All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 73 Why are you so happy this time?

In the broken cabin that was constantly flashing with electric sparks, the lone wolf was checking the culture tank where the facehuggers were stored.

Sadly, all shattered.

There are no facehugger bones in the room, which means they have escaped and will instinctively look for a host.

Chu Xin took off the mask from a severed head and turned on the built-in recorder function.

The picture appeared in front of their eyes:


The camera shook, and a scene of a Predator being penetrated by a long tail appeared in the field of vision.

The owner of Long Tail looks like an alien, but is much taller than the Predator, has thicker arms, legs and feet, and has a huge head.

There are hanging "dread braids" on the back of his head, and there are four fangs in the circle around the mouth that are exactly the same as those of the Predator.

Bang bang!

The owner of the mask fired two plasma light bombs. Not only did they not hit, but they destroyed the spacecraft after a chase.


During this period, several other Predators were also attacked and killed by the aliens, followed by a violent shaking and vibration.

It must have crashed.

Finally, a ferocious face approached, the "lens" was lifted up, and then dropped.

"Iron-blooded alien." Chu Xin murmured.

The terrifying potential of the aliens is reflected. Different hosts they parasitize will produce different aliens, which can absorb the host's own genetic advantages.

For example, the iron-blooded alien combines two characteristics in appearance, is more powerful, and has super high IQ and rationality. It does not kill instinctively like ordinary aliens.

If Chu Xin remembered correctly, the most noteworthy thing about this guy was not his appearance or attack methods, but his ability to produce and sell on his own.

The hermaphrodite Iron-Blooded Alien can breed young alien eggs in its own body and temporarily store them. When injected into the host's belly, a new Alien will be born in about ten minutes, skipping the process of hatching egg-shaped eggs and facehuggers looking for a host. .

Based on the available information, it is inferred that Zhanbo was probably parasitized by a facehugger before his death. Due to the strong physique of the Predator, it was temporarily suppressed in the body and could be taken out after the coming-of-age ceremony.

Unexpectedly, Zhan Bo died, and several adult iron bloods were careless and didn't know to check the body.

The young alien, which had been preparing for a long time, took the opportunity to burst out of its belly, causing this bloodbath of the spacecraft.


There is no wind, but the forest is moving.

The two of them rushed out invisible in tacit agreement.

Chu Xin climbed up the tree in a few seconds and scanned the mask quickly.

No murderous aura was sensed, which meant that he was not within a radius of twenty meters.

Rabbits, birds, foxes and other animals appeared in the field of vision, but not yet... huh?


Chu Xin drew his gun in an instant and shot out the shrinking net.

An alien creature was quietly crawling on a tree thirty meters away, staring at them obscenely.

A low and sinister laugh came from its throat, and it nimbly avoided the shrinking net. Unexpectedly, it turned around and came into close contact with a plasma light bomb, causing its forehead to explode.

Lone Wolf's shoulder cannon steamed, and he fired it.

This is called cooperation.

Chu Xin is also the only teammate that Lone Wolf recognizes now. After all, he has always been a loner before and rarely speaks, let alone forming a team with others.

Arriving in front of the alien corpse, Lone Wolf took out a bottle of blue liquid from his bag and poured it on top.


As the smoke rose, the body melted into a puddle of water, leaving no trace.

The two of them took this as the center of the circle and radiated their search around.

Soon they discovered the disemboweled father and son, as well as a small wooden house in the forest.

Inside the house are slimy bodily fluids left behind by the aliens, and a climber kissing a facehugger.

Chu Xin cut off his neck quickly, giving him pleasure and dignity.

As soon as the two of them joined together, Chu Xin went to the town next door to check out the situation, while the lone wolf continued to search in the forest, and met in the town when it got dark.

Two hours later.


Chu Xin climbed to the top of the mountain, holding a special-shaped head connected to the spine in his hand, overlooking the increasingly lively town below.

On his way here, he had hunted four aliens and met three police officers who had been stabbed through the chest. Judging from the speakers and flashlights they scattered on the ground, they must have gone into the mountain to look for someone.

