All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1964: Wangfushi

After Han Chen had probably figured out the difference between the two people, he had another suspicion about the reincarnation here.

But before Han Chen could get the result, Han Chen suddenly noticed that a slight twist of his head suddenly appeared in the permanent figure in front of him.

This action scared Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng's hairs to stand up. Huang Mengmeng's expression was strange and awkward just now, and now he rushed towards Han Chen.

Han Chen couldn't imagine too much, so he had to quickly upgrade his cultivation base, and then cover the gray wings more tightly, for fear of being discovered by the sudden ghost thing.

Han Chen knew that the biggest barrier to being able to come to Samsara was because of the set of gray wings on his body. If this could not guarantee his life, Han Chen would have to leave.

Because it is horrible here.

So at this moment, if you see that the situation here is not right, it will naturally be impossible to make arrangements for the situation here.

As a result, the situation here has changed.

When the bronze soldiers walked past Han Chen, fortunately, they did not continue to attack Han Chen, otherwise Han Chen felt helpless.

Huang Mengmeng is very curious about the situation here, looking everywhere to see what's special here.

When I walked here, those souls gradually became less, and the ground was filled with such swaying souls.

But they are all unconscious.

"What's the situation with these souls on the ground?" Huang Mengmeng looked at these souls curiously.

Han Chen looked at the black figure in front of him completely at this time. For a while, he didn't know if he wanted to get closer, and suddenly heard Huang Mengmeng say. Listening to what Huang Mengmeng said, Han Chen also felt that the spirit of this place was a little weird.

The souls all over the earth, according to normal circumstances, should dissolve on this piece of land, or dissipate together on the Huangquan Road ahead.

But the situation here did not appear at all, instead it became the current situation, making everything look so strange.

But at this time, Han Chen didn't have any thoughts about the spirits of these souls on this earth.

In the previous scene of turning his head and neck, Han Chen kept thinking back, but when he looked at it intently, the black back had not changed at all.

"Wow, is the back of the place you look at a living person? How can a living person stay motionless? It's really peculiar." Huang Mengmeng saw Han Chen's concentration so engrossed, so she also moved in that direction. Look past it.

"No, don't look, don't be discovered by the other party." Han Chen still felt that the turning around just now happened.

"Only the state officials set fires and the people are not allowed to light up the lights, can't I look at it?" Huang Mengmeng was speechless for a while, and opened Han Chen's palm, still looking in that direction with grunting eyes.

"No, I really think this person turned his back just now. Obviously, he knows what's going on in it. Will that person be alive?" Han Chen couldn't think about the key points for a while, but felt something was wrong.

"Are you wrong? That place doesn't look like a living person. How could a living person come here? This is a cycle of reincarnation!" Huang Mengmeng said, and she gave Han Chen a roll of eyes. Obviously, he didn't want to make Han Chen think so wildly.

It's a big movie here, all of which are dead souls, and it's impossible to have a breath of life alive.

Han Chen also cautiously released his soul power to the opponent, and there was no special fluctuation in the opponent's body. It looked like a completely dead object. This appearance looked like the last time from the Taoist Huo Crow. The sculpture I saw when I walked in in Samurai Road is the same.

That is also such a lifeless feature.

However, Han Chen could still clearly feel that it possesses a very powerful power of faith.

But what was in front of him was very different, and it made people feel weird to nowhere.

And this direction is exactly the same as the direction in which the cycle of rebirth comes in.

Could it be that this person is here constantly observing the other side's Jiuyi Mountain?

Didn’t this show others the location of Jiuyi Mountain?

Han Chen felt more confused as he thought about it.

"Are you going or not, so mother-in-law." Huang Mengmeng is also the reincarnation breath of cultivation. If she is not afraid of exposing herself, she wants to come out now and practice reincarnation breath crazy here. Naturally, she will never let the other party be like this. The situation holds myself, as if it is still ambiguous.

She is almost annoying.

"Go." Han Chen finally calmed down. The opposite is Jiuyi Mountain. Only by climbing up to Jiuyi Mountain can Han Chen rely on the reputation of Jiuyi Mountain to make a god.

Now there is a long bridge missing. If this situation cannot be passed by any chance, wouldn't it be a waste of all previous efforts?

And after observing for so long, I also know that there is indeed no aura of life, not even the power of belief, and there is no fluctuation in the body. It really looks like a normal dead thing.

But here is Huangquan, reincarnation!

How could the things that exist here be ordinary?

It's just this road that leads to Jiuyi Mountain. Even if Han Chen wanted to avoid it, he couldn't really avoid it.

Therefore, there is only one way to go down this road from here.

"Yeah, I don't want that mother-in-law, so I just left." Huang Mengmeng who was next to here said irritably, which was a reminder to Han Chen that he had to walk slowly.

Han Chen didn't say a word to Huang Mengmeng, but instead wrapped Huang Mengmeng with gray wings and walked in that direction step by step.

As Han Chen walked over, he couldn't help but want to look in that direction.

But in the end, I didn't see any reaction from the puppet-like person.

"Is this man Wangfushi? I still stay here and haven't moved. Looking at the Jiuyi Mountain opposite." Huang Mengmeng said suddenly with interest.

Han Chen felt that the hair was going to be terrified at this time, and every step he approached, he felt his own strength was frightened.

It was an extremely weird force suppression, as if the opposite was an evil spirit, which made people start to have a kind of disgust in their hearts, and they couldn't help but want to escape.

Han Chen finally moved lightly, bypassing a large angle, and then began to walk towards the opposite side.

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