All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 801: Is this lore?

"Now there are still 15 minutes left in the game. Although the score is three to three, it is very bad for the Chinese team! Except for the European force, all the Chinese team members are showing fatigue. It is very difficult to maintain the physical strength of these 15 minutes, let alone overtime! "Zhang Bing said in a grim tone.

"The miracle against the Brazilian team in the semi-finals is difficult to repeat again. After entering overtime, the German team will definitely guard against the European attack. The same trick can only be used once. The German team will not be fooled." Zhang The guidance echoed, "Now the only chance for the Chinese team is to solve the battle within 90 minutes!"

Will the German team give the Chinese team such a chance? Waller began to make substitutions again. He replaced Flins with Sieg. Although Frings could continue to insist, his speed was weakened. He was replaced by a new force, Sieg, and continued to entangle European forces, defeating the German team. The chance of being reduced to a minimum, Waller showed his steady side.

Milutinovic also made adjustments immediately. He replaced Zhang Datou with Du Wei, and Zhang Datou's physical strength could not be withstood. He was replaced by a new force to continue to strengthen the defense.

"Du Wei is still a young teenager, appearing on such an important stage, it is also a huge test for his psychological quality." This substitution makes Zhang Bing worry, and the national fans also think the same.

Shen Long realized this, and he stepped forward to hug Du Wei ’s shoulders and shouted out loudly, “Little Du! Do n’t be afraid, look into my eyes! The German team is no big deal, Klose, Bierjo Husband is not terrible, just play your usual level, and there will be Fan, Li and me to fill your seats behind! "

When speaking, he used the technique of "Driving Soul Dafa" in the "Nine Yin Zhen Jing". In his words, Du Wei gradually calmed down and said calmly, "O Ge, rest assured, I won't delay Your hind legs! "

Shen Long is equivalent to adding a positive energy BUFF to Du Wei, clearing his negative emotions, so that he can be more focused and calm game without being intimidated by this big scene.

Du Wei stood in front of General Fan and Big Head Li, preparing for the first wave of shock, and the German team also noticed this. The veteran Bierhofer patted Zig on the shoulder and pointed to Du Wei. " See? No, the little guy is only 20 years old. This age is too young for the central defender, and then we will attack him with all our strength. "

"Understood!" Klose nodded gaspingly, and this game was also a severe test for him. Until the game, his physical exertion is also very serious. The other party replaced him with a young central defender. It's a good thing.

"The Chinese team's player reserve is really bad!" Seeing this scene, Waller smiled and the German team was very well prepared. Even for young substitutes like Du Wei, they also collected enough Data, both the coaching staff and the players know Du Wei's details.

"Yeah, there will be a 20-year-old center defender in the World Cup finals. Who can think of it?" A genius like Maldini, he was already 21 years old when he played the World Cup, and he is still a full-back It is not a central defender. A 20-year-old striker may appear in the World Cup finals, but a 20-year-old central defender is rare.

"I hope this young guy will not be overwhelmed by pressure!" Waller began to sympathize with Du Wei, and he appeared in the most important game in the world. His pressure can be imagined. If something goes wrong, maybe he There will be problems in his career, neither he nor the fans of the Chinese team will forgive him.

Fans from all over the world, including the Chinese team, expressed puzzlement about the substitution, but Du Wei's performance surprised the big guy. He behaved very calmly on the field, not like a 20-year-old.

He was not psychologically disturbed at all, no matter whether it was a header or a card position, every choice was extremely calm and correct, as if this game is not a World Cup final, but an ordinary warm-up game.

The German team originally wanted to pick up a soft persimmon, but unexpectedly it hit a solid wall. The technical level and physical fitness of Erhof and Klose are much better than Du Wei, and his experience is also richer than him. Countless times, but at this time in the game, both of them had some physical problems. Du Wei took advantage of this weakness and pulled into the gap between them.

"Psychological quality is very good central defender, maybe our club can use him!" Just a few minutes, Du Wei attracted the attention of many scouts. For a central defender, there is nothing like a big heart and Calmness is more important.

Sieg received a pass from his teammate again, cut a few steps into the middle of the wing, and led away the Chinese side defensive player, then distributed the ball to Schneider on the wing. Schneider immediately passed the bottom.

"Mine!" Klose quickly moved a few steps ~ ~ and was ready to jump for the header. Unexpectedly, Du Wei got stuck on his route and pushed the pass out.

"Oge!" Du Wei also shouted loudly that his header was not just for the clearance, he even planned a chance for the Chinese team to counterattack, just push the ball towards Shen Long.

"Good shot!" Shen Long responded, suddenly turned around the ball in front of him, and flicked the ball to the left with his back. This trick took Jeremys by surprise, he didn't expect to play like this at all. It was easy to get rid of Shen Long.

"Hoo ~~" The fans at the scene exclaimed, they were shocked by the flash of Shenlong's genius, and they all stood up and looked at Shen Long. Perhaps this is another good opportunity.

President this trick works! Shen Long praised the president in his heart, and then waited for the ball to land. He was also a Ronaldinho-style ball picker who got rid of Bowman who hurried over.

Sieg has just returned to the side and the assists have not returned. Now the German team's three midfielders have been rid of Shen Long. A rare gap appeared in front of him. He immediately strode the ball and rushed forward.

The German players were desperately chasing back. The Bode on the side blocked the pass from Olli to Qubo. Ramello blocked Dayang. Link and Metzeld were stuck in tandem. On the way forward for Ouli, Kahn roared and commanded the defensive formation in the penalty area, ready to meet the challenge of Ouli again.

"This may be the last chance for the Chinese team in this game. Can Ouli stage another lore again?" Zhang Bing held his breath and stared at the field.

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