All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2948: Full load

I already have one of the Egmoto Ball, and that's it. Shen Long let go of the first artifact he saw, and then stared at the monument of life.

This piece of equipment comes from the continent of Atlantis on the earth. On it, complex methods of biological evolution are depicted. As long as it follows the method shown, any one can evolve to a higher state, and it will follow. That is to say, genius IQ and endless power. If Shen Long is ambitious, then using the monument of life can create countless superheroes.

But forget it. It's not fun to have so many superheroes in the real world. Just look at the chaos between the Marvel world and the DC world.

However, you can study the evolution of species on your own planet, using the power of the monument of life, plus Doraemon's evolutionary degradation light, it must be very interesting.

I copied the monument of life with a copy mirror, then put it into the portable space, and looked at the next treasure. This time, Shen Long saw the universe cube with space gems inside. He chose to ignore it. The space gems already have them. No need for a second one.

The next thing I see is the eternal fire. In the movie, the goddess of death, Hela, uses the eternal fire to resurrect the dead groups that have been silent for a long time, and the flame giant Sulter needs eternal fire to resurrect, so this fire There may be eternal power in it.

Shen Long still copied it and returned it to his portable space. Then he saw the Ice Treasure Box. With this thing, he won’t be afraid of heat in summer. Well, if you use the Ice Treasure Box, the Frost Giant will cry in anger, then use this Let’s freeze out the north and south poles on the planet that belongs to me, and then we can raise polar bears and penguins inside, which is quite interesting.

Of course, the Gun of Eternity is indispensable. This weapon made of Ulu Metal and the branches of the World Tree Uktrashir is the strongest weapon in Asgard, stronger than Thor’s Hammer and Storm Axe. In his heyday, Odin once conquered the Nine Realms with Kungunir, the eternal spear.

And he resisted the attacks of terrifying enemies one after another. In the comics, he fought against cosmic powers such as Thanos, Planet Devourer, etc., and he did not lose sight of it.

Shen Long, the infinite glove next to him, didn’t bother to bother, and when he went to look at other things, there seemed to be nothing that he could catch his eye on. Unfortunately, Odin’s eight-legged steed didn’t know where it went, otherwise it would be pretty good interesting.

In the movie "Thor 1", the young and arrogant Thor was unconvinced by the Frost Giant's destruction of his becoming a king, so he privately led the Three Warriors of the Immortal Palace and Sieve to the territory of the Frost Giant, trying to teach and warn the Frost Giant family No more invading Asgard, but outnumbered, Saul and others, who are full of arrogance and confidence, are stuck in Jotunheim.

Just at the very moment, Odin rode an exclusive mount, an eight-legged steed, to negotiate, frightened the Frost Giants and brought back the trapped Thor.

This horse is called Slepnis. In Norse mythology, Slepnis is a white horse with eight legs. Odin rode it to conquer the nine realms. This eight-legged horse is not only You can cross the sky and even enter the underworld. If you bring it back to your own planet, you can take a ride and take a stroll.

Should be in the stable? Not to fall together with Odin, so Shen Long searched in the fairy palace. The structure of Asgard is not much different from the western castle. Shen Long quickly found the place and saw the eight-legged horse. Slipnis, it's a pity now that Slipnis is very old and can't seem to run.

But it doesn't matter, as long as there is a gene, whether it is the real gemstone or the gene technology of the sound nest organization, it can replicate a younger eight-legged horse.

So Shen Long stepped forward and secretly plucked a few Slipnis' hairs, put them in a test tube and stored them, stuffed them into his personal space, and then he was about to leave.

But when he came out, Hela happened to see Hela and the newly resurrected flame giant Sulter fighting on the land of Asgard, while Sol, Loki, Heimdall, the Hulk, and Valkyrie were carrying The refugees in Asgard fled to the spaceship and tried to leave Asgard before the dusk of the gods descended.

"These swords all look good!" Shen Long's gaze fell on the weapons they used. Hela's sword of the night sky can be copied infinitely, and its lethality is extremely high. Thor will be under this sword. If you are injured, you have to copy it; Heimdall’s Rainbow Sword has a certain spatial ability, and it can transport people, but it must not be let go.

The sword of twilight, also known as the sword of destruction, the sword of doom, and the sword of flame, is made of an unknown metal; the sword of twilight has magic power and can control mysterious energy. Break dimensional barriers, counter the power of Odin, make the residents of Asgard lose immunity, etc. When the Sword of Twilight is combined with the Eternal Fire, Surtel's ability will rise to an extremely terrifying level.

Now he was hanging Hela with this sword, and Shen Long took out the copy mirror and took the photo as usual, and copied his Twilight Sword into his portable space.

Hey, I don't know how it would react to spray the Twilight Sword with the Ice Treasure Box? I really want to try it! I don't know whether the ice chest froze the Twilight Sword, and the Twilight Sword melted the ice chest.

Alright, everything that needs to be packed is almost done. End the mission and go home? Shen Long was about to leave, and suddenly saw another very interesting is the flying horse that the Valkyrie rides. In Norse mythology, the Valkyrie is also called Valkyrie. They come from the king of the earth. Daughters, or Odin's own daughters, or virgin warriors chosen by the gods to serve the gods, they give a beautiful kiss to the dead on the battlefield and lead them to the Hall of Valor.

They wore golden or silver helmets decorated with feathers or bird wings, and blood-red tight-fitting battle robes, holding luminous spears and shields, and riding small, delicate, winged white horses.

There are no winged horses on the earth, so I have to take a few back. Shen Long plucked a few horse hairs as usual, then reluctantly left Asgard and returned to the real world.

In the real world, I can finally take out the good things installed in the portable space, six infinite gems and infinite gloves, the Egmoto ball, the monument of life, the eternal fire, the sword of twilight, and the sword of the night sky. , Rainbow Sword, Ice Treasure Box, plus those horsehair.

This time I have gained a lot, and it is definitely a rewarding experience.

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