All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 473: Save Da Song!

"Since the great ancestor Chen Qiaobing changed his robes, and in the second year of Jingkang, there were nine emperors in the Northern Song Dynasty, enjoying the country for 167 years." Shen Long continued. The humiliation is no less than that of the Wuhu chaos, the women in Kaifeng city range from the princess to the concubine, to the ordinary people, and are taken away by the Jurchens. The humiliation is countless.

"Shen Daochang! Is this true?" Wang Anshi and his son heard the words burst into tears and the tears fell like rain. They didn't expect that the Song Dynasty would be so useless and shameful.

"Since the dynasty of the ancient dynasty, there are those who are tragic and those who are humiliated, but it is really rare to be ashamed and ashamed like Da Song; But the two emperors were still alive and well. They were dubbed as Dug Duke and Chou Hao by the Golden Kingdom, and they died in the northeast ice and snow for eight years and nineteen years. They did not know that Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Kuangyi saw him. The descendants of his are actually this kind of virtue, I do n’t know what it will be! "From the tone of voice, Shen Long is quite indifferent to the Second Emperor Huiqin.

The other side commented on the official family of the Song Dynasty. According to the truth, Wang Anshi and his son, as the courtiers of the Song Dynasty, should desperately refute it. But after listening to the words just now, the two of them were embarrassed to say this.

After their emotions calmed down a little bit, the picture on the wall changed again. The area of ​​the Great Song was reduced by nearly half, and the words Southern Song appeared on the map. "But at this time, the Great Song has not yet been completely destroyed. To survive the crisis, the horses crossed south, and the capital was set in Yingtian Mansion in Nanjing; Jin Guo withdrew his troops from Kaifeng Mansion and established Zhang Bangchang as the Emperor of Chu.

"Since then, the Bazi Army started to fight against the gold in the north, and the Northern Song Dynasty also carried out the northern expedition. It was commanded by anti-Gold generals such as Zong Ze, Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, and Wu Yue, and once defeated the coalition forces of the pseudo-Qi Liu Yujun and Jin Guo on both sides of the Yellow River."

Fake it, why is it gone? Wang Anshi and his son were a little puzzled, but Shen Long did not say that, it is probably because this little thing is not worth mentioning.

"Some people say that there are no generals in the Northern Song Dynasty and no phases in the Southern Song Dynasty". There are few famous generals in the Northern Song Dynasty. But in the Southern Song Dynasty, they were famous. Yue Fei, Han Shizhong and others repeatedly defeated the army of the Golden Kingdom. Yue Fei defeated the main force of the Golden Army in Zhuxian Town. Seeing that Kaifeng's recovery is imminent, it is a pity that Zhao Gou is afraid that after defeating Jin Guo, Yue Fei will win back Emperor Huiqin and affect his emperor's throne, so he has issued twelve gold medals to recall Yue Fei, and he will negotiate with Jin Guo; The crime of 'Mo Xuyou' killed Yue Fei and his son. "

"There is no one who has ever come from the Bad Great Wall." The picture on the wall changed again, and a tomb appeared, with four people kneeling in front of the tomb. "This is the Yue Temple by the West Lake. There was Qin Hui who made injustice before that. The kneeling statues of Wang, Wang, Wanzeng, and Zhang Jun, the descendants have clouds, 'Qingshan has the honour to bury the loyal bones, and the white iron innocent casts his ministers'. In my opinion, it is possible to add a kneeling statue of Zhao Go here. "

"Oh, by the way, I just forgot to say that hundreds of years later, many people blamed Jiefu on the collapse of the Jingkang Movement and the Northern Song Dynasty. Is the general reason that Jiefu set off the party and government and ruined the government? Cai Jing, who leads Lian Jin to attack Liao, is the new party. If it were not for him, the Northern Song Dynasty would not end like this. "Shen Long turned to look at Wang Anshi.

Do I have the wrong idea to get rid of the Song Dynasty's bad governance? Wang Anshi's black face was white when he brushed it, his eyes were dazzling, and his body shivered.

"Hundreds of years later, the historians have a new view on this matter. If it were not for Jiefu ’s efforts to reform and renew his life for the Song Dynasty, maybe the Song Dynasty would not be able to persevere even during Jingkang years; , Even with the joint defense of the Liao Kingdom against the Golden State, can you do it with the military power of the Song Dynasty? Do n’t blame other countries for coping with your own military weakness! "Wang Anshi's face recovered a trace of blood after hearing Shen Long's words .

"Let me continue. For more than a hundred years after Jingkang, Mongolia has risen in Mobei and repeatedly defeated the Golden State. At this time, Song Song remembered the old method and tried to unite Mongolia to destroy the Golden State. In the same year, the country sent troops to the south. After decades of war, it finally destroyed the Southern Song Dynasty in Yashan. One hundred thousand scholars died in the sea and the 153th year of the Southern Song Dynasty ended. "

"The Song Shilu I gave Jiefu last time seems to have the record of Yan Shenggong? When the Southern Song Dynasty had not yet perished, Yan Shenggong at that time was invested in the Yuan Dynasty established by the Mongols. In Central Plains, Yan Shenggong bowed down and bowed, this is the family that is respected by all the scholars in the world! "

When Shen Long spoke, most of the land on the map to the north was dyed red representing Mongolian Yuan. "Mengyuan is the cruelest and most powerful conqueror in history. They occupied an unprecedented vast land, but ruled the country. There is no way to cruelly squeeze the people, and divide the domestic people into the Mongols, the Semen, the Hans and the Nans. The Nans are the people of the Song Dynasty. According to the law, the Mongolians kill a Han or the Nans. Pay for a donkey, and the scholars in Mongolian Yuan have become lower-ranked, one official, two officials, three monks, four Dao, five doctors, six workers, seven hunting, eight people, nine Confucians, ten beggars, are better than beggars. Just a little. "

This time Wang Anshi and his son's face was even whiter, but they were all serious scholars who were above the various classes in the Song Dynasty ~ ~ I didn't expect Mengyuan to be the bottom.

"In the last generation, the uprisings continued everywhere, and the Yuan Dynasty was only a hundred years old, and there was Huai Youbuyi Zhu Yuanzhang, who drove Meng Yuan out of the Central Plains, restored the old Chinese land, and achieved the imperial **** as a beggar in the district. In the past dynasties, no one who has won the country has a right that Zhu Yuanzhang has! "

It stands to reason that Wang Anshi and his son should be happy when they heard the restoration of China's Jiangshan Mountains, but they couldn't be happier when they saw the smiling smile on Shen Long's face.

No way, who let their founding father Zhao Kuangyin of the Song Dynasty succeed in usurping the throne by bullying the widows and children. To speak of the country's righteousness, Song may be ranked in the countdown in the dynasties.

"Okay, let's talk about it today. You don't have to listen to what happened afterwards!" Shen Long turned off the picture, turned on the lights again, and the light in the room was restored.

The lights were on, and the clothes on Wang Anshi's father and son's chest had been soaked in tears, and his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. It was really shocked by the information that Shen Long just revealed.

Suddenly, his father and son seriously kneeled towards Shen Long, "Shen Dao, please save Da Song!"

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