In front of everyone, so clearly, at such a high volume, so many viewers.

The minotaur stood on a high place, constantly praising the great Savior, the supreme destiny.

And what is success, how to succeed, why is success, etc., impassionedly output to the snow monsters.

It reveals the infinite enthusiasm and admiration for the Lord of Destiny, praising him like a flower.

At the same time, it is also an output to everyone off the screen.

Wang Yi stood awkwardly against the wall, reducing his sense of existence as much as possible.

"Taishe is dead..." Feeling

everyone's gaze cast over, Wang Yi turned his head with a dry smile, arguing with insufficient confidence.

"This... I didn't teach it. Although

everyone did not speak, their faces were full of disbelief.

"At least I didn't let him praise me so much."

"Okay, let's watch the game!"

The words of the commentary pulled everyone back to the picture on the field.

But at the same time, the words of the minotaur just now have been echoing in their minds, making people can't help but chew repeatedly.

Except for the exaggerated to crazy praise, the part about success and dreams... It's not entirely unreasonable.

"Look, look!" The female commentator excitedly took the hand of her companion: "The minotaur actually tamed the snow monster!"

"How is this possible!"

"No, no, no!" The guests obviously had a different understanding: "In my opinion, it seems that the mission has succeeded."

"How is it possible, the snow monster's IQ is very low, no different from a beast, and it does not have the conditions to become a dependent."

The guest pondered: "Maybe he just did something..." Another

female commentator struggled to break free from her companion's excited hand: "What an unexpected development!" Wang Yi's dependents of the minotaurs not only quietly set traps, but also the labor unit still has good combat effectiveness.

They easily subdued the snow monster and incorporated it into their ranks.

You know, the population increased by this behavior is not subject to the upper limit!

Nowadays, Wang Yi's side not only has a demographic advantage, but also has a group of labor that is not affected by cold weather!

What will he do next? "

Well, now everyone's focus is no longer on the issue of the victory or defeat of the two people, but on what shocking commotion Wang Yi can show next."

Then Wang Yi's minotaurs did not live up to everyone's expectations.

After the population swelled to more than 300 people, the speed of work of the bullhead people increased by leaps and bounds.

They turned into a combination of infrastructure madness and reclamation madness, and it didn't take long to fill the entire basin.

The furnace room in the middle has undergone several technical iterations and has become a behemoth capable of transporting heat to the entire basin.

Its operation mode has changed from the initial burning of wood straw to the gas after the secondary fermentation treatment of burning straw.

The area closest to the furnace tower was so hot that the houses had to be demolished and replaced with workshops with high heat requirements.

Everyone saw this situation, and the scalp was numb in shock.

"Strange, aren't we looking at extreme survival? How do you feel, they want to make a big civilization within this temporary challenge God Domain!

"Hey, hey, are you still trying to survive?" Have you ever seen such a survival? Have you ever seen a hot, sweaty survivor in an extremely cold and frozen environment?

"They plant flowers on their balcony!" It's quite fun!

"What flower?" That's the flower of vegetables, and they grow vegetables.

"This kind ... This kind of basic can already declare the game over. He didn't regard the other side as an opponent, but really took the wilderness to save lives.

No, it's fighting, fighting this calamity, fighting with the world that wants to kill him!

And, it seems that the fight was won?

Too...... It's amazing! Seeing

that the audience's evaluation of Wang Yi was so high, some girls of the extreme survival club couldn't sit still, and they all opened their mouths to support their vice president.

"Is our vice president's style of play orthodox? He is an evil way, and occasionally he is lucky to succeed.

"It's just, it should be this map that he happens to be very good at." Change to a desert god domain, it is estimated that he will be eliminated in minutes.

"Now his basin is stuffed and the population is still so large." I see, what does he do next! As

the supplies were filled, Wang Yi launched the sacrifice again and obtained eight more opportunities to act.

Without hesitation, he chose to raise the population ceiling, and the number of minotaurs in the entire competition suddenly reached seven hundred.

Coupled with the snow monsters that were intermittently subdued, the population is close to a thousand grand views.

As some people say, a small basin cannot accommodate a thousand people. If you continue to stay, everyone will go downhill together.

At this time, five mixed brigades composed of minotaurs and snow monsters appeared.

They came out of the basin and headed in different directions, trying to find new places to live.

Three of the teams failed, while the remaining two teams found two more suitable areas for development.

At this moment, the whole camp became lively.

A large number of materials and personnel were continuously transported out of the basin, accelerating the development of the two new camps.

At the same time, exploration in other directions has not stopped.

They already had enough conditions for a comfortable life, but they still resolutely walked into the wind and snow.

To survive! For development! For hope! To live well and not to live!

And to say no to this world that has brought calamity!

Seeing this, all the people were in awe of these minotaurs.

They look embarrassed to survive in the midst of disasters, but their perseverance to survive is handsome!

Is it all worth it?

Worth! Certainly worth it!

An anthem to mankind is a hymn to courage!

What could be more courageous than saying no to a natural disaster?

Looking at the indomitable figure in the wind and snow, feeling the envious and admiring eyes of others, Wang Yi suddenly straightened his chest and proudly said those words.

"This! It's Di Xia! Compared

with Wang Yi, who has infinite scenery, Erin at this moment is livid.

Erin was also taken aback, and found that she really underestimated the other party.

Although the whole game process, his own operation and the performance of his family are perfect, there is no mistake at all.

But the strength of the opposite side is not at all the same magnitude as himself!

Oops, really going to lose. I'm going to lose my adults!

The thought of seeing this hateful man in the future made me squat on the ground with this earlobe and sing the song of humiliation that was conquered.

Erin thought! Just think! I feel indescribably hot!

Well! It must be too boring! Certain!

No, you can't sit still!

Erin glanced at her resource count, brazenly launched the sacrifice, and instantly reached three activity points.

"Lift, population ceiling!"

But this time, all she summoned were heavily armed female elven warriors.

"Boy, you are very strong, but you are too arrogant and too pure. You know, in the face of disaster, human nature and morality are luxuries.

You don't summon a single combat unit, do you really think that I won't rob you of your resources?

Your camp is good, but the next moment it's mine!

All combat units! Offensive!

Wang Yi looked at Erin, who was forced into a corner, and couldn't help but cast a pitying gaze.

"Self-inflicted sins..."

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