Chu Xin took a quick look and saw that they were all densely packed with heat sources, and they were all blurred together, making it impossible to distinguish them from a distance.

He was sure that the aliens and iron-blooded aliens had most likely infiltrated the town, either hiding in the sewers or occupying a certain house. Once night fell, countless evil spirits would come out.

People on the street put on their yukatas early and were smiling happily, unaware of the danger that was coming.


Chu Xin suddenly noticed the shrine a thousand meters away.

Because it was late, there were no residents climbing up the mountain road, and there were no people walking around in the small courtyard.

Even though there were few people, it was too quiet.

He ran towards it, took a few steps and then disappeared into thin air.


When he reappeared, he was already in the dense forest behind the shrine.

At the bottom of a cliff with a drop of several meters, a female body was buried in a pile of weeds.

This was a girl dressed in a miko costume, with a shocking hole ripped open in her chest and abdomen.

The hole is huge, and more than one alien should have come out of it.

Chu Xin understood that the iron-blooded aliens had appeared here before.


At this time, weak shouts came from the shrine.

The gray-haired priest staggered and fell to the ground, his legs weak due to fear. He could only hold his body up with his hands and grind backwards, staring at the alien approaching him step by step with narrowed pupils.

And on the surrounding eaves, two more alien shapes jumped out.


The alien who was teasing the priest froze.

The back of its head seemed to be cut by an invisible blade of air, sliding straight down.

At the same moment, a round dart flew out and killed one of the eaves instantly.

The remaining one roared in the empty direction, and then pounced down, claws intertwined.


Chu Xin de-invisible from bottom to top, reached forward with his right hand and grabbed the alien's neck, forcibly lifting it from the ground.


The alien stuck out his tongue from his mouth and tried to attack, but was unexpectedly pinched by Chu Xin's left hand and pulled out harshly.

The blood flowed out of its body, and there was no reaction when Chu Xin's palm came into contact with it.

100% immune to alien poisonous blood!

The alien witnessed this scene and roared in panic. Its IQ was no different from that of humans and it realized that it was about to send it.



When Chu Xin crushed its neck with his bare hands, there was a muffled sound of skin and flesh tearing next to him.

It turned out that the priest's abdomen quickly turned red, and a flesh-colored alien head the size of a fist poked out with teeth and claws.


Chu Xin strangled him in the cradle with a shoulder cannon.

"The workload is not small," he said without hesitation and went straight down the mountain. "You can also take the opportunity to practice your new account."

8:06 p.m.

A mountainside filled with fireworks.

In a simple tent, the man in charge of setting off fireworks hurriedly got up from the floor.

I originally planned to take a nap, but I played poker until two o'clock last night, so I accidentally overslept, and it was already more than six minutes.

"Why didn't those bastards inform me?" The uncle muttered as he hurried to the fireworks.

"It's held every year. Why are you so happy this time? Is there a special guest?"

Perhaps because he was half sleepy and half awake, he didn't pay attention to the situation at the bottom of the mountain. He thought those screaming and yelling were people celebrating lively.


He lit the fuse.


The colorful fireworks bloomed in the night sky, like blooming dahlias, dispelling the darkness all over the mountains and plains. At the same time, they also reflected the black figures running through the streets and alleys, killing people.

They wave their sharp claws and flick their long tails, unleashing their evil and violent nature and harvesting lives as much as they want.

The uncle was dumbfounded and rubbed his eyes hard.

I just took a nap, and when I woke up, it was the end of the world?

Suddenly, he saw a tall figure standing in the black wave at the central crossroads of the town.

The distance is too far, so it is small, but it is as tough as a pine and cypress that will never fall.

Chi Chi ~

A touch of hot air hit his shoulders, mixed with a fishy stench.

The uncle's whole body went numb instantly and he didn't dare to look back.


A ray of cold light flashed, and an alien head rolled down at the uncle's feet.

The lone wolf passed by the uncle calmly and was not interested in non-threatening humans.

Throughout the afternoon, he had wiped out more than a dozen aliens scattered in the forest.

What concerned him most was the feeling that these aliens seemed to be specifically lurking in the forest, waiting for a long time, and they were always keeping him in check.

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