All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 70 The Alien Queen Being Taught (2-in-1)

Scar raised his spear and picked up a terrifying black and shiny creature.

It did not die immediately. It was still flailing its limbs and cutting off its tail. It had an ugly and ferocious head with a very long back. The shiny silver teeth in its mouth were quite neat, but its unstoppable drooling was too much. In its big mouth, there is also a very hard and penetrating tongue, but the front end of the tongue is a small mouth that can be opened and closed.

This is the Predator’s favorite prey for countless years—the alien!

Their love for this ethnic group has exceeded imagination and is almost crazy. They did not hesitate to build a special palace for the Alien Queen, arrange for the top air-conditioning, put it in fitted metal shackles, tie it tightly to an iron frame, and then reduce it to a A ruthless breeding tool, giving birth to children one after another for the Predators.

Regardless of whether he should say it or not, even Chu Xin felt that the Predator was a bit too arrogant in his heart.


Drops of sticky blood flowed from the wound, corroding the rocky ground into a hole in the blink of an eye, and continued to penetrate. After a while, a small hole appeared that reached to the lower layer.

The blood all over the alien's body is filled with highly toxic and strong acid, which is enough to corrode most materials, whether stone or metal.

However, some equipment of the Predator can resist to varying degrees, such as the armor and cold weapons equipped by Scar. This is why his spear can always be inserted into the body of the alien. If it were replaced by other equipment, it would have dissolved into a pool of molten iron.

Of course, not all Predators will choose anti-corrosion armor. Different categories have different advantages and disadvantages, and everyone has different paths to take.

For example, Celtic, who is not here, is strong and strong, and the equipment he is equipped with does not have very good corrosion resistance, and is more defensive against metal objects.


The dying alien suddenly swung its severed tail, and a large amount of poisonous blood spattered from the wound.

Scar hurriedly avoided it, but luckily only the breastplate was contaminated.


Just sound, but no results.

Even though the armor is ordinary, the special materials and production industry can't even deal with poisonous blood, leaving only a few dents on the surface.

Scar took out the wrist knife with some anger and stabbed the alien's head fiercely.

Chu Xin glanced at the alien corpse and took off the disk inserted in the wall. For him who had the sense of beasts, the latent sneak attack that the alien was good at was useless. The most worrying thing was its poisonous blood.

"They can see us invisible." Scar whispered.

"The alien's vision is very special, similar to thermal imaging." Chu Xin agreed briefly.

The two stopped communicating and continued to move forward to meet up with Celtic.

After running through the passage, I arrived at a fairly spacious room, surrounded by chaos, including collapsed stone walls, corroded breastplates, broken spears, fluorescent green blood, and an entire arm of a Predator.

Lying alone on the ground, it foreshadows the owner's misfortune.

When I walked around the corner, I saw a large pit in the ground, with human bones piled on the lower level.

An alien corpse suddenly came into view, its throat was pierced by the wrist knife that was shot out, and the checkered pattern cut out by the shrinking net remained on its head.

Next to him was the dying Kelt. Blood was flowing from the section of his left arm, and his vitality was losing crazily.

Scar hurriedly jumped down, took out a metal box, and poured the powder inside into the wound.

Kelt screamed in pain, but fortunately, the bleeding stopped after half a minute, barely saving his life.

Chu Xin aimed at Kelt and started scanning to confirm that there were no parasitic little aliens in his body.

"If you hadn't warned me before we set off, I would have died," Kelt looked at Chu Xin, restrained his arrogance and said, "Thank you."

When he was on the main ship, Chu Xin once told Celtic that the shrinking net would be corroded by the poisonous blood and not to underestimate the enemy, so he kept an eye on it during the fight. Although the alien counterattacked before death and removed one of his arms, Fortunately, he didn't die.

In the movie, Celtic was killed because he was too dissolute and had too much trust in the Shrinking Network.

Facing Celtic's gratitude, Chu Xin waved his hand and looked around seriously.

