
I'm going to see it next.

Of course, it was those super rice 5.0 that Zhu Houzhao let Zhang Yong plant earlier.

This kind of strong rice, even in the northern climate, can achieve an amazing double ripening a year.

Now, six months have passed.

According to the folds that Zhang Yong reports from time to time, those rices are also growing gratifyingly, and many of them are already bearing ears of rice, or even close to maturity.

And the terrifying amount of hanging fruit naturally startled Zhang Yong.

If he hadn't dared to let others get close to the rice fields that His Majesty personally planted, he was afraid that the appearance of immortal fields on the outskirts of Kyoto would have spread throughout Kyoto long ago.

"Your Majesty, it's here."

Outside Long Chen, Qian Ning's voice came.

Zhu Houzhao slowly walked out of the dragon and looked around.

At this time he was on the hillside.

And below the hillside, there are patches of good paddy fields.

This is where Zhang Yong grows super rice.

"The number of Super Rice 5.0 I got from the chat group is actually not much."

"There are only a thousand rice seedlings, and a thousand rice ears."

"On average, there are 1,000 grains of rice on an ear, but it takes more time for this rice to regenerate, and now you can only look at the 1,000 rice seedlings."

How many rice seedlings are there in a thousand?

People who have not farmed may not have this concept.

According to ordinary rice, a thousand rice seedlings can almost fill half of the land (ten acres).

But Super Rice is different after all.

To be able to grow a thousand grains of rice on an ear of rice, it is naturally a thick rice stalk.

Therefore, a thousand rice seedlings need three points of land to plant.

But despite the need for three points.

It can be placed in this endless paddy field, which is still not very conspicuous.

"Your Majesty, I don't know why the ministers are here."

An old minister stepped down from the carriage.

Looking at these paddy fields, he asked puzzled.

Long Zhan was in front, the carriage was behind, and behind it were countless young ministers who came on foot.

Although the old ministers all came in a carriage.

But the carriage was bumpy.

It is not easy to come all the way from the palace to the outskirts of the capital.

"Naturally, for you to see."

"The future heritage of my Ming Dynasty."

Zhu Houzhao smiled.

Even now that he has the power of all parties in his hands, he has said a thousand words above the court.

But the human heart is unpredictable.

I want these ministers to do things wholeheartedly.

You can't rely on oppression alone!

That's why he suddenly started the morning dynasty today.

Take out the artillery phalanx, in addition to showing national strength.

There is also a very important part.

It is to send a signal to these ministers.

Daming, invincible!

And he, Zhu Houzhao, as the Emperor of Daming, is the founder of this prosperous era!

You ministers.

Don't be careful in private!

If you assist well, you will definitely be able to leave a name in history in the future.

Leave a name in history!

Such a great temptation,

There are few of the Wen Chen martial generals who can endure!?

And now bring them here.

It's the same thing!

Big sticks and radishes have always been one of Zhu Houzhao's habits of the way of His Majesty.

"You see, that pinch of rice seems to be a little different from the others!"

A sharp-eyed minister suddenly exclaimed.

Although it is all green, the handful of rice ears is obviously much higher.

"It's true."

The rest of the crowd also found out.

Suddenly, a man in coarse cloth was running towards them.

Everyone couldn't help but wonder.

Wait until the man approaches

Only then did he realize that this person looked familiar.

"Zhang, Grandfather Zhang?"

Someone recognized it.

Everyone's faces suddenly changed.

There are surprises, there are displeasures, there are doubts, and so on.

Zhang Yong, the great eunuch,

It would be here....


"Master, you are here."

Zhang Yong ignored the others and just ran to Zhu Houzhao with a sneer.

"You're dressed up..."

"The things that the master explains, the slave naturally has to do it herself." 、

Zhang Yong said respectfully.

"Hahaha, count you have a heart."

Zhu Houzhao smiled.

Although he knew that Zhang Yong was flattering.

But being able to do this for the sake of flattery should naturally be rewarded.

"If you want to reopen the West Factory, in the future, you will go and become a West Factory official."

The West Factory was a special agency built by Zhu Jianshen in the thirteenth year of Chenghua.

Together with East Factory and Jinyiwei, it is called 'Factory Guard'.

If Jinyiwei is responsible for intelligence and supervision work, the East Factory is responsible for prison work.

Then the West Factory is a combination of the two.

However, not long after the construction of the West Factory, it was abolished in the third year of Koji.

Zhu Houzhao also reopened the West Factory in the first year of Zhengde.

However, Zhengde was forced to abolish it in five years.

Right now.

The West Plant was finally able to reopen again.

And it will never again be forced to close down due to the persecution of civilian forces.

"Master Xie!"

"The slave must live up to the master's expectations!"

When Zhang Yong heard this, his expression instantly became ecstatic!

The dark spots and calluses on the hands that have been sunburned in the past five months are completely unconcerned now!

He never expected that planting rice seedlings for his son would receive such a huge reward.


In his heart, he couldn't wait to die for Zhu Houzhao!

"Guys, let's go and see this ear of rice specially planted by the West Factory."

Zhu Houzhao said with a smile at the ministers.

Many old ministers, you look at me and I look at you, and in the end, they can only follow silently.

These old courtiers naturally had contact with the West Factory, and their cruelty was even greater than that of the East Factory.

I thought it would be gone if it was abolished.

I didn't expect it to be rebuilt now.

But now, they don't dare to say anything more.

It's useless to say it.

Maybe he will be hated by this West Factory Gong.

"Your Majesty, isn't there something wonderful about this ear of rice that is higher than other rice?"

Zhang Xuan asked suspiciously.

He didn't feel much about the East Factory and the West Factory.

After all, he can achieve the position of Shoufu.

He's not stupid.

Any institution or department in the court is fake.

Only the emperor.

It's true!

As long as you follow the footsteps of the emperor at all times, it is absolutely safe.

"If you look closely, you will understand."

Zhu Hou was concise and concise.

Zhang Xuan blinked and looked over with wide eyes.

Wait until you see it clearly

Suddenly, the pupils widened.

"These extra ones are not rice leaves, they are rice ears?!"

Zhang Xuan was a little confused.

He wondered if he had read it wrong.

But after everyone came to the edge of the paddy field, they could see it extremely clearly.

Zhang Xuan leaned down.

Staring at these results is a terrifying number of rice seedlings.

He was a little incredulous.

"Grandfather Zhang, are these the rice that His Majesty asked you to plant?"

The huge ear of rice almost bent the thick rice seedling stalk.

Even if you are blind.

You can also ask about the scent of rice blossoms.

This is....


Just kidding?!

He suspected that his mother-in-law's hair was not as much as the rice on this ear!!


PS: The protagonist's 5.0 version of Super Rice is five thousand catties per acre, and Zhu Yuanzhang's 3.0 version is three thousand catties per acre, not the same kind.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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