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Chapter 1078: Accept it humbly, but never change it

When dealing with someone who wants to **** you off, you can't give him a chance, or you'll be accustomed to him. If you let him go, not only will he not appreciate it, but he will plan to **** you off again.

Countless cases in history have proved that if you encounter such a person, your best solution is to kill with a stick. No matter how many reasons he had or how compelled he was, since he chose to do it, he had to be mentally prepared to bear the consequences.

Xu Ang did not keep his hand, and as soon as he made a move, he eliminated an opponent.

From the extent of the person's injury, as well as the medical technology of this era, not to mention that the doctor is not well-treated, even if it is cured, the sequelae will be very serious.

It is estimated that the wrists of this island country warrior will be like those girls who have to dress up in summer for the beauty of the wind and snow in winter, and do not expose their legs and feel uncomfortable. In the future, the joints on the body will be more accurate than the weather forecast.

If you are not in the game, you will not know the details. When the island country warrior slashed at him, Xu Ang found that the Japanese sword in the opponent's hand was sharpened.

In other words, that knife can really kill.

If you are hit by it, you will be injured and bleed, or you will lose your life.

Not only the warriors of this island country, but also other people's weapons have all opened their swords, so it is no wonder that Xu Ang will not let go.

You clearly want to take this opportunity to kill me, so why should I be polite to you?

After this discovery, Xu Ang no longer played with his opponents. He shot like lightning, and with the absolute hand speed blessing, he made full use of the advantage of his hand length, and grabbed the opponent's wrist accurately.

After catching it and then twisting it quickly, the crisp sound of the click sounded several times, and the whole world became lively.

The shrill mourning of the several island warriors who lay down on the ground and screamed resounded throughout the gymnasium, causing the cowardly people to hide in fear. Just like Xiaoxiao and Xiaoqingzi, they hugged Sisi and An Qianqian behind their backs, and hid their little heads in each other's arms, acting like ostriches.

Compared to their fear, Sisi and An Qianqian stretched their necks curiously, wanting to see more clearly.

It's a pity that they are all located a little far from the ring, so they can't really see it.

At this time, Lian Jie and the others played a role. The three brothers jumped onto the ring and waved to the security personnel not far away: "Come here and help clean up the ring."

Even if the ring smells wide enough, it can't stand dozens of people lying on it.

If you don't clean them up and let them lie on the ring, that's too affecting the performance. And just like the appearance of the island country warriors, there are those with tears, some with blood on their faces, and some howling and rolling over and over, which is too unsightly.

Although as Chinese people, I don't mind seeing a ghost boy who has a good life, but the basic quality and basic morality of being the master make it impossible for Lian Jie and the others to just leave each other alone.

Several security personnel came in response. They were warriors, reckless men, and rough people. They were not so particular. They pulled the legs of a warrior from an island country and dragged these guys who increased their workload off the ring like a dog to death.

As for whether the other party will be injured during this dragging process, and whether it will cause secondary damage, they said: I am simple-minded and can't think of that much. If you think we are not doing well enough, do it yourself.

"Brother security, we can't be so rude, anyway, they are also international friends."

Lian Jie quietly signaled to the security guards, there are so many media present, and most of them are foreign media, we have to pay attention to the image.

Compared to the two junior brothers Zhanlang and Wen Zhuo who were watching the joke, Lian Jie, the junior brother, thought more than them.

"That's right."

The security guards accepted it humbly, but resolutely did not change it.

How easy it is to drag, just grab it with your hands and pull it away. The big deal is to let them rub the ground twice, the man has thick skin, can this be a problem?

Don't they all say that they practice martial arts, how can they be so squeamish.

Seeing them like this, Lian Jie didn't see Xu Ang stopping him, so he didn't say any more.

He reminded him that it was time to remind him, there was nothing the other party could do if he didn't listen to him, who made him like this scene too.

There are so many generous heroes who have forgiven these days, and they treat the islanders, especially the islanders who come to find fault. The attitude of the people is like this.

If it weren't for the peaceful age now, and the above demands everyone to live in peace, you can see if they can live.

After the security staff cleared all the islanders in the arena, Xu Ang said to the warriors in the stands: "Okay, the guy who got in the way has stepped down. So, who's next?"

After asking, Xu Ang pointed to the Siamese boxer who spoke for the islanders before, and asked repeatedly: "Is it you? Dare to come up and fight with me? Didn't you speak in a hurry before, why are you not in a hurry now, no? Are you afraid? Are you afraid, are you really afraid, and you dare to speak out if you are afraid."

This guy's mouth is too talkative.

The Siamese boxer was very depressed. After seeing how Xu Ang killed the island warriors, he had no hope that he could defeat Xu Ang.

Unless Xu Ang is tired and has no physical support, the Siamese boxer will dare to jump out and face Xu Ang.

Don't say whether this kind of thing will happen, even if it does, it won't be now.

Because the battle with the island warriors ended too quickly, everyone could see that the islanders had not been able to consume Xu Ang's physical strength, and Xu Ang's physical strength was still at its peak at the moment. At this time, they came to Xu Ang to fight, and the islanders who did not have strong strength would be their fate.

The Siamese boxer wanted to go, and wanted to wait until the end to steal the house, but unexpectedly because of his talkativeness, Xu Ang stared at him from the beginning.

After dealing with the I went straight to the door, not giving the Siamese boxer a chance at all.

Being said this in front of everyone's eyes, he almost pointed his nose to invite a fight. The Siamese boxer had no way out, he could only choose to fight.

As they walked from the stand to the ring, the Siamese boxer wondered: Not everyone said that Chinese people are humble and polite, and even if they were provoked, they would never show their unhappiness directly. Why is it different when it comes to Xu Ang?

The Siamese boxer didn't understand why Xu Ang was different from the Chinese people he knew and had contact with. His resoluteness to repay his hatred on the spot was much different from the Chinese people he knew.

Xu Ang was very disdainful of this: "The times are progressing, and our Chinese nation is also progressing. You must know that in the whole world, no nation can have the inclusiveness of the Chinese nation, and no nation can be as inclusive as the Chinese nation. To accommodate Baichuan. What you think of us, and the Chinese people you think are only what you think. Teach you to be good, don't symbolize our Chinese nation, and don't solidify our Chinese people, otherwise your end will be miserable. "

When it came to the word "miserable", Xu Ang looked at the Siamese boxer very differently.

He wants to teach the other party how to write a miserable character.

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