Because he felt several murderous auras!

Cruel, sinister,'s definitely an alien.

A disgusting fishy smell gradually filled the air, and slender ghosts flashed past the top of the head and corners in the shadows.

Chu Xin calmly started the thermal scan. His field of vision was divided into different shades of red and green, and the crawling figures were clearly visible.


Infrared lock, shoulder cannon fires instantly.


A headless body fell from the ceiling twenty meters away.

The other two seemed to be cautious and suspicious wild cats, wandering around the complex indoor environment and never launching an attack.

Suddenly, a tremor rose in his chest, and Tianling Gai suddenly felt a strange feeling coming over him.

Chu Xin bent over and rolled by instinct, and in a blink of an eye, the ceiling shattered. The first thing that caught his eye was the tail blade as thick as his forearm.

A huge alien jumped out ferociously and pounced on Chu Xin without saying a word. The powerful impact knocked Chu Xin to the ground, and a long tail stabbed continuously.

Chu Xin put one hand across his chest to block, and with the other hand he grabbed the tip of the attacker's tail. He rolled over and pressed down arbitrarily, and switched positions with the alien on the spot.

Then he grabbed the tail, spun it around in circles, and swung it against the stone wall like a shot put.

At the same time, the shoulder cannon flashed.


With one quick shot, the alien was headshot.


From two directions, two aliens, ready to attack, attacked insidiously.

They swung out their long tails, trying to stab Chu Xin to the core.

Chu Xin was quite experienced in dealing with monsters whose tails were used as weapons. Which monster like the tailed rat or the poisonous woman didn't have more tails than the alien?

With quick eyesight and quick hands, he swung the wrist knife, and in conjunction with throwing the round dart that returned automatically, he decapitated the two aliens in almost an instant.

One of the aliens struggled hard before dying, and the blood from its neck was flying all over the sky like a fountain.


Chu Xin felt a sudden pain on the back of his hand.

When he lowered his head, he saw that a large drop of alien poisonous blood had been spattered on it, and the tough and rough skin was rotting and melting bit by bit.

He endured the severe pain and directly cut off the piece of flesh with a dagger!

The cut off part was dissolved into a pile of sticky liquid at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fortunately, Chu Xin was ruthless in his work, otherwise the entire palm would have been scrapped.


The bleeding on the back of the hand stopped immediately, and then the deep blood vessels and muscles began to grow new granulations, connecting to each other and reconstructing.

Then the skin completely covered the gap in the same way, and it returned to its original state in just five or six seconds.

This has gone beyond the scope of the [primary self-healing enhancement] effect!

In fact, Chu Xin used the number of card drawings obtained by reaching 40% proficiency the day before.

I didn’t choose the guaranteed card pool, but wanted to try my luck with the permanent card pool.

Unfortunately, there was no card drawn, but an enhancement reward that was more suitable for the moment: [Intermediate Self-Healing Enhancement].

"Intermediate self-healing enhancement (the body's healing ability is improved, small areas of granulation regeneration are achieved, and more serious injuries such as fractures and internal bleeding can be self-healed in a short period of time. The more serious the injury, the lower the effect)."


At this time, there was also fighting below.

Scar was seen protecting Kelt who had lost his fighting ability, and he pestered and decisively killed an alien.

He took off his mask, cut off one of the alien's fingers, used the poisonous blood to carve a scar-like symbol on it, and left a scar on his forehead.

It's a ritual after the Predator's first real hunt.

This is also the origin of the nickname Scar. His real name is actually Worrell, which means a proud warrior.


A facehugger leaped out without warning, and Scar raised his head unexpectedly.

Just as the parasitic organ was about to pierce into Scar's mouth, the disk passed by, split the facehugger in two and returned it to Chu Xin's hands.

"Don't take it lightly at any time." Chu Xin said calmly.

Scar stood up a little frightened, "Thanks."

