All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 633: Head south

"Hey, it's cold if you don't eat!" Shen Long handed the chicken leg forward again. The aroma of the chicken leg made Arya unable to swallow her mouth and she was very interested in what she said just now. , So I took the chicken leg and ate it.

"So, who the **** are you? Why do you know so much?" After licking the chicken legs, Arya asked, especially Bran, who thought Bran and Rickon were both burned to death by Sean Greyjoy. Too.

"I'm just a traveler from afar, coming from a very far place, as for how I know all this, temporarily kept secret, but I believe that Bran has seen you." Far away, and there is still a heart tree in the noble heart, Bran can see many things with the help of the heart tree.

"Very far away? Erzos, Yaxia or farther away? You look like the legendary foreigners." Arya guessed that the foreigner was located on the east side of Quels, the prototype may be It ’s China. People here wear monkey hats and believe in the night lion. In ancient times, the power of Yidi Tianzi was known as one of the most powerful overlords in the world. The army ’s scale is unimaginable and its wealth is comparable to the prosperous Valeria The empire and the imperial palace are larger than the entire Junlin city.

In Yidi, there are also legends of strange ghosts. The Pearl Emperor of the Dawn Empire ordered the construction of five huge fortresses called five bases to resist the devil of the night lion, and the devil of the night lion is likely to be different. ghost.

"No, no, I'm not from Yidi." Hey, the Chinese call the foreigners Yiyi in history. I didn't expect Martin to turn it around. "I'm from a farther place, but I know many Things on the Strom continent, such as how Bran escaped from the Great Wall and returned to Lindong City; I also know who Jon Snow ’s parents were and how he recaptured Lindong City; I I also know how Sansa grew up ... I know more about what you experienced in the Black and White House and how you retaliated against the Frey family. "

"I also know that you plan to return to Lindong City now, but I have to remind you that there is nothing wrong with wanting to be reunited with your family early, but it is undeniable that this is by no means a good choice, and you will certainly regret why you did not come early Go south to the King's Landing and solve Cersei. "Otherwise, Arya will not make such a wish for herself?

Arya is now full of doubts and uneasiness. Her experience in the Black and White House is known only to Jia Kun. Where did this mysterious person know in front of her? Also, Ned Stark has always assumed that Jon is his illegitimate child. Did his father lie? Who is Jon ’s real parents, and Ned would like to be stigmatized to protect this secret?

"Why?" Arya asked.

"Because Winter City is still relatively safe, although Little Finger is also in Winter City, Bran and Sansa have the ability to protect themselves; the presence of Cersei will pose a huge threat to Jon and Winter City. Shen Long said, using a burning wooden stick to draw a simple map of Westeros on the ground.

Then he pointed to Longshidao and said, "Now Jon and Longton Davis are going to meet Queen Daenerys and ask to cooperate with her to resist the attack of alien ghosts, Danieli Si Gang came to Longshi Island from the mainland of Esos, and has now formed alliances with Dorn, Gao Ting, and the Iron Islands, and Cersei is their common opponent. "

The stick also pointed to the King's Landing City. "Now Cersei has contacted Yoren-Grayjoy in the Iron Islands. Yoren's fleet has ambushed Yarra-Grayjoy's fleet. Iron Islands and Dorn have suffered heavy losses. Mu Gang led the army to attack Gao Ting. Earl Talley of Jiaoling had already surrendered to Cersei, and Mrs. Olena would soon fail. "

"Most of the troops in Junlin City have been sent out now. If you do not take this opportunity to kill Cersei, it will be troublesome if you want to solve her in the future." Yoron will also bring Cersei a gold team later.

"You can go back to Wintertown now and get reunited with Sansa and Bran earlier, but in the future the Stark family will inevitably pay a huge price for it." The lack of Lannister family strength will make the Stark family in In the same night, King Wang suffered heavy losses, and when he attacked Junlin City, they also lost a lot of troops.

"Why are you telling me this?" Aaliyah's mind is a little confused now, and she desperately wants to return to Lindong City earlier, but she is afraid that Shen Long said it all true. If so, she should be killed first. Xi.

"You just think I hate Cersei as well." Shen Long shrugged. "Magic Mountain, Cersei and Yilin-Pine are all in Junlin City now. Don't you want to write off their names on the list earlier? ? If you want, I think I can help you. "

"If you do n’t believe me, we can go to Ben Liucheng. Your uncle Ed Mu-Tuli has regained control of Ben Liucheng? Maybe we can go to him and let his bachelor send out a raven to ask Lin Dongcheng And Longshidao ~ ~ See if it is as I said. "Speaking of here, Shen Long thought of the possibility of Arya passing through the knees.

That was when she killed a member of the Frey family, she rescued Edmund Tully, who was under the control of the Frey family, and then escorted him back to the rushing city, which just happened to pass the knees.

To return to Lindong City from here, pass Luanhe City, the gray water of the Li De family, and Carlin Bay. The road is very far away, and to go to Benliu City, you only need to go west and walk through the stack of knees. The distance is It's much closer, it doesn't take much effort to get on the horse, and it will be there soon.

Arya is not a noble lady who knows nothing. From Shen Long ’s words, she can feel the situation facing the Stark family. If Cersei solves the high court and Dorn, then there is no south of Beijing. Edmund Tully can't count on anyone who can resist her.

In addition to the strange ghosts in the north, the Stark family is likely to be completely destroyed under the attack of Cersei and the strange ghosts. The thought of these Arya began to shake, "So, where should I go to find you when I come back from the rushing city ? "

"I'm waiting for you in the town of Earl Harlow, and you can find me wherever you go." Shen Long replied.

Arya quickly re-mounted and headed south, Shen Long also got up and walked slowly there, stopped in the town of Count Harlow, bought a horse, and quietly waited for Arya's arrival.

A few days later, Arya appeared, and the two said a few words. The information obtained through the raven confirmed Shen Long's claim. Arya and Shen Long embarked on a journey to the south.

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