These low-level goblins and Kainuo brought a lot of experience to Li Yao and Yang Xue.

Especially Kaino.

Killing this special level 11 monster directly increases experience by 50%.

Killing another Kainuo will bring you to level 10.

Both of them have reached level nine, and there will be no monsters around to gain experience for Li Yao and the others.

It's time to return to the city.

Before leaving, Li Yao and Yang Xue also met with Celia.

It's already safe here.

There will be no trouble from goblins looking for Celia, not even those little dungeon monsters.

Celia was very grateful to Li Yao and the others, but she ran out of the village secretly and didn't have much gratitude on her.

Yang Xue didn't care about the thank you gift at all.

The gratitude of Celia, a little beauty, is already a gift to her, an old pervert.

Not to mention Li Yao.

My [giant octopus's orb] was enchanted with the help of Celia, so this person can be considered worthy of saving.

It’s just that Celia is very mysterious to Li Yao and the others.

Why does a half-elf appear in Gran, and how does this half-elf get out of this dungeon and return to the village?

Celia hesitated and did not say anything, and Yang Xue and Li Yao did not ask further questions. They could just go back and report this matter to the professional association.

(Bincheng two hours ago)

Late at night.

Every year on this day, no one is destined to sleep.

The job transfer square in Bincheng Nuoda was brightly lit and bustling with activity.

Those beauties in cool clothes poured into the square, waiting for their future masters at the entrance to the novice copy.

Even though the autumn wind made them shiver with cold, they were reluctant to leave.

The vendors were hawking, the teachers were sitting in place, and Zhu Dajun was wandering aimlessly in the square with his hands behind his back.

They are all looking forward to the professional students coming out of the novice copy.

Those students are the future of Long Country.

Only professionals can protect the Dragon Kingdom and allow the Dragon Kingdom to stand upright among other countries.

The job transfer altar can determine the qualifications of students, and the novice copy can truly test the overall quality of the students.

The most outrageous of these students are Li Yao, Yang Xue, and Sun Ni.

Their qualifications are not as good as Meng Liming's, but their level is one level higher than Meng Liming's!

Especially Li Yao, how did Li Yao, a life-enhancing master, upgrade so quickly?

Meng Liming is now at level 6. Is he weak?

Not weak at all. In the past few years, level 6 has been the ceiling.

This slapped the admissions teacher of Qingbei University hard in the face, and even gave the principal Ye Yunyun a big surprise!

Zhu Dajun also felt uneasy.

Could it be that Li Yao, the reinforcement master, was different?

Do you want to rethink the merit report?

Someone excitedly pointed at the big screen broadcasting the entrance to the novice copy and shouted loudly.

"It's out! It's out! The first batch of students is out!"

Often the first professionals to come out have unsatisfactory results.

Just like the exam, those who hand in blank papers will leave the examination room first.

But this does not prevent people from being excited.

Professionals with poor performance, no matter how weak they are, will still be a force in resisting the monster army in the future.

The reporters from the TV station swarmed over first, bound to get the first report.

The dozen or so students knelt down and sat on the ground as soon as the copy came out, crying and wailing bitterly.

"Li Yao mistook me!! Damn it, Li Yao!!"

"Li Yao! You and I are irreconcilable!"

"Fuck you Li Yao, you are an idiot!!!"

The situation of the novice copy was broadcast on the big screen in the professional square.

This scene confused the people.

Isn't Li Yao the reinforcement master whose level is firmly on Meng Liming's head?

Why do these people hate Li Yao so much?

The reaction of these dozen students made the public clearly aware that there was something wrong here!

They all stared intently at the big screen broadcasting here.

Reporters rushed to pass the microphones to the students.

"This classmate, is the Li Yao you are talking about the reinforcement master?"

"What did he do to you in the dungeon? Why did you scold him so hard?"

Facing the reporters’ questions, one student found a point to talk to, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said:

“He is just a beast!!

He lied to us and said that he had discovered a group of monsters and wanted to team up with us to slay monsters. "

The reporters were puzzled.

This isn't the first time they've interviewed novice professionals.

Finding monsters in the novice dungeon is very troublesome, but it’s great that some people are willing to share the coordinates of spawning monsters.

Li Yao is a great person!

The reporters continued to ask with doubts:

"Then what?"

The student's eyes were red and he said with grief and anger:

"But that bastard didn't tell us! The so-called monsters were an army of goblins! They were so densely packed that they couldn't be counted! They tricked me to death!"

The reporters were stunned.

After interviewing novice professionals for so many years, this is the first time I heard that there is a goblin army in the novice copy!

The Professionals Association sends professionals to Glen to explore every year. There is no way there is a Goblin army there!

Could this be the first time these students came into contact with a group of monsters and were frightened?

The reporter asked suspiciously:

"Is it because you were too nervous that you mistook a group of goblins as an army?"

As soon as the reporter said this, the dozen or so students became anxious.

What a gang of goblins!

Countless goblins, do you call this a small gang of goblins?

Because they left the dungeon prematurely, they were only at level two or three.

It’s all Li Yao’s fault!

They all spoke out passionately.

"It's just an army of goblins! If you don't believe me, you can ask other people!"

"Yes, not only were we deceived by Li Yao, but more than thirty people were also deceived!"

"I have reasonable suspicion that Li Yao colluded with the monster! He brought us into a circle surrounded by monsters!"

"I almost died in there! Why don't you believe what we say!"

Li Yao colluded with goblins?

The people sneered.

Goblins generally have low IQs and are cruel and despicable.

It’s good to be able to understand human nature, but can you join forces with humans to deceive novice professionals like you?

They shook their heads in disappointment. Most of these children were frightened.

It’s true that this kid Li Yao has monster spawning resources, so why share it with them?

The public no longer paid attention to these students and continued to wait for the students to come out.

The next group of students came out, more than thirty of them, including Meng Liming and Sun Ni.

They were disgraced, with exhaustion written on their faces.

Huang Mao, Meng Liming's subordinate who had offended Li Yao before, looked around and sneaked away, fearing that Li Yao would suddenly appear and cause trouble for him.

Except for Meng Liming, who was bruised and swollen, the eyes of the remaining students were flashing with excitement.

They are the students who fought fiercely with the goblins.

The five hundred goblins allowed them to gain a lot of experience and master a lot of professional coordination skills.

Those goblins were their first whetstone of war.

Although everyone is very tired, they are in high spirits.

After Meng Liming and Sun Ni appeared at the door of the dungeon, the reporters' eyes lit up.

Although it came out very early, what does it matter?

These two are talented professionals from Bincheng!

One is an A-level professional! Level six.

One is a C-level professional, level seven!

The reporters rushed over and handed them the microphones:

"Classmate Meng, your upgrade speed is really fast. Level 6 is already a very high score, but what do you think of Li Yao, Yang Xue, and Sun Ni's level 7 results?"

"Classmate Sun Ni, you are actually one level higher than Classmate Meng. I heard that you teamed up with Li Yao and Yang Xue. How did you do it?"

"Some people say that a goblin army appeared in the novice copy. Is this true?"

Sun Ni didn't answer anything. With a cold face, she twisted her waist and left the entrance of the novice copy proudly.

These ordinary people are not worthy of talking to Miss Sun!

The black-eyed Meng Liming did not answer directly. His face was gloomy. He pushed away the reporter standing in front of him and said angrily:

"Everyone, get out of here! I want to see President Zhu!"

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