Chu Xin clicked on the wristband computer, and a three-dimensional projection appeared.

In the light and shadow of the entire pyramid, the heat source of Charles and others could no longer be detected. In all likelihood, they were captured by the aliens and used as a flesh and blood culture chamber in the insect egg nest.

Based on the number of people, there will be about nine aliens in total in a few minutes, plus his final target this time - the Alien Queen.

He threw the last shoulder cannon to Celtic.

Celtic looked at his two teammates and then at his own, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Follow you." Chu Xin determined the route and headed towards the insect egg nest at high speed.

According to the assessment regulations, an alien or facehugger cannot escape and cause harm to human society, otherwise it will mean failing the exam.

A few minutes later.

A long passage leading from front to back appears in front of you.

One-third of the location is the egg nest, and the exit leads to the ground.

The three of them soon arrived at the lair.

This is a small stone room. The stone platform in the middle is covered with insect eggs covered in mucus. Some have bloomed and some are ready to move.

On the surrounding walls, Charles and others were stuck to some kind of sticky gel, but they all had their heads drooped and lost their lives.

The chest and abdomen were torn open by the alien, and the scene was extremely miserable and horrific.

"Here they come."

Chu Xin took off Celtic's wrist guard, clicked on a countdown and threw it into the stone room of the lair, then ran away with the two of them.

Behind him, several black shadows were chasing after him.


The flashing red light on the wristband suddenly turned on.


The terrible explosion destroyed the entire pyramid, and the flames swept around, incinerating all the facehuggers and insect eggs.

The ice on the ground collapsed and sunk, and half of the whaling station collapsed with it.

In the rising smoke, three figures rushed out and ran all the way to safety.


Chu Xin didn't have time to rest, so he slashed diagonally with his wrist sword with his backhand, killing the alien who was sneaking up on him.


In the rising frost mist, there are seven aliens jumping back and forth.

He hesitated to attack, as if he was waiting for something.

"Alien Queen?" Chu Xin twisted his neck expectantly.

The more important the killing achievement, the more generous the reward will be. That's why he is deeply interested in the queen. It is definitely not the evil reason of "Mrs. Queen, you don't want your child to be killed by me, right?"

Scar and Kelt in the rear were also ready.


A few seconds later, with the excited roars of the aliens, an alien queen that was as tall as a two-story building burst out of the ground, with a pair of slender arms glowing with metallic luster supporting its ferocious body.

It has an appearance full of evil and violence, with a huge fan-shaped disc covered with patterns on the back of its head, which makes it exude a trace of antiquity, nobility and holiness despite its ugly and heavy mouth, like a god believed in by a certain cult. .

A sharp and spiked back extends all the way, and a strong and powerful tail ends with the same tail blade. The whole thing looks like a magical metal creation.


The Alien Queen raised her head and roared, venting the anger she had been imprisoned for many years.

It immediately rushed towards Chu Xin and the others in a hunched posture, with its arms hanging ready for attack. At first glance, it looked like a running Tyrannosaurus rex.

The aliens on the left and right sides also launched attacks, which felt like a coordinated attack between tanks and tanks.

Bang bang!

Scar and Kelt assisted, using shoulder cannons to clear out the small aliens.

Chu Xin popped out the wrist knife with his right arm and grabbed the round dart. He held the telescopic spear with his left hand and charged the shoulder cannon to the maximum.


The rounddart asked for directions and tentatively hit the Alien Queen in the chest.

Gua Sha~

Chu Xin started to move, showing his ultimate wandering and prediction, dealing with the Alien Queen guerrillaly.

During this period, he attacked different parts of him again and again, jumping back and forth between the tail blade and his arms to dodge.


The Alien Queen wanted to trample this jumping little bug to death immediately. Trying to kill it with those little knives and needles was nothing more than a dream.

But as time passed, it felt vaguely that something was wrong.

Why do I feel like I'm being toyed with?


