(The New Year chores are over, and the explosion is even more up!) Everyone don't raise books anymore, they will be raised to death. Huang Tuo collapsed and cried, give a five-star praise! A little more urge! Complain more! Please!

Ye Tong sat sideways next to Wang Yi and sighed faintly: "You know, the Protoss also has the troubles of the Protoss. Especially the large God Race, in order to compete for fame and fortune, the clan completely disregards any family affection and bloodline.

But most Protoss believe that fighting is inevitable and should not be suppressed.

After all, this kind of internal competition is conducive to the survival of the fittest within the clan. However, excessive competition will cause unnecessary internal friction.

So, they came up with a new method called family trials.

Wang Yi raised his eyebrows: "Trial? How about a trial?

"To say that it is a trial is actually to fight with rules and witnesses."

Ye Tong smiled bitterly: "The children of the same age and similar god level in the family have formed their own teams, fought against each other and eliminated each other, and finally eliminated the high ground.

The higher the ranking, the better the performance and the better the support received within the clan.

Wang Yi pondered: "Although it is a little cruel, it is not incomprehensible that the Protoss implements merit-based education for the overall development.

Ye Tong listened and shook his head constantly: "The original intention is good, but as time goes by, the family trial has been distorted and tasted.

The battle between the juniors of the family has become a disguised struggle between the branches of various factions.

The participating teams will always be crammed with some powerful helpers, and the trial has become a fight between helpers and helpers in the end, and the main lord is eliminated early.

Therefore, the winner is no longer a young talent, but a puppet supported by various factions.

Wang Yi scratched his head and asked puzzled: "Why fight a team battle, isn't a single challenge more reflective of a person's strength?"

Unexpectedly, Ye Tong shook his head: "This is to test the command ability of the trialist, after all, the struggle between the Protoss and the Protoss, the struggle between order and chaos, cannot be fought alone."

Moreover, some people also say that being able to invite masters is the power of networking and an important ability....

It's speechless!

Wang Yi looked at Ye Tong with a grin: "Is the Ye family like this?"

"There will always be some..." Ye Tong did not shy away from Wang Yi: "I am the leader of the last family trial, and there are probably four such faction puppets in the top ten, and two are the defeated children of the family who successfully counterattacked.

The remaining three are similar to me, their own strength and talent are okay, and there are a lot of resources inclined, and victory is inevitable.

Of course, in addition to the ten, there are also many eye-catching children, and they will also receive special treatment.

Wang Yi couldn't help but bow his head slightly: "This Billy is still very healthy... No wonder the Ye family is strong and deep-rooted.

Oh, that's not right. Now that you have completed the family trial..."

Ye Tong waved his hand again and again: "No, I don't want to ask you to help me, but to ask you to help my cousin." "


"Well, to be exact, it's my uncle's daughter."

Ye Tong gently pulled the hanging hair behind his ear and continued, "My mother is also from the Duan family, a large divine race under the Saint Luo God lineage.

My cousin's name is Duan Shiwen, and her father, my uncle, is the head of the Duan family.

But the situation of the Duan family is more complicated than that of the Ye family.

The family head led by my uncle is not very stable for various reasons. If Wenwen can't do well in this family trial, the situation will be even more critical.

Actually, my sister is very strong! If no one makes trouble, she must be the leader of this time in terms of strength.

But I heard that the largest opposition faction of the Duan family has spent a lot of money this time to invite several strong foreign aid from the first lineage, ready to work together to eliminate my sister in the early stage of the family trial.

So, I would like to ask you to help my sister and make sure she can get a good grade.

Rest assured, after the matter is completed, my uncle will have a heavy thanks!

Wang Yi rubbed his chin: "Thank you for nothing, just do a favor." But Senior Sister, I am a trainee god, and my strength is not outstanding.

Ranking or something, I don't dare to say big ... I'm all out, okay! Seeing

Wang Yi agree, Ye Tong's expression suddenly relaxed a lot: "Don't worry, there are rules for trials, whether it is a participant or a helper, the god level must be a trainee god."

Otherwise, I'll go with you and help Wenwen too."

As for the question of strength... I'm sure you'll be able to hold the scene!

Wang Yi laughed and patted his chest: "Since Senior Sister has said so, then I will no longer shirk."

Is there anything else I need to pay attention to?

Ye Tong thought and thought, and finally looked embarrassed: "It's just... That's it. You try to converge a little when the time comes. "

Converge a little? Why!

"Oh, just keep a low profile. After all, this is my sister's trial, if you behave too dazzlingly, won't it seem that she is very incompetent?

Wang Yi slapped his thigh: "I understand!" Isn't it to be a green leaf to set off the red flowers with hard work? Oops, I'm so good at it!

Ye Tong didn't say a word, but a sentence kept echoing in his mind - no, you're not! Definitely not!

"It is necessary to guarantee victory without being too high-profile... Well, it's a technical job. When

Wang Yi was thinking about strategy and tactics, he suddenly sensed that his family was calling him.

He looked back at the Phantom Divine Mirror, it turned out that the selection ceremony between the Heavenly Official and the Heavenly Mandate was over.

The congregation is the progression of believers. The priests, on the other hand, are the elites who hold positions in the congregation.

To a large extent, the quantity and quality of churches and priests can directly reflect the strength and vitality of a Holy See.

The ratio of congregation to believers, called "concentration of faith", is the criterion for judging the health of the gods' beliefs.

In general, the higher the concentration of faith, the stronger the Holy See. If the concentration is too low, there is a big problem.

But when the two looked at the outer sky in the mirror, they were stunned on the spot.

"Senior sister, I... Isn't the concentration a bit high?

Ye Tong grabbed Wang Yi's shoulder and shook it back and forth: "How so, what kind of monster are you?" Why is the conversion rate from believers to congregation 100%?

Is the concentration of your faith a bit high? You don't have a drop of water! O pure congregation! The

reason why Ye Tong was excited was very simple, there was not even an ordinary believer in the outer heavens, and one of them had all advanced to become a sect member.

If you use alcohol as a metaphor, it is 100% solid pure alcohol that is richer than the water of life at 96°!

Ye Tong's expression was strange: "Concentration is the key to the gods lighting the divine fire, if the concentration of faith is too low, even if the faith is fanatical, it will not ignite the divine fire."

But I feel that your situation can spontaneously combust at any time..."

"Don't worry, I will endure until your cousin is over."

Wang Yi clapped his hands: "It's okay, the concentration is too high, let's mix it with water!" My outer heavens will attract a large number of wandering marauders to invade, which is equivalent to pouring water and diluting it every day, so as not to get in the way....

Hey, what's going on, how come there are no marauders anymore?

Then who will send my population and resources! "

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