for it yourself. And only those who perform well can be offered according to the highest standards, and those who perform poorly are not even allowed to offer sacrifices because they are not worthy?

Wang Yi scratched his head: "It's a little wrong."

"Right! Something is wrong!

"They are all God's people, and no matter how bad they behave, they can't deny people to offer!" At least there can be a minimum standard for guarantees. "

Senior Sister Ye Tong, completely speechless.

What Wang Yi didn't know was that the system of offering sacrifices and tiers he created once became the fundamental reason for the brave fighting of the dependents.

They work hard to produce, they kill the enemy bravely, they are not afraid of hardship and danger, they are not afraid of sacrifice!

When you are only a priest and god, you can have the qualification to use the highest grade sacrifices!

At this time, Teacher Liu returned to the podium: "Okay, I see that the students are going well. So let's seize the time and talk about the second content, how to have been chosen by God long ago. "

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