When Wang Yi came to the Divine Domain Zilingtian, a strange feeling surged into his heart.

He could clearly feel that his main God Domain Outer Heaven and his subordinate God Domain Zi Ling Tian had a strong subordinate relationship.

But at the same time, the two, many places are clearly distinguished....

If Wang Yi had to describe it, his Outer Heaven was like a powerful and highly configured computer, and Zi Lingtian, like a tablet, was linked to the Outer Heaven Heavenly Computer.

Wang Yi can open the tablet folder on the main computer, transfer or retrieve the desired files.

But some things can only operate in Zilingtian, and the two are not one.

This magical feeling made Wang Yi very novel, but now he had to deal with the problem first.

"Who is calling me?"

"Great Savior! It's us! "

In front of the altar of the gods, the rat spirit official crawled on the ground with the rat patriarch, looking a little apprehensive.

"What's the matter?"

"Great Savior, we want to ask, if we who come to this new world, if we want to sacrifice, will we return to the original world?

We checked with the High Spirit Commander to see if the priest could make us the Rat Race the first place next time. But the Great Spirit Officer said, "If we divide it, we can't count it."

Our Spirit Rat Clan is very confused now, and please send down the Savior to make it clear! Wang

Yi was crying and laughing, it turned out that he ran to ask for the first place to sacrifice was rejected, and ran to himself to complain.

"Zi Lingtian is already a separate God Domain, and from now on you can hold your own sacrifice ceremonies.

You no longer need to go to the outer heavens to make sacrifices. Of course, you can go if you want.

"But we, the chief position..." The

rat spirit officer was obviously unwilling, after all, the temptation of the chief priest was too great.

Wang Yi sighed: "I have told you many times, the pattern should be larger, and the vision should be farther." You already have the right to worship independently, isn't this more glorious than the chief?

"Hey? It seems to be!

"Yes, we are much stronger than them!"

"Yes, we can all sacrifice ourselves, why should we rob their chief?"

"That... How many of our clans, who is the chief?

As soon as this question came out, the relationship between the patriarch and the four chiefs suddenly became tense, and their eyes were full of wariness.

"By the way, you are all here, I'll tell you about it."

Wang Yi thought that he had come, and although he was a little tired, he began to hold on for a while.

"In addition to offering faith to me, you must also believe in another god, that is, the future master of this divine domain, the Ziling God.

Ziling God is my subordinate god, and at the same time, it is also the exclusive savior of your spirit rat clan.

When you build the temple, pay attention to the two statues of gods. My statue shall be in a high position, and the sub-spirit god shall be in the lord's seat. Wang

Yi was very concerned about this matter, according to senior sister Ye Tong, one of the reasons why it was very sought-after from the God Domain was that it could cultivate a blank god position, and then let those inferior gods or servant gods who did not have a god position become subordinate gods.

The slave gods are very powerful, except for some special restrictions, almost no different from ordinary gods.

The most important thing is that a ruined god like Uncle Wu with a destroyed godhead can also make a comeback through this means!

Wang Yi knew in his heart that the reason why Uncle Wu had been obsessed with pretending to die was actually because he had never been able to let go of the fact that he had survived by pretending to die.

Perhaps by becoming a god again and controlling his divine power, he can find his former self and have the opportunity to redeem his regrets.

What's more, there are gods who have already set their sights on themselves. It's better to have a helper than to be alone. What's more, Uncle Wu is a rare veteran, and his strength was also very strong.

Therefore, from the divine position, the sooner it is put on the agenda, the better.

After receiving the oracle, the leaders of the rat tribe quickly bowed down and bowed again, "Yes!" I wait to obey the oracle of the Savior.

"Okay, so be it."

"Huh? What is the image of the Savior, the Son of God, and how do we make statues?

Wang Yi felt exhausted: "Give full play to your subjective initiative!" Don't ask the Savior about everything, think for yourself! Be your own master!

After speaking, Wang Yi hurriedly left Zilingtian. Leaving a group of spirit rat heads looking at each other.

The Spirit Rat Patriarch looked at the Rat Spirit Officer: "The Savior said, let us watch and do it ourselves... So, what exactly to do? The

rat spirit official twisted his beard: "In that case, do you remember the supremely handsome rat god who fell from the sky on the day of the great battle against the abyss?"

"I will never forget it in my life!" If you can see this God, you have no regrets in this life!

"Then let's just cover the image of that venerable god and shape it!" It can also be regarded as an expression of my reverence!

The four chiefs and patriarchs clapped their hands and praised: "Good, good, this method is good!" Just do it! At

the same time that they finalized the image of Zi Lingsheng, Wang Yi also returned to this world.

He put away the World Stone, rolled out of bed and walked out of the room, heading downstairs.

"Uncle Wu! Little fish! Come here! As

soon as he walked downstairs, he saw Uncle Wu coming out of the kitchen with a bucket of freshly prepared plasma.

The two looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

“...... I said this is the ketchup I just made, do you believe me?

"You take a bite and I'll believe it."

Uncle Wu's face was embarrassed, he dug a spoonful, trembled and put it to his mouth, but finally threw it back into the bucket with self-defeat.

"Xiao Yi! Don't stop me today! I just thought of a particularly shocking way to die! "

“...... Okay, I can leave you alone this time.

"It's useless for you to stop me, I'm already decided... Yes? You don't stop it?

"This time I'll let you perform art again." But! Wang Yi stared at him very seriously: "After we move to the family campus of the faculty and staff, you can't do the big work that affects the relationship between neighbors." "

Ah! Moving to a faculty family campus? There

was a sound of footsteps, and Xiao Yu'er hurriedly ran over when he heard the move, his little hand gesturing quickly.

[Why do you have to move again?] Is it far from here?

"Brother, I got a good grade, which is a benefit awarded to me by the school. The house in the staff family home is bigger, the yard is wider, and the environment is better!

It's not far away, and those dessert shops you like can also go. And nearby, there are more dessert shops.

Xiao Yu'er naturally jumped with joy, but Uncle Wu stared at Wang Yi's miserable white and tired face, his brows furrowed.

"Xiao Yi, is there anything wrong?"

"Huh? It's okay. Wang Yi laughed dryly twice and rubbed his cheeks: "It's just that the exam is more difficult, and it's just a little tired." Okay, don't call me for dinner tonight, I'll go to bed. The

reason why he was so anxious to recover his strength was because he was afraid that Wei Tong would take advantage of this opportunity to suddenly attack him.

Although he was not afraid of the other party at all with his own strength, that Wang Baeggan insulted the name of Shenzhou.

Then this duel is not a question of winning or not, but of having to abuse the other party in blood.

Therefore, he must nourish his spirit, and then fiercely kill the other party, leaving him with a psychological shadow that will never be forgotten!

Wang Yi turned around and went back to the upstairs bedroom, and Xiao Yuer jumped happily, and would also go to his room to pack up the package.

Only Uncle Wu stood in the kitchen, looking at the viscous plasma in the bucket, and his eyes gradually became cold.

"Could it be that the guys came to the door? It's really haunted... No, I have to find someone to inquire about! "

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