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Chapter 806: misunderstood the word escort

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"You completed the daily check-in and got a random reward: colorful gourd vine."

"Colorful Gourd Vine: Can produce colorful gourds."

"Note: There is no special use other than the color is good."

Today's daily check-in gave Xu Ang a novelty. The colorful gourd vine is no different from the ordinary gourd vine in terms of function, but it is beautiful.

Beauty is useless, it is useless.

Said to be useful, it does add points a lot of the time.

He didn't take it out, Xu Ang kept it and took it out in a suitable place.

After all, he is in the United States now, and if he takes out the colorful gourd vine now, doesn't he want to leave it to the Americans?

Xu Ang felt that it was good to decorate his own home with the reward he got when he signed in. What would it be like to leave it on someone else's site.

Losing business cannot be done.

"Boss, the preparations for the championship parade have been made, and all the staff are in place."

Jin Beller called, not only to inform Xu Ang of the good news, but also to inform Xu Ang that you have to prepare for today's events.

Xu Ang replied, "Half an hour later, I'll be waiting for the team's car at the door."

Half an hour is enough time for Xu Ang to complete the preparations such as washing, not only he can do it, but also the little sisters at home can do it.

Xiaoxiao and the others are still young, far from their age when they need to go out and put on makeup. It usually only takes ten minutes for them to wash their faces, get dressed and eat, or even a few minutes short, and it is not known whether they are progressing or regressing compared to their future counterparts.

After leaving the bedroom, Xu Ang saw Xiaoxiao, who used to need adults to wake them up.

"Brother, come quickly, we'll go out to play after dinner."

In Xiaoxiao's perception, Xu Ang said that if she wanted to take them out to participate in the team's championship parade, her little brain automatically filtered it into a brother and sister to go out to play.

Who made her knowledge reserve not have the concept of the championship parade.

To say that the NBA team won the championship parade is actually a celebration of many people participating.

It's just that the number of people participating is more than a certain level.

The players were on the bus, on the rented float, sprayed with champagne, dressed in their own celebratory costumes, and swaggered through the market. The fans were shouting, shouting, and hilarious from both sides of their path. They use this method to vent the joy of the team winning the championship, along with the negative emotions accumulated in their daily life.

This caused the team's team to pass by a place, the place is full of jubilation, all kinds of hustle and bustle, and people are full of voices.

To use Fang Shuying's words to describe it, it is two words - too noisy.

Fang Shuying has never liked this kind of occasion, she likes to stay quietly, at most ordinary level of liveliness, occasions such as the championship parade, the old rice is very high, like it or not, Fang Shuying frowned.

If both Xu Ang and Xiaoxiao were there, she would never come. Even if you come, you will leave quickly, not to stay too long, let alone participate in the whole process.

Compared with her discomfort, Xu Ang will not say it. This kind of situation does not affect him, and Xiaoxiao and the others' performance surprised many people.

Generally speaking, when children encounter such a big scene and see so many crazy strangers, they will be afraid, panic, and will hold on to adults to seek a sense of security.

In fact, Sisi and Xiao Qingzi did the same at the beginning. However, after adding another Xiaogouzi, the whole style of the little sisters was taken away.

Seeing thousands of strangers on both sides of the road, Xiaoxiao first glanced at Xu Ang to make sure that her brother was by her side, and then raised her little hand and roared at those hilarious Americans.

"You bad people want to scare little sister, little sister is not afraid of you."

"I have my brother, my brother is a big man, he will protect me."

"Don't be arguing, I'll be angry if you keep arguing!"

"Why are you still arguing, you adults are not good at all."

Seeing Xiaoxiao shouting at the adults, Sisi and Xiao Qingzi were encouraged by her bravery, and they also shouted loudly.

For a time, the fans on the roadside were shouting, and the three little sisters in the car were shouting, and the inside and outside were also amusing.

At the beginning, Sisi and the others were worried, afraid that uncles, uncles, aunts and uncles they didn't know would murder them. After a while, they realized that the people outside were paper tigers. Even though there were many of them, they didn't dare to do anything to the little sisters, so Sisi and the others became more courageous.

After letting go of their worries, they began to regard it as a fun game, and found joy in the roar that only they could understand.

When the team's bus paraded outside and returned to the center of the Treasure Boat Arena, Xu Ang found Xiaoxiao and the others giggling happily, and they seemed to be quite happy.

He took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from their foreheads and cheeks, and wiped the sweat on their necks for them. Then Xu Ang took them out of the car one by one.

When he hugged the little sisters and got out of the car, Xu Ang could clearly feel that their little chests were not up and down, and the slightly open mouth exhaled wet heat.

How hard do you have to yell to make yourself tired like this?

Thinking it was funny, Xu Ang patted their backs lightly, but what he thought was: I'm crazy and tired, so after the championship celebration is over, I don't need to think about putting you to sleep after taking you on the plane.

Xiaoxiao and the others didn't know their brother's sinister intentions. They were standing at Xu Ang's feet, chattering about how brave they had acted just now, and boasting that they were brave children.

Their brave puppy does not need the protection of his brother, and can face all difficulties by himself.


You said that they are still relying on their brother now.

That's not Lai, it's giving my brother a chance to witness the bravery of his sister with his own eyes. It's not that they feel at ease because they are afraid of being protected by their Xu Ang just wanted to expose them, saying that they were pestering him because they wanted his brother. The one who escorted them was immediately besieged by the little sister.

Xiao Qingzi: "My elder brother has to protect my younger sister."

Xiao Gouzi: "My brother is a big horse, and my sister wants to ride a big horse."

Si Baobao: "Da Ma Da Ma, drive! Drive! Drive!"

Xu Ang: "???"

Silly children, have you misunderstood the word escort?

While talking with his little sisters, Xu Ang suddenly found that the center of the huge arena was quiet. He looked up and saw players such as Kobe and Barkley, the management team such as Kim Belle, and the fans who were drawn into the arena. They are all waiting to speak for themselves.

After recalling the process, Xu Ang knew what he should do at this time.

He took Xiaoxiao, followed by Xiao Qingzi and Sisi, and walked to the stadium.

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