The Daily Life of Successful People
Gusu City is about 300 miles north of Lin’an City.
Also located in the south of the Yangtze River, Gusu City, like Lin’an City, has outstanding people and beautiful women.
Mo Xuan used the City Return Talisman to come to Lin’an City, then hired a carriage at the post station, and arrived in Gusu City an hour later.
The streets of Gusu are wide, criss-crossed and very neat.
There are rows of beautiful and neat houses on the main road, and various courtyards are distributed on non-main roads.
Whether it is urban construction or people’s clothing, they are very similar to Lin’an City.
After getting off the carriage, Mo Xuan went directly to Cuihua Street, the famous “Jewelry Street” in Gusu City.
The reason why he came here was because before he set off, he got the task strategy given by Jian Xin Tongming.
[Go to Cuihua Street in Gusu City to buy half a piece of green jade pendant, and then give it to Sister Pomegranate, the bustard in Yanchun Building]
Perhaps because he was worried that Mo Xuan would not recognize the half green jade pendant, the Raider kindly gave an image.
The half piece of green jade pendant is painted on it, it looks very ordinary, and the color is also average.
Although he didn’t know the connection between the bustard of Yanchun Tower and Yuhuanghua.
But since it was Jian Xin Tongming’s reminder, he trusted it 100%.
Cuihua Street is a long street next to the river, like the ancient towns of Xitang and Wuzhen in the previous life.
Small bridges and flowing water, rainy alleys with oil umbrellas, have a special style.
There is a small river on one side and various shops on the other.
Perhaps because of the good business, there are still many people setting up stalls to sell goods in the corners next to the shops.
The streets are not spacious, and pedestrians come and go, a little crowded.
There are all kinds of people on Cuihua Street.
There are dignitaries, professional buyers who speculate, and of course there are many players with fresh pictures.
Just like the ancient town with a strong commercial flavor in the previous life, Cuihua Street is not full of jewelry sellers.
Where the entrance is more spacious, there are some snacks and rides.
Mo Xuan bought some food and walked around while eating.
There are pot throwing, archery, Liubo, throwing money, fighting crickets and so on.
If you have a girlfriend in the future, you must bring her here to have fun.
In a daze, it actually made him forget the bloody storm in the world.
It’s not bad to be an ordinary trafficker like this.
But the rivers and lakes are not where you come and go when you want.
The so-called people can’t help themselves in the rivers and lakes. If you don’t move forward, people and things will naturally push you forward.
You can’t help but stop and rest for a while.
Mo Xuan smiled helplessly, and walked towards Cuihua Street.
When he came to a small stall, he stopped.
Maybe the stall owner sells not very exquisite and valuable items, so the front of the stall is deserted.
The tourists who stopped just looked at it for a while, then shook their heads and continued to walk forward.
Seeing that Mo Xuan didn’t leave after looking at it for a long time, the stall owner finally said, “Brother, just choose, if you like something, I’ll give you a discount.”
In order not to show a special purpose for the half green jade pendant, Mo Xuan deliberately chose some other antiques and jewelry, including the half green jade pendant of course.
In the end, the stall owner packed almost half of the items he put out.
He was so happy that he couldn’t close his mouth from ear to ear.
This is really half a year without opening, open for half a year!
In the end, it was the stall owner who gave a discount, and these things were 20 taels of silver.
Mo Xuan didn’t even negotiate the price, just paid and left.
I can enter the fairy world
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“Money cannot buy time and health”, this sentence is used to comfort the poor.
For the rich, money can buy time.
When poor people bargain with merchants for a penny or two, rich people have already paid and left to do other important things.
when the poor are still everywhereWhen inquiring about where pork is cheaper, the rich have long bought premium pork and let the servants cook.
In a word, the poor may be able to spend more time and cost to buy more cost-effective things.
But the cost-effective thing is not something that rich people need to consider at all. They can use the time they save to do things they like.
It gives the impression that rich people have money and leisure.
The same is true in terms of health, let’s not talk about it.
Mo Xuan bought the designated items and was in a good mood, so he went to a restaurant that looked luxurious and had something to eat.
He made a lot of money, and soon Xiao Er brought the drinks and delicacies with a smiling face.
Eating while doing “official business”.
It is nothing more than assigning mentoring tasks to three disciples, and then collecting the operating income of the two stores.
It is worth mentioning that the delivery of mentoring tasks can also be delegated.
Mo Xuan entrusted it to his master Cao Gu.
In other words, he only needs to be responsible for releasing the task, and Grass Valley will be responsible for the completion and acceptance of the task.
And he himself only needs to take the value of the master-apprentice relationship.
Really become a hands-off shopkeeper.
Although these are things that can be done with the touch of a finger, Mo Xuan thoroughly enjoyed the “daily life of successful people”.
Please call him the overbearing president Mo Xuan!

At dusk, Mo Xuan came to the famous Yanchun Building in Gusu City.
This is a quaint tall building.
At the beginning of the lanterns, all kinds of luxury carriages and sedan chairs parked on the street, showing the difference of this high-rise building.
Upstairs came the voice of the Sizhu Orchestra and Wu Nong’s soft voice.
When he was in Lin’an City, he had no chance to visit the brothel.
Unexpectedly, when he came to Gusu City, he could listen to music in Goulan so “justifiably”.
There is no way, to complete the task given by the master…
Heaven and earth are big, master is the greatest!
Mo Xuan didn’t dress very well, he was wearing a blue robe, but the sword logo of the Shushan Sword Sect was removed, and he looked unremarkable.
The gatekeeper was used to seeing dignitaries, so when he saw Mo Xuan’s outfit, he was naturally a bit arrogant.
“Five taels of silver.” He didn’t even look at Mo Xuan when he spoke.
Mo Xuan readily took out the money and handed it to him with a smile.
This is another characteristic of the rich, especially the rich with quality.
Never get angry with someone who is not equal.
If you don’t do it, you’re wasting your emotions.
There are many private rooms in Yanchun Building, which are more private than ordinary restaurants.
This is also the reason why some dignitaries like to come here. Generally speaking, if you are careful, you will not reveal your identity.
These private rooms have very elegant names.
For example, “Red Dust Pavilion”, “Qingfeng Pavilion”, “Bamboo Shadow Pavilion” and so on.
In addition to dignitaries, poets and literati also like to go in and out of Yanchun Tower.
Because in addition to being good at singing and dancing, the girls in Yanchun Tower are also proficient in poetry and poetry.
This is the training they have received since childhood, the purpose is of course to please men.
Imagine being able to drink and pair poetry with the girl you like, and then go to the girl’s couch to match the line after the poem.
Just thinking about it makes me fascinated…
“Oh, the son is gone for a while, our girls all want you to die!”
The fragrant wind came, and a eldest sister with heavy makeup and beautiful charm walked towards Mo Xuan with a smile.

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