All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 51 The killing has just begun (two in one, please read it)


The energy shock waves, nuclear radiation, electromagnetic pulses and other substances generated by nuclear explosions spread rapidly.

Chu Xin and the others retreated behind the huge rock, and there was a layer of vague fluorescence floating on the surface of the body. This was the isolation shield technology to prevent nuclear explosions from causing damage to electronic components.

Fortunately, they were about five kilometers away from there and were not within the direct killing range. At most, they were only blowing hot wind, and they did not care about the nuclear radiation that was fatal to flesh and blood creatures.

The benefits of mechanical ascension are now revealed. If Luo Li and the others were allowed to drive it themselves, they would probably have died several times.

The rumbling sound like the earth was shattering lasted for a long time, and the terrifying sound of dozens of nuclear bombs bursting out at the same time was comparable to the end of the world.

As a monster of flesh and blood, 90% of it evaporated instantly in the tens of millions of degrees of heat.

Most of the fifth-level monsters also had their skin torn apart after a painful struggle, and were completely melted layer by layer by the flames.

Only a few dozen level five monsters were still "dancing" in the explosion, digging into the ground and crawling into the mountain to escape.

It can be seen from their appearance and body shape that they may not have outstanding combat power, but they must be of a type with extremely strong defense and super thick blood.

But these were not one, two, or four or five nuclear bombs. A total of twenty-eight nuclear bombs were detonated simultaneously on the top of the ridge. Although the tonnage of each bomb was not very large in order to ensure the maneuverability of the mecha, the number was really scary.

If a firecracker is set on fire in your pocket, you won’t panic. What if a whole string of red robes is wrapped around your neck?

Therefore, under the baptism of the nuclear explosion, the few level five monsters gradually stopped moving, their flesh and skin were burned to nothingness, and the ferocious skeletons with great visual impact were frozen, showing a posture of escaping from death. The despair of their lives.


I don’t know how much time has passed, but the sky has turned pitch black.

Mushroom clouds covered the sky and the sun, and large amounts of ash and dust were flying everywhere, making the already harsh environment even worse.


Chu Xin, who leaned out, was heartbroken.

In his extremely distant vision, there was a vaguely round luminous point in the gray sky that looked like hell.

"That's it?" Sterk and others also noticed.

"That guy is still alive!" Quan Jin said in disbelief.


On the mountain opposite, spots of light suddenly bloomed, dispersing the surrounding smoke.

Only a blue light shield with a diameter of 100 meters was revealed, and what was wrapped inside was the Cardinal Pioneer and the sixth-level flying monster at its feet.

But at this moment, both the master and the servant looked down at the monster graveyard at their feet in shock.

One second he was the leader of the army, and in the blink of an eye he became the polished commander. The strong sense of gap and substitution made the two of them feel a chill down their spines.


A large number of dense cracks appeared in the scepter in the cardinal's hand, and then it exploded into a puddle of debris, and the blue defensive shield also dissipated.

It was obviously the scepters containing unknown technological power that allowed them to survive the nuclear explosion, but also completely destroyed them.


It looked at Chu Xin and the others in shock and anger, and at the same time it was a little confused.

Because there are too many planets invaded by the Pioneer clan, and the Earth is just an insignificant small civilization among them. It is a noble cardinal, how can it pay special attention to the Earth? Even if one of their wormhole outposts was blown up three years ago, it should be something that the pioneer engineers should be worried about, and they would never be reported to its ears.

Moreover, the Cardinal had just learned that another wormhole outpost of his own had been bulldozed by the same civilization. He didn't even know how it was destroyed, and he knew nothing about nuclear bombs, a specialty of the earth.

It thought that those small metals should not be weak, but it did not expect that the power would be so powerful!


The cardinal took a deep breath and tried to calm down, but the long-term arrogance made it full of rage, and it wanted to immediately drive the monster to tear the red robot into pieces.

As for nuclear radiation, it has no negative impact on it. After all, the pioneers like extremely harsh environments. Their bodies cannot adapt to good air and water quality, otherwise they would have occupied the earth long ago.

"Follow me!"

As Chu Xin spoke, he jetted into the air and led the army of mechas to rush down the hillside, cross the valley and climb the ridge at full speed.

But the cardinal dared not stand there waiting for death, so he quickly controlled the monster to turn around and run away.

Even though they are each three or four meters tall and look like evil wizards who have harmed the universe, they are actually just carbon-based life forms with special constitutions. Apart from having a higher IQ per capita, they still cannot withstand a bullet.

Chu Xin was hanging in the air. The moment he looked around, his heart sank slightly, but his mood became happy unconsciously.

It seems that a fierce battle is inevitable~

It seems that the proficiency is expected to increase to 100%~

The distance of the route becomes 0 meters and gradually disappears, indicating that the wormhole control room below is what you are looking for.

On the endless plain, there is a sunken semicircle, which is about the size of a thousand football fields.

In the extremely abrupt pit, there are countless rock buildings with complicated structures, like palaces combined to form an entire city full of alien beauty, a combination of science fiction and barbarism.

