All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 2006: meet again

"The colorful phoenix seems to be a natural existence, and the whole body shows a powerful appearance. In this situation, I have been observing the colorful phoenix, but because my eyesight cannot look at it for too long, I just probably noticed it. In the direction of the other party, he flew toward the deeper place."

The blood man who came back to his senses, seeing Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng come back safe and sound, said with excitement when they remembered what they had experienced just now.

Under such circumstances, he is not willing to stay here, and he is still alone, and he will easily be eaten by the inexplicable creature in the dark.

"It seems that in such a space, it is not just us people, but there are obviously a lot of other people." Han Chen nodded and said intently.

Judging from the description of the blood man just now, there are still a lot of creatures on it, and these creatures are extremely large and can swallow people.

It's not so similar.

It may even be Jiuyi Mountain below this.

Jiuyi Mountain is a sacred mountain known as the ancient **** of creation. In such a place, if you encounter any creatures, it is possible.

Therefore, after Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng heard about the blood man, they both planned to seriously assess the risks this time.

Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng also told the blood people what they found.

After the blood men heard it, they suddenly felt ridiculous. They now have nearly 500 topazes. As a result, Han Chen also said that they could pry other people’s topazes and then reconnect them to their own side. That would mean, Their topaz stairs are infinitely extending upwards!

When he stopped here, he was even more excited than Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng.

They can really hit the peak of Jiuyi Mountain directly this time, stand on top of the peak, and gain the posture of the peak.

This is too surprising and inexplicable. If this is the case, it must look even more incredible.

In this way, they can definitely get very good help, and they can go to see more places.

However, the place where the colorful phoenix emerged just now still gave him a trance, that kind of impact was too strong.

"Okay, I guess we won't have too much time here. We have to hurry up and tell you that the topazes from other places have been taken back." Han Chen said seriously.

So the three of them glanced at the direction where the colorful phoenix disappeared, and then walked through this space together to the place where Han Chen had just collected the topaz.

But the topaz here has been collected by Han Chen, and there is only a piece of topaz left to stand on.

"The next dimension is that of the stone round family, you must be psychologically prepared." Huang Mengmeng at this moment looked at the two behind and said.

They were wrapped in yellow light again, shuttled through the gap, penetrated through the gap, and quickly saw what the place looked like.

The space here contains a lot of topaz, spreading out in mid-air, it looks very grand.

"Is there a full three hundred and fifty topazes here? It's really magnificent." Just now they were just standing in two topaz stepped spaces with more than one hundred topazes. Compared with the huge sky like this, it was a little witch. See Da Wu.

"Isn't this also ours?" Huang Mengmeng laughed.

"Who!" Just as Huang Mengmeng was laughing, he heard someone stop drinking.

Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng glanced at each other, then turned to the source of the sound, forgetting the past.

They only saw the topaz extending from underfoot, in the direction of more than 300 pieces. They saw the nine people standing on the top floor. They showed the body of the endless stone round family, and they were watching condescendingly. The three of them.

"Hello, I'm here to ask you some directions, do you believe it or not?" Huang Mengmeng said with a smile, a worrisome flash on the blood man's face.

Han Chen didn't say much nonsense. Just watched that direction silently.

For the first time, the blood man saw the surging power and the huge mythological form, and he was shocked.

That was indeed the strongest race in their place, how dare he face it directly as the weakest race.

And the other party is still in this state.

"What are they doing?" Han Chen suddenly asked in Huang Mengmeng's heart with doubts. Voice transmission to Huang Mengmeng passed.

Hearing Han Chen’s transmission, Huang Mengmeng did not feel surprised, but also had doubts, because at this time all the stone round clan had already revealed their mythological form, as if they were facing something powerful. The enemy is the same.

It was only when they faced powerful enemies that they did not immediately discover Han Chen's invasion.

If this is the case, there are even treasures that can be obtained by the people of the Stone Ascaris clan if they don't climb Jiuyi Mountain, then they will naturally not let it go.

Originally, they planned to eliminate all the stone roundworm clan.

At this moment, this piece of topaz suddenly began to shake violently, and the ground became extremely unstable.

"What's going to come out?" The blood man was terrified watching this scene, but he knew that generally falling from topaz, there is no end to it.

In case of falling into the **** of wronged souls, the swaying souls all over the floor would be quite shocking.

So in this way, the snowman was so scared that he immediately squatted down and grabbed the topaz that was buried on you, for fear that it would fall from the topaz.

The man from the stone round family who yelled at Han Chen just now didn’t care about Han Chen’s situation at this time. He turned his head and looked into the dark abyss, as if something extraordinary suddenly appeared from there. .

"Let's catch someone to ask, how about it." Huang Mengmeng said with a smile.

"Agree." Han Chen nodded.

So together with Huang Mengmeng, he quickly attacked toward the front, and the mythological form behind it was revealed, bathed in yellow and gray light, and quickly attacked toward the front.

Three hundred steps flew quickly and quickly came to the top of the step. When he came to the place, he saw nine people appear on the step, showing a meaningful smile.

The gaze also followed their gazes, looking towards the dark abyss, only to see that the dark abyss began to become bright and dark, accompanied by the violent topaz vibration, blowing a large number of wind fields.

People's hair and clothes swiftly moved towards the back.

"What happened and why did this happen?" Huang Mengmeng asked casually.

"Huh. Ignorant kid." The eldest brother of the stone round clan snorted, his face gradually anxious, knowing that this is a place where their ancestors said that there will be important secret protection, they don't want anyone to stop here. Huh.

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