All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2950: Pegasus

It seems that my hunch is very effective! I guessed that the system was about to be upgraded before. Now I have just completed the task and received a message. The upgrade gave me a pocket space last time. I don’t know what it will give me this time. Can you return to all the worlds that I have done before? Even the world of non-permanent tasks?

If this is the case, Arya can also go back to Westeros to see his family. Let's hold a wedding there at that time, and the real-world wedding will be held later.

By the way, I can treat Blanche’s leg and make him stand up again, so that he doesn’t have to continue to sit in a wheelchair, and by the way, he can inherit the position of Duke of Winterfell, but it’s just that the three fools should be unhappy, she is I really want to be a heroine, but that's okay, the big deal is I will help her build a country on the opposite continent of Essos.

As the saying goes, sister-in-law...oh no, it’s the older sister-in-law’s **** that has half the size of her brother-in-law. Since you are sister Arya, it’s not a big deal to help you grab a piece of territory; Lan didn't necessarily have this idea, he might still be addicted to the world of the three-eyed crow.

Hey, I just don’t know how long to wait for the system upgrade. If it takes too long, I’m probably going to find it boring, but fortunately, this planet has just begun to transform, and there are many interesting things waiting for me to do.

Shen Long went back to the sound nest organization to stand in space, entered the cloning laboratory, took out the horse hair of the Asgard Pegasus from the space, and started the cloning experiment. DNA was first extracted and then copied to breed embryos. Then the embryos are sent to the incubator for cultivation, and the advanced technology of sound nest tissue is used to accelerate the growth.

It didn't take long for the embryo to take shape, and a small, winged horse appeared in the glass incubation cabin, which looked very beautiful.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" Arya's voice came from behind. In fact, Shen Long had discovered it a long time ago, but when she came in, her eyes fell on the horse, so Shen Long didn't bother.

"Yes, I also think it is very beautiful and suitable for you. This is a gift I brought you, do you like it?" Shen Long pulled her onto his lap and sat down.

"Looking at this horse for being so beautiful, I forgive you for not taking me out this time!" Arya is now used to Shen Long running around, as long as he comes back to see if there is any change and how much It is enough to show any strange abilities, or bring back some strange items. The little flying horses in the training room undoubtedly prove this.

"This mission is too dangerous, I may not be able to protect you!" Infinite Gems is still very scary, and Shen Long does not want her to be harmed.

"Which one do you like?" Shen Long pointed to the Pegasus in the training room, "If you want, you can ride them freely in the air in a while!"

Although Shen Long had a somersault cloud and taught Arya how to fly, the feeling of flying in a somersault cloud and flying on a pegasus is still very different.

"I want that one!" Arya said, pointing to the horse with the most beautiful coat. With such a horse, hunting is undoubtedly more convenient. Of course, she still won't abandon the coward and ride a horse. Running on the ground and flying in the air each have their own advantages, and she doesn't want to give up either.

And she has been raising cowards for a long time, and she has cultivated feelings for a long time. "Then you pick one, don’t let them grow up in a hurry for the rest. I want to raise them slowly, just like raising cowards before. By the way, what kind of stable do you use for this kind of flying horse? Can you keep them together with the coward? Will they fight?" Arya said.

"The stables should be no different." Shen Long recalled the stables he had seen when he was in Asgard. "Fights are definitely not possible. I will teach them well." If it doesn't work, just eat some Momotaro rice balls. Ensure that they are more obedient than anyone else.

"Then I'll choose this one!" Shen Long also picked one, and then began to accelerate growth. After a while, these two flying horses were already as tall as the coward and the yellow cockroach. Ma is still the same.

After releasing them all from the training room, the two adult flying horses looked around curiously, while those little horses that were only as high as Shen Long's knee came over and rubbed his legs, looking very cute.

"Let's transport them back to the stables first, the horses need to live in a natural environment!" Arya opened any door and took the horses back to the stables in Winterfell.

"Coward, Huang Jiao, look, I brought you new partners here, you are not allowed to bully them." Arya greeted them, then led the horse into the stable.

"Silver!" The coward and Huang Chipi neighed hello, and at the same time looked curiously at the wings of Pegasus. What's the matter? They don't understand.

The Pegasus looked at them curiously, why don't these guys who look like they have wings? How do they fly?

The breeding of these flying horses is no different from that of ordinary horses. After feeding the concentrate and salt water, the pony is left in the stable, and the intelligent robot can take care of it. Shen Long and Arya bring two adult flying horses and The coward and Huang call out for a walk.

When I came to the wilderness, I rode Huang Chiba and watched the two flying horses flash their wings. The instinct engraved in their genes made them quickly learn to fly. Then they fell from the air and rubbed against Shen Long's hand~www. seems to want him to ride.

Shen Long installed the saddles just prepared for the two flying horses, and then rode them up with Arya. The flying horses flashed their wings and flew up, and the coward and Huang Chi, reluctant to show their weakness, chased them from the ground.

"Look, there are bears over there! We can eat bear paws for dinner!" Condescending and overlooking is convenient, Shen Long saw the prey in the forest at a glance.

"It's mine, you are not allowed to grab it!" Arya has never experienced the feeling of hunting on the back of a flying horse. She immediately drew her longbow, bent the bow and shot the arrow, and aimed at the black bear condescendingly.

This hapless black bear didn't even know that he had a disaster, still licking the honey happily, and swished past. The white crescent in the middle of the black bear's chest, the black bear shook, and fell to the ground with a puff.

"Go, let's bring the prey back!" Arya patted the horse. The white Pegasus swooped and flew towards the black bear. Back then, the Valkyrie also liked hunting, and this skill was also carved into their genes.

In a short while, Pegasus came back with a black bear.

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