All Heavens: Starting from Becoming a God

Chapter 39 The Ideal of a Great Teacher

However, Wang Yu did not show any unnecessary emotions.

He looked at the great virtuous teacher with a puzzled expression on his face. Infinite light appeared all over his body. In the midst of thousands of lights, Wang Yu introduced himself like this:

"I have been born for hundreds of millions of kalpas, and will grow up for hundreds of millions of kalpas. I am worshiped by the sect every day, and taught by emperors and emperors. I am of the highest sect, respected by all the saints, so I am called Tianzun."

In Wang Yu's inscrutable words, a picture emerged in front of Zhang Jiao's eyes.

The great teacher saw Wang Yu walking in a long river and quietly picked up a grain of sand.


Before Zhang Jiao could react, Wang Yu in the picture expanded rapidly, and the focus moved from his body glowing with light gold to his fingertips.

That grain of sand.

The picture continues to expand, and the line of sight continues to move downwards!

Only then did Zhang Jiao realize that the sand was not just a grain of sand, but the whole world!

The Great Master saw three thousand fairy palaces in the high heaven of that world, and in each fairy palace there were one hundred thousand immortals sitting in sequence. They chanted devoutly:

"In the Supreme Fairyland, Miaoxuan Palace, the majestic Golden Tower, high in the sky, was born in countless kalpas, preached for countless days, and transformed into the great road, established roots for the heaven and earth, embraced the sun's highest yang, and carried the lunar yin. It’s extremely yin.”

In the sound of their prayers, the figures of these immortals gradually disappeared.

Immediately, the great sage saw a vast land with millions of countries that could not be estimated with the naked eye.

There are hundreds of millions of sentient beings in those millions of countries. They worship Wang Yu's name day and night and pray with the same piety:

". The ancestor of all saints, the sect of the true God, has no cause in its beginning, has no result in the end, is infinitely limited, and has an infinite limit. He has noble virtues, has unrivaled skills, has great compassion and great wishes, is a great sage and has great kindness, and can measure no one. Zhenyu Tianzun.”

In response to the prayers of hundreds of millions of people, the eyes quickly drew back.

After jumping over millions of countries, over three thousand immortal palaces, and across the edge of the world, Zhang Jiao saw Wang Yu again and saw the Heavenly Lord putting the grain of sand back into the river.

There are countless sands like this in the river.

This great virtuous teacher, who was used to seeing life and death, was so shocked by the picture shown by Wang Yu that he didn't even notice that the teacup in his hand fell to the ground.

a long time.

Zhang Jiao let out a long sigh, as if he was living in another world, and Wang Yu, who had already revealed his golden spirit body, bowed deeply:

"I've seen Tianzun."

"No need to be polite, I came to this world because I heard your vision. You wanted to open a way for the people of the world, so I came." Wang Yu looked at the other party with compassion on his face.

Zhang Jiao looked very surprised.

Can my vision actually inspire immortals from outside the world?

Wang Yu didn't pay attention to the other party's expression. He just turned his palm and took out a teacup again, and then asked softly:

"But your vision doesn't seem to go very well, does it?"


Wang Yu's words were met with Zhang Jiao's silence. The great virtuous teacher watched silently as the immortal continued to warm the cup in front of him, and handed him a full cup of tea again.

He took it respectfully and took a sip, then asked and answered himself: "Do you know how they evaluated this turmoil? Eight states were affected at the same time, the sky was smoky, the pastoral guards were cracked, and the rivers were bleeding."

"It looks like that's not the outcome you wanted."

Wang Yu believed that this great sage and mentor was on the side of the people at the lowest level. Otherwise, as an accomplished Taoist, there would be no need for him to travel across eight states and treat countless refugees for more than ten years.

Zhang Jiao had a wry smile on his face. He looked at the immortal from heaven and recited a ballad to him:

"The wheat is green and the barley is withered. Who should win the prize? My wife and my aunt. Why are you attacking the barbarians in the west? The officials buy horses and you have your chariots. Please drum up the barbarians for all the gentlemen."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Jiao drank the tea in one gulp.

Wang Yu continued to pour him a glass. This middle-aged Taoist's mind was worthy of being treated as an equal.

The great virtuous teacher looked at the immortal from heaven with a look of sorrow on his face, and he said word by word:

"When there is trouble at the border, it doesn't matter if a man goes to serve in the army. His purpose is to protect his family and the country, so why not shed his blood? But the imperial court's huge tax burden makes women and children unable to stand up straight! The tax is so high that the people would rather flee into the mountains and become a slave. A bandit who licks blood from his knife edge!"

As Wang Yu, who was once familiar with the Three Kingdoms.

He naturally knew this. Not only that, the problem of land annexation in the late Eastern Han Dynasty was also very serious. The poor had no place to stand, while the local powerful had no land.

In addition, there are occasional famines.

In order to survive, people either sold their lives to the gentry, or they had to leave their homes and become refugees, begging for food everywhere.

These people were also the main followers of Taiping Dao later.

Zhang Jue didn't know what Wang Yu was thinking. His tone trembled slightly as he continued: "Not only that, successive years of drought have made the people hungry, cold and homeless, and countless people have died in foreign lands."

"So you chose to stand up?" Wang Yu looked at the leader of the Taiping Sect in front of him.

"That's right, when I received the "Taiping Qingling Book" from the Nanhua Immortal in Julu, I determined to learn the Taoist teachings and made up my mind to change everything.

I want to overthrow this decadent dynasty! I want all the poor to live in peace and joy in this land! "

Facing the great sage's impassioned expression, Wang Yu couldn't bear to interrupt his thoughts and allowed him to continue.

At this moment, Zhang Jiao seemed to be unaware that the person in front of him was an immortal. He roared as if he was venting his emotions:

"The moment I came out of the mountain after completing my studies, all I saw was starvation and death all over the land, and a plague ravaged the entire Central Plains! I used the Taoist methods in the "Taiping Qingling Book" to treat illnesses and save people, and people all regarded me as an immortal master!

So I took this opportunity to found Taiping Dao, taught the method of healing people with Fu Shui to my disciples, and asked them to go to many states and counties to treat patients! "

Wang Yu knows.

This was the beginning of the fortune of Taiping Dao. They used talisman water to treat people. The poor did not take any money, and the rich paid whatever they wanted.

With the power of Taoism, the patients naturally turned around and regained their health.

And people began to praise this great sage and mentor, and more and more people began to believe in the Tao of Taiping.

"This is similar to me." Old Demon Zhenyu thought in his heart.

Zhang Jiao didn't know what Wang Yu was thinking. If he knew what Wang Yu did in Wudu, he would definitely be ashamed to associate with the immortal in front of him.

The leader of Taiping Dao just continued:

"After more than ten years of this, the number of people in Taiping Dao has expanded rapidly. There are hundreds of thousands of followers across eight states. Even local gentry have joined us. For a while, I felt that the time had come to overthrow this decadent dynasty.

I tell my followers that we want to create a peaceful world in which everyone has no high or low status, and is born from heaven. There is always enough to eat, and the new and the old are in harmony with each other, a truly equal and harmonious world!

At the same time, the congregations all over the country were divided into thirty-six parties, and thirty-six commanders were appointed to lead them, preparing to launch an uprising together on Jiazi Day of the Jiazi Year! "

Wang Yu nodded and naturally said the prophecy that has been sung for thousands of years:

"The sky is dead, and the yellow sky should stand. If you are born in Jiazi, the world will be prosperous."

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