Chapter 16 Death Nizi, you are thinking of spring!

Lin Feng was puzzled and didn’t know what Eva was doing.

He didn’t know, it was related to the charm value he had increased before.

Lin Feng is already very handsome.

He has a handsome appearance, coupled with long-term dealings with gardening, and has a literary temperament.

Its own charm attribute has 66 points.

Therefore, Lin Feng is the school grass of Minglu Middle School.

Many girls in Baisha City know his name.

His charm value is almost the highest value that ordinary people can achieve.

Without special abilities, it is impossible to have a higher level of charm.

Before that, he chose the bonus of charm +40.

This makes his charm value break the 100 mark.

In addition to gaining murderous intent to offset this ability, Lin Feng’s appeal to others has also risen sharply.

With a very good appearance, coupled with the charisma bonus, Eva’s attraction to him is a natural thing.

In this trial mission, Eva lost thoroughly.

She was completely crushed by Lin Feng.

Ever since I was a child, I have received a Spartan education and believed in Eva who respected strength. At this time, my heart beat faster.

Halfway through introducing herself, Eva suddenly woke up.

Her complexion was flushed, and she wanted to find a hole in the ground.

Lin Feng was silent for a moment.

Out of courtesy, he still responded.

“My name is Lin Feng, I’m an adult, and I’m a gardener by profession. Do you have anything to do?”

Eva woke up when she heard this.

She is looking for Lin Feng, but she has something to do.

That is to ask how Lin Feng managed to kill so many zombies.

Simultaneously download the battle book!

The soldiers of the Plushenko family are not afraid of difficulties, and they are more brave as they fight!

Once you lose, you must find the place back!

“Well, I want to ask, how did you kill so many zombies, if you can, I want to discuss combat techniques.”

What I thought was completely different from what I said.

Eva found that she could not write a letter to Lin Feng.

Can’t say it!

“Really? Do you want to know the weaknesses of ordinary zombies?”

Lin Feng was a little happy.

Eva was taken aback.

“Well, did you find the weakness of ordinary zombies?”

“Yes, I found two weaknesses.”

Having said that, Lin Feng stopped the conversation.

He wants the other party to offer the transaction.

In this way, oneself can grasp the initiative and obtain the greatest benefit.

Eva saw that he was silent and stopped talking, and she herself was a little flustered.

This is a feeling I have never felt before.

Lin Feng looked at her lightly.

“This girl must be embarrassed. The eldest lady hasn’t discussed business with anyone, so I’m embarrassed to speak up.”

He thought to himself.

But in order to maximize the benefits, Lin Feng must take the initiative, he does not want to propose a deal first.

“Well, I want to know what the weakness you found is, I can buy it with money.”

As soon as the words were spoken, Eva regretted it.

Is this too domineering, too snobbery!

Lin Feng said lightly: “I don’t want money. If you use the information I provided to improve your performance, I want you to get one-third of the reward.”

“If you agree, then we will use the contract function of the trial space to sign a contract.”

The trial space is very powerful, and the functions are also very complete.

Once a contract is signed using the contract function, no one can violate their promise.

Otherwise, the price will be great!

“Okay, I am willing to trade!”

Looking at the happy Eva, Lin Feng is not surprised.

Everyone wants to improve their scores in such exams, especially for girls from fighting nations like Eva.

After the two parties signed the agreement, Lin Feng told each other about the weakness of the zombies he had discovered.

“Ordinary zombies have two weaknesses.”

“The first is to separate the head and body of the zombie, so that the virus cannot control the zombie’s actions through the neural network.”

“Secondly, their joints. Because of muscle atrophy, their knee joints are the weakest. After the damage, the opponent will not be able to move.”

Eva listened, her expression changed.

She knows what it means.

Everyone knows that the head of a zombie is a weakness.

But they don’t know that the key is to destroy nerve channels.

This was unexpected, the scope of the attack changed from the entire head of the zombie to the neck of the zombie.

For a master like her, the speed of killing zombies has not increased by a little bit.

Most importantly, the other party observed too carefully!

The trial battle is very difficult.

The other party can get such information, indicating that he has enough margin to observe the zombies.

What does this show?

These people tried their best in the face of trial, but Lin Feng was able to do it well!

He is so strong!

A feeling of admiration arose in Eva’s heart.

“You are so strong, you can still achieve such terrifying results in such a leisurely stroll in the battle!”

Lin Feng smiled faintly.

“Is there anything else? I’ll hang up when it’s okay.”


After hanging up the communication, Lin Feng went to work on his own affairs.

Eva patted her face.

Some are hot.

She didn’t understand, what was wrong.

Although I can’t describe my complicated feelings.

But she is looking forward to the next meeting.

Eva, who has received hard training since childhood, has no time to play with her best friends.

If there is a girlfriend here, the other party will definitely remind Eva.

Nizi, you are thinking of spring…*

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