(A small reminder that the prototype of the Inca god is the Inca mythology of the American Indians, not the Indian Ha.) Inca

god lineage, which made Wang Yi can't help but think of Bai Wenyin.

Although she was already convinced that Bai Wenyin's true identity was a person from the Silver Moon God lineage, when she first approached her, she used the identity of the Inca God lineage.

After the crazy and vicious supplements of various elective courses in the past few days, Wang Yi already had a general understanding of most of the divine systems in this world.

The Inca god lineage, once related to the Mayan god line and the Aztec god lineage, is known as the three masters of the natural god side.

All three gods advocate the greatness of nature and emphasize harmonious coexistence with nature.

Although it is very good at reproduction, it is not highly aggressive and not aggressive, and in today's environment of gods fighting for hegemony, it gradually declines because it does not adapt to the version.

The Aztecs have perished, and the Inca system in the fourth sequence is also in danger. Only the Mayan god line, with its ability to divinate the future with one hand, barely retained its status as the third sequence.

Wang Yi was very surprised, he did not expect that the Inca gods who advocated nature would also be eroded by the abyss.

But when you think about it, it's easy to understand.

An honest god line that only likes to reproduce, is always bullied by other gods who like to attack and plunder, and it is inevitable that the desire to seek strength will breed. If you are not careful, you may go down the wrong path.

"Since it is sent to the door, then I will reluctantly accept it."

Wang Yi couldn't help but look at the holy angels and Valkyries who were clearing the land in the outer heavens.

Although they have now diluted their congregation, I believe that it will not be long before they will also become staunch congregations. By that time, it will be too late to replenish the dilution concentration of the population.

Wang Yi immediately picked up the hunting order from the inventory and started the clean-up task of the God Domain. Soon, this divine domain, which once belonged to a certain god of the Inca god lineage, was under the traction of the temple of the gods, bordering the Outer Heavenly God Domain.

In the mirror, above the border of the outer heavens, a void connection area appeared.

At the other end of the area, there is a strong abyss atmosphere. It seems that even if the gods have been sanctioned, the divine domain is almost polluted by the abyss.

Wang Yi couldn't help but shake his head, this level of abyss breath, ordinary dependents, if they don't have some divine power to protect their bodies, it is estimated that they will be directly infected and degraded when they enter.

A little carelessness invaded his original God Domain again, I am afraid that he will cause a commotion if he does not reach the fox.

No wonder those hunters like to kill the fallen gods and leave the God Domain behind. After all, for them, the bounty and military merit for killing the fallen god are the big heads, and the God Domain is quite chicken.

But in Wang Yi's eyes, these people just can't cook this delicious ingredient at all.

It's like in some countries in previous lives, all kinds of crayfish, hares, and even oysters can be flooded!

If it is left to the people in their hometown, it is a matter of how many - eat until there are a few left.

If you add words like medicinal and tonic, it becomes a matter of several levels - how many levels of endangered.

Therefore, these Fallen God God Domain, in Wang Yi's hands, are delicious ingredients. A little cooking is a superb delicacy that can make the child next door cry.

The point is, eat these deliciousness, and there are still people who pay subsidies and salaries to pay military merits!

It's over, people have to say thank you~!

Wang Yi was even a little embarrassed.

"Let me be Kangkang, who is better to send out this time?"

His gaze swept among the various tribes, and Wang Yi finally chose the Minotaur tribe.

For no other reason, Wang Yi wants to cultivate a low-key but not losing combat power team to participate in the family trial of Duan Shiwen, the Duan family's cousin.

The Minotaur looks honest and honest, and since joining the Dixia clan, this tribe has shown amazing farming talent, and each time the resource output has been firmly at the top of the list.

At the same time, the fighting power of the Minotaur is also very good. The incomparable muscles, thick-skinned defenses, and swift attacks were enough to prove that the Minotaur was definitely qualified to be a first-class combat class.

But these minotaurs are loyal and honest, not good at words and not very good at expressing themselves, and they are not conspicuous among the half-orc tribes.

But in addition to the rising sea reptiles, the rapidly developing rat people, and the werewolf tribe with the sword, the number of minotaurs is the most reassuring for Wang Yi.

In this competition, Wang Yi was ready to be a low-key person, so he took the Minotaur tribe to cultivate the fields in the rear and provide sufficient materials for the Duan family's cousin and others.

Fight and kill that kind of thing... What's fun about farming?

It just so happened that taking advantage of this time, Wang Yi was ready to exercise the Minotaur Clan and let them accumulate some practical combat experience.

With Wang Yi's order, the Minotaur tribe was jubilant.

After working hard for so long, I was finally chosen by the Savior and had the opportunity to continue to make meritorious achievements!

The Minotaurs quickly gathered an army of 1,000 people at the junction of the two realms, and then marched towards the enemy's God Domain.

As dependents in the destiny of heaven, the half-orcs knew that they could not fight unprepared.

Under the deployment of the Heavenly Master of the Heavenly Mandate Holy Hall, the heavenly officials of all races will contribute a large number of charms to arm the crusading army of the Minotaur tribe.

The Voldemort Hall even dispatched half of the Dao soldiers and stationed behind the Minotaur army. In case after the rout of the front line, it was driven straight by the enemy.

After everything was ready, the Minotaur army blatantly passed the junction of the two realms, like a horned knife, straight into the enemy's God Domain.

It seemed that he felt the invasion of the enemy, and the divine source qi in the entire enemy god domain seemed to have found an exit, and suddenly rushed towards the Dixia Raiding Army.

However, every minotaur in the army lit up with five-colored brilliance. It was the shelter from the ancestral spirit, the Five Saints Dewei.

The extremely arrogant abyss aura instantly melted in front of the five-colored brilliance, and the remaining abyss aura was directly rolled back, and a large area was cleared out in a blink of an eye.

"Sure enough!"

Wang Yi was happy in his eyes, his prediction was correct, this degree of abyss breath, can only be taken by himself.

"Don't rush, don't be proud, fight steadily, victory is in sight!"

With Wang Yi's oracle issued, the Minotaur army immediately began to camp in place, and then began their crazy infrastructure journey.

They first built some small temples of the Mandate of Heaven on the periphery of the station, and dispersed the abyss qi with the five-color brilliance emitted by the temple.

Then, around the temple, build a temporary garrison station, in which the minotaurs can garrison, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

When the station is repaired, they will build a small fortress next to it, and the cultivation of fertile land outside the workshop will begin.

The fortress is equipped with various workshops, which make it easy for the Minotaur to manufacture all kinds of materials and tools they need.

The fertile land outside the fortress can provide a certain amount of food supplies for the bullhead people, achieving self-sufficiency.

After this fortress is almost repaired, they will leave a small group of people to garrison, and the large army will use this fortress as a bridgehead to continue to penetrate deeper into the enemy's God Domain, and then repeat the work just now...

In Wang Yi's perspective, he saw more than a dozen 'root systems' extending out from the main fortress, encroaching on the enemy's God Domain little by little, constantly expelling the abyss qi!

And as the Minotaur deepened, the dependents infected by the Abyss Qi began to appear in groups, and then rushed towards the Minotaur and their fortress group.

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