There is a magical and epic giant tower in the middle, a thousand meters high, emitting blue electric light, connecting a twisted space.

Wormhole control room!

A large number of pioneers stayed on the streets, all with frightened expressions on their faces, looking up at the ever-present black and gray sky.

At the edge, monsters looked like city wall guards, surrounding the city, so many that they were too numerous to count.

The reason why the inside was not razed to the ground by the nuclear bomb was due to the blue protective cover rising in the air.

The blue light was indestructible, not even a wisp of smoke penetrated, and it ignored the successive bombings of more than twenty nuclear bombs.

However, this was within Chu Xin's expectation. After all, they were an alien civilization that had been developing for countless years. Although their style was a bit primitive and unorthodox, the technology was still countless times more advanced than humans.

"There's a door there, jump in from there."

Chu Xin's eyes were like those of a falcon. Following the Cardinal's back, he discovered that on the ground directly in front, a three-hundred-meter-high opening was opened in the defensive cover, and thousands of pioneer troops were leading the monsters to rush out.

Among them are hundreds of flying monsters of different levels, swooping in and attacking in a black mass.

"According to the plan, we will cover you." Sterk said decisively.

The fierce battle started instantly.

Both sides, whose numbers were in sharp contrast, launched a fearless charge.

Bang bang bang!

Before the mecha arrived, cannonballs were fired one after another, forming an airtight fire network in all directions, forming a buffer zone between the beasts and the beasts.

But it only lasted two minutes, and the ammunition reserves of the drone armor and mecha hunters gradually bottomed out.

No need to remind them, they all "bayonets" one after another.

"Change formation." Chu Xin commanded calmly.

More than two hundred mechas immediately changed from a square to an acute triangle, and Chu Xin was in the middle and forward position, guarded in the safest area.

Facing the overwhelming enemy lineup, even if he could ignore the attacks of level six monsters, Chu Xin was unwilling to act rashly before blowing up the wormhole central control room. This was mainly because there were too many monsters and it was easy to get entangled and unable to do so. Escape, and then more changes occur.

There is no rush for proficiency for the time being, everything is focused on the overall situation.


The triangular phalanx bravely crashed into the beast tide.

With just one encounter, the more than twenty cutting-edge unmanned aerial vehicles were crushed, but several level three monsters were also taken away.

At the same time, the flying monsters also came overhead, fighting like eagles catching chickens.

Flesh and blood, machinery splashing!

Chain swords, electric whips, and plasma cannons emerge in endlessly, and drones or monsters are constantly being swallowed by the meat grinder called war, becoming the cornerstone of the road ahead.

In just ten minutes, it seemed like a century. There were less than a hundred drone armors left out of more than two hundred, and the mecha hunters also officially participated in the battle.

The combat power they unleash is indeed dozens of times more powerful than the pilot's control. Even fourth-generation mechas can compete with fifth-level monsters for several rounds, and then cooperate with fifth-generation mechas to kill them.


A level five monster pulled out the head of a fourth-generation mecha hunter and punched the internal structure.

This was the first mecha hunter to die, and his consciousness was transmitted back to the earth's consciousness tower at the moment the machine was completely damaged.


Quan Jin sent out a fierce uppercut, and then fired the plasma scattering cannon into the mouth of this level five monster, three times in a row!

They were indeed taught by Chu Xin, and the frightening fighting styles of the master and apprentice were exactly the same.

"Speed ​​up, the beast tide behind is flowing back, we are surrounded!" Sterk shouted.

The triangular square formation is like a pointed cone inserted into a sandbag. As it advances deeper and the firepower is insufficient, the monsters squeezed out on both sides will rush to the center at the same time, outflanking Chu Xin and others, not to mention there are special Tricky flying monster.

Boom boom~

The situation was extremely chaotic, and many mecha hunters were quickly engulfed by the beast tide, and then were torn into pieces.

Fortunately, there are still about three thousand meters to the entrance.


Chu Xin's left hand grabbed the void.

The Flame Falcon unsheathes.

He saw the right moment and launched himself into the air through a gap in a large group of flying monsters. When he emerged from the siege, he was still holding the headless corpses of two flying monsters in his hands.

Without hesitation, he dived and crashed into the beast wave in front of him, plowing a road full of flesh and mud on the earth with his weight of 10,000 tons.

With a quick and easy move of the knife, no matter whether it was level 4 or 5, each monster's head was decapitated accurately, like a hatchet cutting wheat, and large pieces fell down suddenly.

Without retreating even a bit, without changing the direction even a little bit, Chu Xin directly opened a beast-free area of ​​more than a thousand meters long for Steck and the others!

He used the words "steady" and "wave" to the extreme. When it should be stable, it would look like a sleeping turtle that has been sleeping for ten thousand years, while when it should be, the waves would be as fast as the wind and as fierce as thunder.


"Haw! (Tear it up)"

The Cardinal Pioneer patted the flying monster next to him and motioned it to deal with Chu Xin, who was only two kilometers away.


