All-in-one Sign

Chapter 487: here is my root

The premise of making a big shopping mall is to take down the surrounding land. When the shopping mall is built, the surrounding real estate is also built. At this time, you can use various gimmicks to sell the house.

It is the basic operation of some real estate businessmen to use large shopping malls to drive the surrounding housing prices.

Don't look at the appearance that the big shopping mall can't make too much money. In fact, people don't expect the big shopping mall to make money at all - at least in the early stage, people rely on high house prices to make profits.

Especially after the Mr. Li from Hong Kong Island brought the public housing and off-plan housing model he invented to the mainland, real estate developers have not invested much real money, but they can amass a huge amount of money and spend most of the life savings of home buyers or It is the income of the next 20 to 30 years that you put into your own pocket, which is even more expensive than a business without capital.

Anyone with a little bit of financial common sense can understand how objective the profits that large wealth can make will be.

People's banks also need to pay interest to depositors. Real estate developers are much more clever than banks.

So, otherwise, how could gentleman Li become the richest man in China? This capital method is brilliant.

"It's not enough for the old man to be mad at Hong Kong Island. Now he wants to bring the things he played on Hong Kong Island to the mainland, but I stopped him a little bit. Think of it as Hong Kong Island. He thinks that the mainland is a place, we are not as bad as there, and we can't even handle the gang."

After Gao Xiaojun washed the faces of the two little sisters, so that they were no longer confused, and brought them to the living room, Xu Ang was talking with Cai Shuangxin.

In fact, it is a conversation, it is better to say that Xu Ang is talking, and Cai Shuangxin is listening.

"Look at Hong Kong Island, because of the crazy blood-sucking of Old Li Tou, the people at the bottom have no hope. Shuangxin, you have also been to Hong Kong Island, and you know how much people there like to gamble, and this kind of thing is on Hong Kong Island. How flooded. The reason for this is that in addition to the weakness of human nature, there is more to see no hope.”

"The people at the bottom have worked hard all their lives, and no matter how much they save, they can't afford to buy a house. Since there is no hope, why should they embarrass themselves. It's better to have fun in time. This is the root cause of bad gambling there."

Once people lose hope, they give up on themselves.

Xu Ang lives in the mainland. What he has seen and heard since he was a child is how his fathers worked hard to build the motherland, in order to provide a better future for their children and grandchildren, in order to make their children no longer suffer in the future. No regrets.

Everyone paid so much, not to **** blood for some capitalists who call themselves pure businessmen.

If Cai Shuangxin understood something: "So boss, you invested in HD Real Estate."

Speaking of investment, Cai Shuangxin believes that Xu Ang founded HD Real Estate. Cai Shuangxin, his own boss, is very clear about his temper. He can handle the general direction, but he doesn't like to deal with trivial matters.

Even in the eyes of the vast majority of people, these so-called trivial things are a height that they can hardly touch in their entire lives.

It’s like Steve from a subsidiary company, or Mark from Twitter, or Lasseter from Peak, Wayne from Netscape, etc. To the outside world, these are the CEOs at the helm of big companies. The affairs in charge belong to the trivial category that Xu Ang is not willing to deal with.

With so many examples ahead, it's not surprising to see an extra HD property.

"You are right, the emergence of HD Real Estate not only means that I am optimistic about the development of the mainland, but also means to warn the capital of Hong Kong Island. In the past, the country was poor, and even the government did not have much money. They needed them to invest, and this gave them a lot of money. convenient."

"Perhaps it is because of this that they feel arrogant, think that they have the ability to set the rules of the mainland game, and want to bring their tricks to the mainland."

"Think about it, a Hong Kong Island has eaten them all over their heads. If they can lie down and **** blood in such a huge market in the mainland, what will they eat?"

Xu Ang spread his hands: "Blocking people's way of making money is like killing one's parents. I look like that kind of person to these foreign capitals. They can't wait to remove me as a roadblock, so as not to delay their making money."

With Cai Shuangxin's EQ and IQ, they would naturally not say the words to let Xu Ang join them, although in Cai Shuangxin's view, this is a wise choice, and only in this way can they earn more wealth.

He replied: "I also heard that Ms. Gao of HD Real Estate has cut off a lot of projects on Hong Kong Island. I think the boss made such a detailed business plan because he wanted to connect these projects into a whole and put it together. Become a gold mine that continues to produce gold."

"It's not a gold mine." Xu Ang raised his index finger and shook it, correcting, "It's a gold mountain."

"The way of hoarding land at a low price and then selling it at a high price after the development of the mainland is too low-level, and it is too easy to attract infamy. Old Li will do this because he has no knowledge of it at all. I treat myself and the mainland as a family, and they still want to be a British Justice of the to hold the Queen's stinky feet."

"And I'm different. This country and this land are my roots. What I want to do is not a one-shot deal."

Speaking of the roots of the Chinese people, Cai Shuangxin, who has lived in the United States and Northern Europe, and has worked in large companies, has a much deeper feeling. He said with emotion: "Yeah, it's good to have roots. No matter where we are from, we are all from China, and only China is our root. Only when China is strong can we straighten our backs and talk outside. Only have the confidence, otherwise anyone can bully us."

There is not a strong enough motherland behind it. When you arrive in a Western country, you are waiting to be discriminated against on the surface and in the dark.

This is the reason why I know patriotism only after I say the country.

Of course, except for those who don't want to be humans but want to be dogs.

Leading the two little sisters over to sit down, Gao Xiaojun said: "HD Real Estate and Hong Kong Island's capital have been fighting openly and secretly for several times, but fortunately, we won with sufficient funds and the advantage of being locals. It's just that Recently, this kind of fighting has become more and more intense, and even companies from the same mainland are also attacking us."

Gao Xiaojun expressed his troubles: "Many of them have been thinking about it, and these people feel that the set of Hong Kong Island is more beneficial to them, and they are putting pressure on me through various means, trying to make me give up What we are doing now, use the model of Hong Kong Island.”

Gao Xiaojun expressed his troubles: "Many of them have been thinking about it, and these people feel that the set of Hong Kong Island is more beneficial to them, and they are putting pressure on me through various means, trying to make me give up What we are doing now, use the model of Hong Kong Island.”

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