All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 2211: Eight Conferred Gods

"Yeah, what should we do now?" The rhino clan was once again confused.

"No, we have to try again." said the old rhinoceros clan.

Everyone began to pray piously again. But under the control of Han Chen, the results all became the same.

"What's going on? Could it be that the Overlord God really fell?" At this moment, everyone showed an unprecedented sense of fear. Their eyes gradually condensed to the front and fell to the position of Han Chen.

They felt a deep sense of fear, which was really strange to people.

Everyone was confused again.

The situation here seems to have changed a lot.

"Are you ready to repent?" Jin Pangli said at this moment. They actually knew that the Overlord God had disappeared.

"Repent? Repent of what?" The many rhino races also looked like this, with a dumbfounded look.

"You don't know what to confess, then I will help you confess." Jin Pangli chuckled, and the eyes of several people behind him flapped, showing seven or eight people.

A huge Fengshen realm cultivation base was drawn on everyone, revealing that terrifying mythological form.

"Eight, eight Conferred God cultivators..." In that way, all the demon cultivators were dumbfounded.

"Their cultivation base feels so strange, it doesn't seem to be the power of the demon at all!" There was another silence for everyone.

But they don't have so much free time to manage these problems at all, but they feel that they are about to be here to the end and worshipped in the place.

The power of the demons in that place has surpassed the original existence.


Jin Pangli took the lead to issue a huge divine sword, and the divine sword fell, and all the cultivators below the pseudo-divine realm were about to be annihilated.

Zhao Feiwu and the others at the back felt that the good things had been taken away, and they followed the attack very quickly. Suddenly the place of the rhino clan became a nine-layer hell, crushing those people into powder.

Under such circumstances, everyone feels incredible.

In particular, everyone from the Moses clan was dumbfounded. Just now, the opponent had three masters of false gods, but in these short breaths, they were completely wiped out.

And the most frightening thing is that there are eight Conferred God monks hidden beside Han Chen!

The enshrined spirits and mythological forms that were released at the same time were shocking to the heavens and humans!

All of them all of the Moses clan were dumbfounded and petrified.

They have never seen the real Conferred God monks in their entire lives. They didn't expect that this would make them understand the eight Conferred God monks all at once, which made people feel weird for a while. This is too powerful.

It is a horror that no one can face.

Under such circumstances, no ordinary person can deal with it anymore.

When they saw Han Chen and everyone else, they felt like they saw monsters, but these monsters were on their side, and they felt extremely at ease.

Those rhino clan who seemed invincible couldn't make a single move in their hands, so they were all wiped out.

"Why, are you still rushing to pack the spoils?" Han Chen suddenly said to the patriarch of the Moses clan.

The patriarch of the Moses clan sensed the gaze cast by Han Chen, and recovered from the stunned spirit, and quickly agreed, "Yes, yes!"

The patriarch of the Moses clan was not a kind person, so he hurriedly greeted everyone and began to collect the spoils. The monks of the rhino clan must have brought a lot of treasures with them, all of which were in their pockets.

As for whether to share it with Han Chen and the others, Han Chen and the others have already been enshrined, and these things are completely enough for them.

Soon, the people of the Moses clan were stunned, and they searched for the rings and storage bags in the hands of those people with large bags and small bags.

"Thanks to Han Jifeng!" Everyone is Shanhu Long live.

"Okay, don't you change your mind? We should call Han Zongfeng a title of title. By the way, Han Zongfeng, what is your title of title?" Everyone asked ecstatically at this moment.

At this moment, Han Chen smiled and said, "You should call the Sword Spirit God. Jin Pang is away from you, and you come to meet your gods and people!"

At this moment, the power of faith in Han Chen's body has reached a lot, and there is no need, naturally, new people need to take over these gods.

Jin Pangli currently has no gods, so it's better to let Jin Pangli include them.

"Yes, the Korean team!" This will make Jin Pangli understand the meaning, and the excitement in his heart jumped on his face, and he couldn't hide the joy.

Although the people of the Moses clan have great expectations for the worship of Han, they also know that you want to worship such an existence. They can't climb high, and this Jin Pangli seems to be closely related to the worship of Han, and there are Fengshen cultivation base is more appropriate to their current situation.

"Welcome to the Sword Spirit God! Long live the Sword Spirit God!" Suddenly all the people of the Moses clan began to shout long live.

Everyone cheered.

"Very well, are you willing to follow me to my divinely hidden space to live together? You must know that you are my core gods! I will not treat you badly!" Jin Pangli showed an expression of excitement at this moment. Said.

He himself was promoted to the Conferred God monk, and also opened up a small divine hidden space in the process of conferring the gods, so she is also eligible to receive some of the gods and live in the divine hidden space.

You must know that in the divine hidden space, they will not be attacked at all, even if they believe in a monk of a human race, they will not be squeezed out by other demons.

In this way, even if their entire family of Moses is known to others, they will not be attacked by the demons.

Everything in this is tailor-made.

"We are willing!" Suddenly all the monks of the Moses clan were caring. At this time, the Moses clan had already known that Han Chen might already be a matter of the human race, and now it has been determined that Han Chen is really the heavenly human race.

If the people of the Moses clan went to the battlefield, it would be nothing but cannon fodder. Now that there is a monk who is willing to give them a chance to live, how can they be unhappy!

And even though they are cultivators below the False God Realm, because they have been in the center of this vortex recently, they have already felt that kind of strange feeling, making everything very strange.

All in all, this demon world seems to be undergoing a special change, and it is no longer suitable for them to live in. The latest chapter address of the National Zhutian Mobile Game: the full text of the National Zhutian Mobile Game: mobile game txt download address of all the people in the sky: mobile phone reading of all the heavens mobile game: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2211: Eight Conferred Gods), and you can view it next time by opening the bookshelf To! If you like "Mobile Game of All the People", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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