All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1977: Cotton ball

Since Huang Mengmeng heard Han Chen's response, she withdrew from the stellar machine again and confirmed that Han Chen was still alive.

And looking at Han Chen's self-confidence just now, there must be no big problem.

Huang Mengmeng and the Sky Swallowing Jar are slowly rushing in the other direction in this jar. The purpose of this time is to let the power on their body get out of the control of the creature just now.

Although the gray cotton ball didn't finally hit their clay pot, the locked Qi mechanism has been on the Swallowing Pot, so even though the Swallowing Pot flew in one direction, it didn't take long for the gas to Instead, the plane is getting closer and closer.

"This guy won't go and come back again, right." Huang Mengmeng remembered what Han Chen said to himself just now, that guy didn't act on himself, there must be a reason, but next time the other party comes back, he will definitely be right. They did it, so Han Chen was so anxious to swallow the centipede soul.

From that point of view, we know that the centipede’s soul has reached the late stage of the soul state, that is, the later stage of the confinement state. This kind of existence, even if Han Chen swallows it, with the help of Mo Nian Tong, it is absolutely It is impossible to solve it completely, and it is still in such a short period of time.

The current situation has aroused Huang Mengmeng's trembling, making Huang Mengmeng feel incredible.

So Huang Mengmeng hurriedly drew out the power from her own soul stand and kept checking the surrounding situation, but this situation was really unfriendly. Under such circumstances, Huang Mengmeng found that the other party's power was constantly changing. Emerging towards this side.

"No, you have to run!" Huang Mengmeng said to Tuntianling, "Do you have a way to travel directly through the void?"

"If I had that method, would I be caught by you?" Tuntian Ling said in an angry tone. Although it signed a master-servant contract with Han Chen, everyone is a magical weapon of iron, the master of flowing water, as long as that magical weapon It also has an effect on the monks, the second person and the third person will not directly destroy the entire artifact.

The person who had gone and returned just now probably thought he was some kind of murder weapon, so he was about to escape.

Such a swallowing jar said to himself, but after such a word, people felt an incredible feeling.

But Han Chen's situation is also very peculiar.

The creature strode over, and after the Sky Swallowing Jar escaped for some time, it was quickly stopped directly.

So I saw the situation in that place in the small window that Huang Mengmeng had cast. I saw the front outside, and there was a gray cotton ball standing in front of it. I don't know when it appeared.

The cotton ball didn't have any expressions, and there was no voice. Just watching quietly like this, everything like this looked very strange, and there was even an inexplicable danger in it, which made people feel like they wanted to escape.

But with such a terrifying opponent here, it is absolutely impossible for one's own power to escape smoothly under such circumstances.

That's why the cotton ball keeps looking at the clay pot like this.

He also saw the other party shot.

It's just that in such a terrifying, blood-red world, being watched in their direction by a group of gray cotton **** made Huang Mengmeng and Tian Tian Can feel as if they were dying.

Now I have to wait for the death **** to appear and then harvest my own head.

Under such circumstances, Huang Mengmeng naturally can't just face it casually, but she doesn't know what to do if she wants to break her head.

"Let's run in the opposite direction!"

Huang Mengmeng said.

Tun Tianling had already signed a contract with Han Chen at this time, so naturally he couldn't violate Huang Mengmeng's wishes, and naturally he also started to run in the opposite direction quickly.

"Hey, I really didn't catch up!"

While running, Huang Mengmeng looked at the back, and she didn't see anything, nor did she see the people behind follow up. It seems that the other party hates him and intends to let him go.

Huang Mengmeng thought so, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out a logical process of the other party.

But fortunately, the other party really didn't come over now, so for Huang Mengmeng, it was a very lucky thing.

You must know that the other party is obviously the most advanced existence in the Conferred God Realm, and one of them will destroy the world without paying attention, and no longer exist in this world.

With this feeling, Huang Mengmeng had already started to run away quickly, allowing Swallowing Sky to run quickly without returning.

But I don't know how long it took, Huang Mengmeng was surprised to find that the other party's qi was still on his body.

"Why don't we run in the other direction?" Huang Mengmeng said in a bewildered manner. The current situation really has to go to the doctor in a hurry, because such a situation is really troublesome. In this powerful situation, it will directly let yourself No benefit can be gained from his behavior.

Under such circumstances, Huang Mengmeng had to consider a new method, so he started to run away in the opposite direction.

But before they ran away, a gray cotton ball appeared in the direction they were moving.

At this moment, Huang Mengmeng and Tuntianling wanted to escape, but suddenly heard a voice in the cotton blanket wailing and saying, ‘You are not my emperor’s treasure, are you? Are you other old monsters? But I know all the old monsters here, so why haven't I seen such amazing treasures as them? ’

"No, I still have to catch this thing, otherwise I won't be able to excuse it after my emperor blames it." The voice said again.

Hearing the other's voice, Huang Mengmeng and Tuntiancan were both stunned. The emotional partner had been reluctant to do it just now, because they felt that they were their boss's treasure, so they never did it.

But now the other party seems to have discovered that they are not at all.

While thinking about it, the cotton ball outside said in an old saying, "What kind of creatures are you? Hurry up and surrender to me, otherwise I will kill you all here. See what else you can do. ."

The recovered Huang Mengmeng and Sky Swallowing Tank were both stunned. Is it still impossible to open their Sky Swallowing Tank?

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so clamoring, but he would do it directly.

It seems that the opponent still has some opportunities, and there is no direct attack.

The hearts held by Huang Mengmeng and Tuntian could begin to fall slowly.

"Do you think I can't open it? Do you think I can't treat you by hiding in it as a tortoise? It's naive!"

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