The only Level 6 creature on the field, it flapped three pairs of spiked wings and carried a bloated body of nearly 10,000 tons.

It raised its ferocious head like a tyrannosaurus and charged towards Chu Xin.

Both are moving very fast, two thousand meters in the blink of an eye.


The brutal collision between the two sides caused a huge earthquake, and the battle below was also sluggish. Many monsters looked up in shock.

They didn't expect that someone would dare to confront their big brother head-on.

Sixth-level monsters can only be created with the genes of cardinal-level pioneers, and they are not at the same level as other monsters.


The sixth-level monster bared its teeth and claws to greet Chu Xin frantically, looking as violent as a glutton that had been hungry for thousands of years.

But it was limited to this, any damage it could cause would not leave a wound on Chu Xin.

Just when it realized something was wrong, Chu Xin had already grabbed the back of its neck, just like picking up a crazy wild cat.

Immediately afterwards, under the gaze of a pair of shocked and frightened eyes, Yan Falcon drew two blue crescents, causing the sixth-level monster to lose all its wings.


The rotating blade effortlessly broke through the armor, severed its main artery, and continued to cut into it. In the blue blood splattering all over the sky, Chu Xin brutally beheaded it in public.


Listening to the death wails from the level six monsters, the beast crowd went crazy, and the pioneers in the city were also subconsciously terrified.

Looking at the mechanical giant that could kill people and kill Buddhas, the Cardinal Pioneer was dumbfounded. He had countless greetings and concerns in his heart and wanted to exchange his heartfelt feelings with Chu Xin.

You completely ignored the attacks of level 6 monsters, and you could kill a level 5 monster with one knife, and easily killed a level 6 monster. How on earth could you hold back for so long just now!

Without saying a word, it evacuated into the city under the protection of the escort and signaled that the entrance and exit should be closed.

"You two go quickly, we will break up the queen!"

Quan Jin and the remaining eight mecha hunters stopped moving forward, but turned around to face the rampaging beast tide.

"See you on Earth, brothers."

Quan Jin glanced back at Chu Xin and Sterk, and then activated the detonation authority of all nuclear bombs.

Among the mecha wreckage scattered on the battlefield, there were many nuclear bombs left behind. In addition, the nine carried by the nine of them were enough to send away the beast wave in one wave.

But we need to race against time~

"catch me!"

Chu Xin sprayed at high speed, and on the way he picked up Sterk, who was also running at full speed.

Bang bang~

The color of the flame changes, and the nozzle has a glass texture.

Boom boom~

It was less than three hundred meters away from the ever-shrinking entrance.

Chu Xin raised his hand and fired a long-distance cannon of judgment.



The stable plasma ball hits the target, destroying the internal stable structure and releasing extremely unstable and violent energy. The closing speed of the entrance to the defense cover is also slowed down by two seconds.

Taking advantage of this critical moment, Chu Xin and Sterk rushed in under the horrified eyes of countless pioneers.

As soon as the front foot enters, the entrance completely disappears.


Seeing this scene, Quan Jin detonated all the nuclear bombs with joy.

The rolling flames hit the defensive shield, and the violent explosion made the world tremble, but it did not really penetrate.

"The last step." Chu Xin said to Sterk.

"Okay!" Sterk shouted back.

Both of them set their sights on the spire in the center of the city.

Chu Xin continued to fly Steck at high speed, always above the wormhole central control tower.

"Goodbye beast!"

As Sterk said, the mechanical structure of his right arm suddenly closed into a tip, and then the entire forearm fell off, turning into a cannonball and falling straight down.

Not a nuclear bomb, but an earth-penetrating bomb.

The pioneers in the city all changed their faces in shock, while the cardinal looked ferocious, but there was nothing he could do about it.


The ground-penetrating bomb hit the top of the tower, penetrated all the way down to the bottom, and penetrated the ground before causing an explosion.

When the tower's rocky surface shattered, the interior of disgusting flesh and blood intertwined with unknown metals was revealed.


Shock waves swept in all directions, and each pioneer was hit by debris and died suddenly.

The light disappeared from the Cardinal's eyes as he stared sadly at the collapsed wormhole control tower.


The defensive cover also faded away, and the smoke from the nuclear explosion quickly flooded the streets and alleys.

"My energy has been exhausted, and it's time to go back. It's an honor to meet you and fight together." Sterk dropped his limbs feebly, and the light on his body went out.

He took the initiative to separate his consciousness from this mechanical body.

"Goodbye." Chu Xin whispered to himself.


Suddenly, the flesh-and-blood membrane at the highest point in the sky cracked, and roars came from it one after another.

There is no doubt that it is the pioneer reinforcements!

Chu Xin, who was hanging in mid-air, turned around, looked at the army of monsters emerging from the wormhole, and swung the sword flower with the flame falcon.

"The killing has just begun~"

This kind of coherent plot is not suitable to be divided into two chapters, so the two chapters are combined into one, and the word count is more than 4,400.

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