When everything was ready and the two sides opened the Battle God Domain, the entire activity room fell silent.

At this time, the audience is not only the beauties of the extreme survival challenge club, but also several surrounding clubs have come to join in the heat. The club room has been expanded again and again, almost reaching the upper limit of authority.

The decisive battle area this time is frozen ice soil, which is extremely cold and the ground is hard as a rock.

The two sides of the challenge are divided between two small basins, and the sunken terrain can slightly block the wind and snow, which can be regarded as the last gentleness in the extreme natural disaster.

The portal of teleportation opened, and the initial fifty dependents of both sides stepped into the Decisive Battle God Domain.

"Okay, we see that the families of both sides have entered the arena. Senior Sister Irene sent the elf squad that we are familiar with, while her opponent Wang Yi sent fifty... Minotaurs? The

three girls on the commentary stage stared seriously at the public viewing perspective: "This race, in the extreme survival arena, rarely appears.

Another girl quickly answered: "Indeed, as far as I know, the minotaur does not have much outstanding points in survival, perhaps Wang Yi has his own considerations."

Speaking of which, we want to introduce it to other students who do not know about extreme survival competitions.

In the race for survival, the choice of dependents is extremely important. We don't discriminate against any dependents, but in some dependents they don't have the ultimate ability to survive"

Indeed, just like the ace vice president of our society, Irene, her dependents elves, is a famous natural darling.

Strong survivability, special affinity for plants and nature, can adapt to various extreme environments.

At the same time, both the ability to work and the ability to fight are superior.

The guests on the side also sighed: "It seems that from the very beginning, in the choice of the dependents, it has been able to distinguish the winner and the loser." I don't know how long he can hold out..." However

, to everyone's expectation, when the Minotaur came to this cold and freezing environment, he was not as busy as they expected.

They began to divide the labor in an orderly manner, some began to build shelters, some began to collect supplies, some minotaurs began to drill wood for fire, and built simple wind protection measures to protect the fire.

In the blink of an eye, they had already established themselves in the basin.

In another basin, Erin's elves are releasing natural magic in a corner of the basin, creating shelters by cultivating hard-tolerant plants.

In terms of progress, it turned out to be slower than that of the minotaurs who worked purely manually.

"Hey, it seems that Wang Yi's minotaur has two brushes!"

"It should have undergone special intensive training, and the minotaur has thick skin and meat, and it has an advantage in severe cold weather."

After gaining a foothold, both sides entered the labor phase. Only by gathering enough materials can we exchange for a larger population or an action point for the gods.

However, this environment, let alone sowing. With such a hard frozen soil, a hoe down is likely to break the mouth of the tiger.

The elves are very intelligent, they collect the seeds of hardy plants, and then find suitable areas to cultivate.

Because the plants themselves are hardy, coupled with the catalysis of elven magic, they soon have the first harvests. They cycled so that the tribe was on the right track.

The Minotaurs, on the other hand, are more unpretentious, constantly building new windbreak bonfires and gradually raising the temperature around them.

Heated stones are then placed on the ground to relieve the hardness of the frozen soil.

It didn't take long for them to reclaim a small plot of cultivated land. It's just that they grow crops, not plants that are more hardy.

"Failure... Failure! The commentator on the commentary stage sighed: "This is a common mistake made by novices.

I thought that the yield of crops was high, but I did not consider that in this extreme environment, it is difficult for crops to survive, and even if they survive, they will inevitably reduce yield.

Tossing for half a day, it is not as high as the yield of cold plants planted by Senior Sister Erin's elves.

Another commentator also hurriedly spoke: "By the way, to the audience friends who don't know, in order to speed up the pace of the game, the Duel God Domain has been applied to the time divine technique, and the plants here grow and decay extremely quickly."

It takes less than ten minutes for an annual crop to go from sowing to maturity.

Otherwise, if a game is played for several days, everyone will not have to do anything. The

reality is that the crops planted by the Minotaur grew rapidly, only a few survived, and bore fruit with difficulty.

However, the Minotaur tribe was not flustered at all, apparently mentally prepared for this.

They collected the seeds of the crop, and all but a small amount were sown again.

The seeds grow again with difficulty, and small parts blossom and bear fruit. The minotaurs still treat high-quality individuals as seeds, and the rest as rations, and continue a new round of sowing.

The female commentator on the commentary stage suddenly slapped the table: "I understand, Wang Yi's family is breeding on merit." I didn't expect to see such a rare survival technique!

"So it turned out that they wanted to manually select more hardy plants, go through many rounds of cultivation, and finally select individuals with high yields and hardiness!"

Have ideas! And so far, good execution! The

guest next to him looked dazed: "Two, I don't quite understand, why did they throw the ashes made of straw on the cultivated land again?" The

female interpreter observed: "You have observed very carefully, this is also a rare cultivation wisdom."

After the crops are harvested, the straw becomes a combustible material for heating. After special treatment, the burned ash can be used as fertilizer to nourish the land.

The land cannot be fertile all the time, but this method of cultivation can go a long way towards preventing the cultivated land from becoming barren.

It's a double win.

I didn't expect that this Wang Yi really had two brushes.

Another female commentator was also amazed: "It's too stable, this man's family is too stable." From the beginning of their stepping on this frozen soil, they did not waste a little manpower and material resources, let alone a little time.

Everything we do, it's the best choice. The methods used are the lowest consumption but the most efficient!

You see, the amount of arable land they have cultivated is already five times that of the elves.

And if this trend continues, it will only be more.

Once there is more arable land, the speed of merit-based breeding will become faster and faster. When they found the hard-resistant plant they wanted, the cold external conditions could no longer threaten their food.

The speed of producing materials is also much higher than that of the elves...

Oh! If there is an audience member who wants to speak, please say!

The girl in the crowd stood up: "You are paying too much attention to the situation of the cultivated land, look at the other locations, look at the buildings of the Minotaurs."

They have built a strange complex in the middle of the basin!

It feels like with that kind of complex, they've won half of it. After

listening to it, the three people on the commentary stage quickly signaled the director on the side. The latter also moved the main perspective and set his sights on the other end of the cultivated land.

In an instant, a thick building steaming with heat appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Everyone present was stunned: "This is... When did it appear? "

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