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Chapter 404: The one who stole the cultural relics became a cultural relic

"I found something below, I want to go down, you..."

Lao Meng looked at Xu Ang hesitantly.

If the previous misunderstanding hadn't happened, he wouldn't be like this, but the misunderstanding just happened, and Lao Meng didn't dare to be so casual. Old Meng saw Li Ke and the others' reactions. He knew that Xu Ang might not care about some things, but those who were in charge of Xu Ang's safety couldn't care less.

"Where did so many scruples come from?"

Xu Ang motioned to quickly bring the equipment and put it on for himself.

Although Li Ke and the others wanted to stop him, Xu Ang insisted that they could only protect Xu Ang and let Hu Yi and others accompany him.

Compared with Lao Meng and Zhang Ada, Xu Ang's force here is appropriate.

Waddling through the sewage slurry, Xu Ang followed behind Lao Meng and the others, descending through the passage that had been expanded twice.

Being tall and strong is not necessarily a good thing. For now, others feel very spacious when moving, but Xu Ang has to be careful to avoid bumps and injuries.

It seemed that he felt Xu Ang's embarrassment as he marched, and he seemed to be looking for some topics to reconnect with Xu Ang, or simply so that he would not be too deserted during the march, Lao Meng was talking in front of him.

"The material life of people in ancient times was far inferior to ours, and their physical quality was also different from the standards of modern people."

"Let's not say anything else, just talking about the term seven-footed man to describe a man, its standard changes every dynasty and every generation, and it's not a fixed value that many people think."

"The standard for a seven-footed man in the Shang and Zhou dynasties was about one meter four or five. By the end of the Warring States Period and the Qin Dynasty, it had become about one meter six, and by the Han Dynasty... eh?!"

When Lao Meng was talking, his voice suddenly stopped.

Xu Ang, who was in the middle and back of the team, heard an exclamation, followed by the muffled sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

After that, Lao Meng's groaning came: "We've arrived at the place, cough...hiss, it really hurts."

This is... fell?

For some reason, Xu Ang couldn't help showing a schadenfreude smile.


Who asked you not to explain the situation to me in advance, who made you surprise me, and now you will be punished.


"Turn on the lights!"

"Be careful of the people behind!"

There was a slightly flustered voice from the front. Lao Meng threw the light on his head out when he fell. When he fell, his instinctive reaction pulled the person behind him, and even the other party suffered together. .

In order to prevent the people behind from being also dropped, and to prevent their companions from causing secondary damage to themselves after falling, they ignored the pain on their bodies and hurriedly reminded them.

After several minutes of tossing, the front finally stabilized, and Xu Ang was able to enter the tomb of Haihunhou smoothly.

I do not know how many years no one has stepped on the tomb passage, which welcomed dozens of visitors, and its silence for many years was broken. The light of the searchlights dispelled the darkness and revealed the face of the place in front of everyone's eyes.

Xu Ang found that the location where everyone was located should be a tomb passage. He didn't pay much attention to the images and words carved on both sides of the road wall. That was what Lao Meng and his students were responsible for. Xu Ang's attention was on the surrounding environment. superior.

After a cursory observation, Xu Ang felt a little relieved.

In addition to the slightly damp ground, the tomb passage is still dry, although some dust has accumulated, the walls of the passage are still clean.


An exclamation came from one of Lao Meng's students, and Xu Ang knew that it was a girl.

It is indeed rare for girls to be admitted to Peking University and choose the Department of Archaeology, but they are not unique. Xu Ang knew that there would be such a girl in the future, and the other party was ridiculed by a group of keyboard players hiding behind the Internet, trying to change other people's lives with his own ideas. However, the result was that none of the participants ate a melon. Many archaeology department bosses sent their thoughts to the girl. Not to mention, the value of a set of books sent by a boss alone was worth it. It makes people sour.

Looking in the direction the girl was looking at, the light showed a skeleton.

Lao Meng and his two other male students didn't find it scary, they went forward to observe carefully.

Soon, Lao Meng's observations came to fruition.

"Judging from the clothing and other aspects, it should be a person from the Wei and Jin Dynasties."

People from the Wei and Jin Dynasties died in the Haihunhou Tomb built in the Western Han Dynasty!

Xu Ang raised his eyebrows and motioned Hu Er to go up and have a look.

The latter took a careful look and told Xu Ang: "The external force killed you, and the fatal injury is in the back of your head."

After Hu Er said this, Xu Ang found that it was true, there was a crack in the back of the skeleton's head.

Lao Meng has his own conclusion: "This person should be a tomb robber who came to steal something. The robbery hole we entered was dug by him and his companions."

"Why did the tomb robber die at the entrance of the robbery cave... eh!"

As soon as the girl asked this, she stopped herself.

She was already aware of what might have happened at the time.

Unsurprisingly, Lao Meng said: "Anyone who can sneak attack from behind and kill him with one blow is his companion. I don't think there will be anyone else here. Otherwise, there will never be only one skeleton here. Tomb robbing is a sinful business. How many good people are there? After carrying a lot of gold, silver and jade in their arms, how many people are willing to share it with others? The tomb will have the greatest release, and it's not as interesting as someone's novel."

Xu Ang was certain and certain that Lao Meng was connoting himself.

"Fictions are different from academic papers. Novels focus on entertainment, but they are not as rigorous as academic papers. You treat novels with the attitude of academic papers, are you sure it's appropriate?"

When it comes to his professionalism, Lao Meng will not easily back down, he replied to Xu Ang: "The "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" you wrote is completely wrong for the children, if the children read your book and have wrong values, can you be held responsible? "

Xu Ang He didn't want to argue with Lao Meng.

This old pedant is very pivotal in some places, and it is useless to argue with him, and Xu Ang doesn't bother.

"Yes, yes, yes, you are right."

Xu Ang replied with his mouth, but he was thinking in his heart: This scene and the often-occurring future generations of so-and-so want to teach bad children, so it should be banned, so-and-so will have a bad influence on minors, shield it, give it to it 404, the feeling is the same.

In this regard, countless people can only lament: "Take care of the minors and save the adults."

Seeing the verbal dispute, Xu Ang flinched. Old Meng, who rarely took advantage of Xu Ang's hands, was proud of himself. He instructed the rest of the team: "Everyone should be careful when passing by. It will help us to study Wei and Jin."

Hearing this, everyone rolled their eyes in unison.

The tragic tomb robber, who was under the black hand of his own companions, died for 16,700 years, and still has to be studied.

The one who went to the tomb to steal the cultural relics himself became a cultural relic, what is the matter?

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