All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 2054: Giant bone

Under such circumstances, Han Chen could not give up casually. Later, he must face the black hole man. That's not a joke. If you don't make yourself a **** as soon as possible, I'm afraid the next time you encounter it, you will probably have no life.

At this moment, the black hole man didn't know why he didn't come to think about it, there must be something more important.

Otherwise, Han Chen's ten lives would not be enough.

Moreover, a new one million years has come, and Han Chen has heard a lot about the saying about the extinction of the world in one million years.

Moreover, the battle between the Heavenly Court and the Demon Realm is about to begin. Everything shows that in this world of great controversy, if you don’t have the ability to protect yourself, you can’t protect yourself and the people around you at all. Therefore, you must also To improve one's own cultivation base, embark on the road of the strongest pinnacle.

"Team Korea, pay attention to safety." Before leaving, Shimenren followed Han Chen with a serious face, "Although I haven't been to the next pass, I still have very powerful forces over there. It’s not a pseudo-shen realm that can resist it. After going up there, it’s the Conferred God Platform in the middle section. Good luck!"

"Well, the road to the peak, there is no reason to back down." Han Chen also nodded. First walked in the door opened by the Shimen man.

Just as Han Chen was about to step in, he suddenly heard Shimenren’s voice, "I have a way to go on the road to the peak of the gods. You must record it in your head. The road to the peak. , Only one person can go to the end and cherish it."

When Han Chen heard Shimenren’s voice transmission, he probably knew that the other party didn't want Han Chen to go this way, but was afraid of being known by others. Obviously, this way was just for Han Chen alone.

Immediately after that, a path gradually appeared in Han Chen's mind, and a point began to emerge from the above.

But there are no other signs along the way, just a point in his mind. Now Han Chen is still in the space channel, which is not convenient for testing. Presumably this point will automatically rotate along with the rotation here.

After entering the space channel, Han Chen does not need to move, Han Chen moves automatically, so Han Chen does not dare to move.

Han Chen still doesn't know the mechanism of movement under his feet, so naturally he can't move around.

After another incense stick time, there was no sense of direction in the dark, and I just felt like I was racing forward desperately, and soon a feeling of a curtain suddenly appeared in front of him, and then with a scream, Han Chen directly ran into the curtain. among.

After penetrating this layer of curtain, Han Chen immediately felt a sensation of a carp leaping over the dragon gate, and it was like flying from the bottom of a valley in an instant, crossing a high mountain and reaching the top of a mountain peak.

This process was so rapid that they couldn't help closing their eyes immediately.

When Han Chen and the others opened their eyes, Han Chen suddenly saw a row of towering valleys. They had come to a place filled with gray mist, and the valley was filled with a lot of strong breath of reincarnation.

"Where is this place? The valley here is too high, there are a lot of bones on it! These bones are so big, they look very big." Huang Mengmeng said, looking at the bones all over the floor.

Although there was a lot of gray mist in the air, they were still able to see clearly that the ground was already covered with bones, and these bones were messy and soft with some broken stones.

"These should not be gray fog, but ash turned into stones." At this time, Han Chen finally nodded and said after observing the surrounding area.

"No, why would you have stone ashes in the pit here? Why do things like this appear?" The blood man also showed a look of shock, which is too unbelievable.

Taoist Frog shivered when he saw the big bones under his feet, and quickly hid behind Han Chen.

Han Chen did not immediately reply to the blood man, but continued to look around the valley, and some said, "Look at this place, there are a lot of stones everywhere, but on the cliffs of the valley, there are obviously A large number of cross-sections of stones, you can see that these stones look weathered, but there are still many places where the cross-sections are directly cut off, which seems to be a very strange amount."

Listening to Han Chen's analysis, they all felt reasonable. These weathered stones showed that they had been eroded from the beginning.

But two-thirds of the stones were cut off at one stroke, forming a huge cliff. Looking up from the valley, they couldn't see any protruding stones.

"Did something happen in this place to create such a weird picture?" The Taoist Frog whispered at this time, and the place was cloudy and windy, and a lot of lime was floating.

It looks very oozing.

Under such circumstances, no one dared to doubt what Han Chen said, but he was still very curious about the mystery formed here.

Han Chen looked at the cut marks on the cliff and said, "There should be a big battle here, and this battle has caused such a battlefield where many people have died. But this makes me feel a bit infiltrating. You know. Did the formations in the ancient battlefield originate?"

When Han Chen watched this, it suddenly rang. This world was originally a rent-paying ancient battlefield.

It is also because of this that the breath of reincarnation still exists here, and there is a cycle of rebirth.

These things were only discovered by Han Chen when he came here.

When I was in God's Domain Alliance before, I hadn't seen these things, so Han Chen guessed that this is really related to the reason why this world is called the ancient battlefield.

It's just that these relationships have not yet determined where they ultimately point.

Under such circumstances, Han Chen has already discovered the secret.

The Jiuyi Mountain in this reincarnation really seems to be different from other sacred mountains.

Legend has it that this place is still the tomb of the Pangu god. Under such circumstances, it is obvious that this statement is not groundless.

"I remember the ancient battlefield, because there has been an ancient battle here a long time ago, that is, after that battle, some ancient gods disappeared, such as Pangu, Fuxi, Nuwa, Gonggong, etc. The ancient gods actually turned this place into a ruin directly after that great battle. For unknown reasons, most of the monks began to rediscover the things here, such as the ancient heritage, in order to be the best, in order to improve their cultivation. Like, they have gradually become clearer."

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