All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 4 Initial establishment of cooperative relationship


Marshal Sterk took two steps and pressed a button with a slap.

In an instant, the door to the control room was locked, and the monitoring equipment was automatically shut down.

"This matter cannot be spread outside. Everyone present must sign a confidentiality agreement before leaving." He said resolutely.

The dozen or so scientific research and technical personnel who were still in a state of confusion and horror were silent and could only nod subconsciously.

Sterk turned sideways and asked in Chen Sheng's ear, "Are you sure it's not a hacker intrusion?"

Chen Sheng shook his head, "No, the source of the information is indeed Baofeng Chihong itself, and it has not been interfered by the outside world. Although we are no longer a regular army, our talents and equipment are world-class. It is absolutely impossible to hack into Baofeng Chihong's system unless ~"

"Unless what?" Sterk asked.

"Unless the other party's technology is much higher than ours, but as far as I know, Broken Dome has gathered peak resources from various countries in various fields." Chen Sheng's meaning was very clear. The problem lies with the mecha itself.

Sterk, who has a tough and decisive style, no longer pursues the question, but goes straight to the point and faces Baofeng Chihong, who is Chu Xin.

"Who are you?"

This is undoubtedly a stupid question, just like asking seriously whether the stationary refrigerator at home is cold or not.

But no one felt funny at this moment, and they were all waiting for the answer seriously.


The sound of electricity resounded in the room.

In the blink of an eye, the text on a dozen screens changed: "Don't ask meaningless questions. It's a waste of the precious time you humans have left."

Sterk frowned slightly and remained silent.

A large string of words appeared, as if iron nails were driven into people's eyes.

"The fate of mankind has entered a countdown, and the end of the world is coming. Their vanguards are roaring, preparing to face an even greater wave of terror."

"The monsters that humans have fought against for many years, the monsters that have devastated the earth, are just a variety of bullets made by the pioneer clan. As many as they want can be quickly produced through extremely developed biological factories. The three-level and four-level cities known today are They are just insignificant cannon fodder. As long as they are willing, level five, six, seven, and even level 10 monsters can be sent to the earth."

"As for why they didn't do that, it's because the Earth is only one of their attack targets. They cast a wide net in the universe and are at war with multiple civilizations every moment, but the Earth is not at all in their eyes."

"If you have any questions, you can ask. This is our goodwill."

Chu Xin stopped the interrogation, sorted out the information he knew, and also paid attention to everyone's microexpressions.


Silence may mean being in a daze or thinking, and the high-level intellectuals present certainly belong to the latter.

Their brains gradually passed the blank period of shock and began to seriously consider a series of contents that Chu Xin said.

Although it sounds like science fiction at first, but combined with the already outrageous reality, the two seem to be in perfect agreement, and the ins and outs are explained clearly.

"You said, don't communicate with the monster's brain. Do you mean the operation of a mecha pilot?" Chen Sheng asked.

"Yes, the monster is a technological product of the Pioneer clan, and the brain is an important part that records countless memory fragments. It can directly connect with the Pioneer's consciousness, but don't forget that the neural connection is two-way, and each party will peek into the other's memory." Chu Xin replied.

"But what lunatic would do such a thing as synesthesia with a monster's brain? Not afraid of being overwhelmed by the brain capacity of those pioneer aliens?" someone asked with a smile.

Dr. Herman, who happened to be here, shrugged and said, "Probably, Newton would do such crazy things. His obsession with monsters has gone crazy. Oh, of course, I'm just saying, he is still quite measured, so he should." He won't really do it, and besides, he may not be able to think of such a bad idea as communicating with a monster's brain."

"If Newton has this trend, report it to me immediately." Steck told Herman.

He pondered for a moment and asked three questions in succession, "Where are you from? Why do you want to help us? After receiving your kindness, what do we need to pay?"

This old fox is so cautious~

Chu Xin calmly thought about it in his mind and understood that it would be useless to talk more at this time, so he replied in an orderly manner: "The universe is vast and boundless, civilization is like a sky full of stars, and the Pioneer clan has many enemies. We will not condone their large-scale interstellar colonization. As for the price, you just need to cooperate with me fully."

Half true and half false, true and false, it can be described as serious nonsense.

It was this half-covered and mysterious gesture that frightened more than a dozen people into stunned silence, and even Sterk was gradually convinced.

"It turned out to be another advanced alien civilization rushing to help~" Herman said to himself.

"It's become interesting. The universe is really more magical than science fiction movies." Another person said with emotion.

"You have all seen my sincerity, what about you?" Chu Xin asked.

Everyone looked at Sterk.

Sterk looked deeply into Chu Xin's huge camera eyes, "I will fully cooperate with you and meet all reasonable requirements."

"You made a right decision for mankind." Chu Xin stopped communicating with them and remained mysterious no matter how many dozen people asked him.

Seeing Baofeng Chihong extinguish the lights, Sterk turned around and said seriously, "Nothing today will be revealed. Your names will automatically enter the confidentiality agreement. This cooperation is codenamed... Chihong."

Half an hour later, the agreement was hastily concluded.

Everyone dispersed, only Chen Sheng was still sitting in the chair, looking at Baofeng Chihong with a complex expression.

On the interface of his mobile phone, there is a message sent by Steck: Use your team to deeply detect the situation of Storm Red, and be sure to determine whether an alien civilization has arrived or someone is playing tricks behind the scenes.

There were only two people in the aisle.

Asako Mori whispered, "Do we really want to trust it, him?"

"It's better to believe that there is something than to believe that it doesn't exist. One thing he said is right. Human beings today have no extra choices," Sterk replied. "Storm Red is right under our noses. What he did Since I can’t hide it, establishing a cooperative relationship with him will have no impact.”

Sterk asked rhetorically, "How is the progress of the Rangers?"

"It's going very well. We will be able to enter the battlefield in three months," Asako Mori asked with a little expectation, "Just a driver?"

"Don't worry about it, I have arrangements." After Sterk finished speaking, he strode away.

Chu Xin still looked down at the base and did not do any childish or foolish behavior.

To live a new life, even though you are not a human being, you still have to cherish the opportunity, right?

As for why there is a drama about extraterrestrial civilization, the reason couldn’t be simpler.

He is now like a boxer competing in the ring and needs a lot of logistical help, such as maintenance and upgrades, energy supplies, etc.

The key is to obtain the first line of information from the Shattered Dome in order to reach the place where the monster is as quickly as possible. After all, it is just a 70-meter-tall mecha, not an omniscient and omnipotent god. Simply moving long distances quickly is a problem. It can't withstand a nuclear bomb either.

So no matter from which point of view, it is wisest for Chu Xin to cooperate with the mecha troops with simple and clear goals. It can not only ensure the maximum benefit, but also not be coveted by some illegal organizations.

It's just that he played a hand with poor information, revealed and answered questions that have puzzled mankind for many years, and changed himself from a passive party to an active party.

If you don't make your character more mysterious and taller, how can you convince suspicious humans?

Of course, Chu Xin did not tell everything at once, but retained some of the most important information as follow-up cards.

"It seems that mechas are not that easy to play."

Traveling into Storm Red, to be honest, the situation is very embarrassing. Many problems will be encountered sooner or later. It is better to "confess" earlier. This is the only way Chu Xin can think of at the moment.

If he follows the rules step by step and doesn't make any changes, then the outcome waiting for him will most likely be death by being shot in the head by a tailed rat.

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