Chu Xin launched two wrist knives and stabbed them accurately into the Alien Queen's lower abdomen, penetrating all the way in. The pain made her tremble all over and even her toes bent one by one.

The Alien Queen is about to collapse.

It was clearly an endless Antarctica, with at most a few small houses, but Chu Xin made it look like a primitive jungle with complex terrain.

Jumping up and down, leaping vertically and horizontally, even its flexible long tail could not reach Chu Xin. It was about to sneak attack, but Chu Xin perfectly dodged it every time.

In fact, if it didn't attack sneakily, Chu Xin might not be able to dodge it so easily.

Moreover, the body of the Alien Queen is full of traces left by Chu Xin. Intense wounds gradually appeared on her thighs, abdomen, chest, and tail. A large amount of poisonous blood was sprayed out, corroding the surrounding snow into a pitted quagmire. Looking at it, it was wet and messy.

On the other side, Scar and Kelt, who had just dealt with several aliens, were stunned.

If they weren't in a wide snowy area, they might not be able to kill these aliens who are good at lurking, let alone play with the Alien Queen like Chu Xin did.

"Compared to us, he is more like an accompanying teacher." Scar said sincerely.

In mid-air, inside the invisible main ship.

"His strength has reached the level of elite Iron-Blooded, and has exceeded the average level of elites. He has contributed a lot to this." The elder said to the lone wolf beside him, his tone was very gratifying and joyful.

Lone Wolf shook his head, "I just taught the most basic things step by step. Not only does he have excellent physical talent, but he also has an innate fighting talent. Many of the problems I encountered when I was young were easily solved in front of him."

Hearing the conversation between the two, the other Predators in the room were shocked.

They all looked at the stereoscopically projected battle scenes and suddenly realized that a new star had risen.

"The battle is about to end." The elder said with vicious eyes.

Whaling station.


Chu Xin took advantage of a collapsed house beam and jumped thirteen to fourteen meters into the air.


The telescopic spear expanded.

Push forward with your waist, hold your hands, and rotate and twist.

A carbine shot cunningly hit the Alien Queen's head, and she controlled her body like a pole vault to avoid the long tail coming from behind.

Then it landed on top of the Queen's head, firmly grasping the stuck spear, and allowed the Alien Queen to struggle without being thrown off.

Not only that, Chu Xin grabbed the spear and pulled it back hard, making a hole and forcefully performed a small craniotomy on it.

Bang bang!

Two shoulder cannons that had been charged for a long time burst out, blasting the wounds into tatters, and cracks and gaps appeared in the skull.

At the same time, Chu Xin took off the wristband that he had set for a countdown in advance, threw it into the gap in the skull of the Alien Queen, and stuck it.

He jumped hard and hid behind a house.

The whole process went smoothly and only lasted a few seconds, as if it had been simulated dozens or hundreds of times in my mind.

The next second.


The Alien Queen, who was scratching her head crazily, was blown to pieces, and the poisonous blood splashed everywhere caused widespread destruction.

As soon as Chu Xin took a deep breath, the words on the card appeared in his mind:

“Congratulations on completing the coming-of-age ceremony and taking your teammates with you;

Half a year of accumulation has been put into practice. Actual combat is the best testing method. The performance is excellent, proving that no matter what kind of body, it can be as calm as ever and control it with all its strength;

Killed the Alien Queen alone, and gained a practical exploration and understanding of its body structure on the way, and became familiar with its advantages and disadvantages. After squeezing out its use value, he killed it without hesitation, maintaining a cold and ruthless style;

Proficiency +15%, reaching 55%;

Obtain the Alien Queen's first kill achievement reward: immunity to alien poisonous blood, and the opportunity to mutate any limb (click to view details). "

(Author's words: Two chapters in one, 4700 words. After the adult ceremony is completed, the pace will speed up later, and other cards will be used one after another. It will be on the shelves this Friday. Please subscribe and vote monthly~)

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