101. The other side of the world (2)


Upon arriving at the airport, Natalia, whom I hadn’t seen in a while, waved at Jaeik with a bright expression.

(Natalia! It’s been a while. It’s not even Mflix. Thank you.)

(Even if it’s not an Mflix job, the additional contract is an Mflix job. And even if it’s not, what’s the matter? If the artist is coming to the US, what kind of work is not ours?)

As soon as he found out that he was coming to the United States, Amplix contacted them saying that they would come to meet him, and Watpad, which was a step behind, sent a message saying that he was sorry.

Of course, throughout the Watpad schedule, Natalia does not help by the side, but simply picks up to the destination.

(And my God! 500,000 copies of advance reservations. Watpad seems to be paying a lot of attention to publicity, and it turned out to be a hit. Thanks to this, this is also quite an issue. Thanks to the news of the publication, the viewing rate of Mflix’s works also jumped sharply?)

Because the publication of the world behind the scenes used the name Song Jae-ik instead of CE, which was often used.

In a way, it’s the first work that doesn’t use Natur’s name. It was also a decision that paid attention to naming in the US market.

(Is that enough? In Korea, there is no news or anything like that, so I can’t feel it.)

(That’s why. It’s kind of weird. If it’s an issue like this, it must have been on the news a few times.)

Jaeik’s channel only promotes or mentions it, but doesn’t spread promotional materials separately, so the media doesn’t know what it is. No matter what Jaeik did, it didn’t become an issue in the media.

Pre-ordering 500,000 copies of a Korean genre novel is not a common or easy outcome. Unlike the media, public opinion is crying out for gukppong, even if it is a mess.

(In addition, the contract with OMCTV is proceeding smoothly. They are also quite active.)

(It’s fortunate. OMCTV must have had a lot of trouble with production costs.)

(Since Amflix was attached, worrying about production costs has become a meaningless concern. Especially for the author’s work. Of course, Amflix will get something more as they have invested a lot in production costs.)

(Because that’s a business area. Of course. And we haven’t built a perfect relationship of trust with OMCTV yet. We’re building it.)

(That’s good. I’ll probably start producing dramas in earnest by the time I get back from the US.)

Natalia glanced at Jaeik’s face as he looked out the window.

He is a young man from Asia who is not yet in his 30s. Of course, I’m not suggesting that age or race be defined, but it wasn’t once or twice that I wondered how one person could do that.

It means to do new creative activities and do something without rest. It is as if you are looking at an inexhaustible fountain of creativity. And in so many different fields.

Of course, it hasn’t hit the news yet, but it must have meant that Chairman Reed Hastings reserved 50,000 copies worldwide at his own expense to distribute to all employees of Mflix.

It is a work to be visualized by Mflix, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the exclusive writer of Mflix, so everyone should read it.

Of course, I don’t know exactly what Jaeik is inside, but it was amazing to see that he didn’t change for the first time or now even though he achieved all of this, earned a lot of money, and rose to a high position.

(I have arrived. I will come back after the schedule is over. Chairman Reed also has high expectations for this meeting. Please finish the schedule well.)

Upon arriving at the destination, a Watpad employee greeted me in advance and waited for Jaeik to arrive.

(Welcome, writer! Wasn’t it difficult to get here?)

The staff at Watpad, who even opened the door to make it easier for Jaeik to get out of the car, greeted him with a happy face.

Of course, considering the results of Jaeik’s work, which debuted in the US market, it was understandable. He was an artist who had to be caught unconditionally, even for the sake of the future. Isn’t the United States number one in the world publishing market?

(I’m late. Ian McShane, president of Watpad. Of course, I’m not an actor.)

(Ah? The boss himself? My name is Song Jae-ik.)

(Uh ha ha. I often hear that. It’s not like a boss, it’s baby face.)

I didn’t expect it at all because I was wearing jeans and a hoodie so comfortably. It means that the president will come out himself.

(And of course, if the writer is coming to meet me, I have to come out. If you had told me in advance that you were coming to the US, of course we would have met you first.)

(I came comfortably because Mflix provided a lot of convenience.)

(Uhaha- I heard a lot from my Mflix friends. Please take good care of me. I also heard about the filming. It is truly an unprecedented work. The amount of the first edition and the filming contract before the release.)

(Now, let’s go in! We’ll send your luggage to the accommodation first.)

An employee who followed accepted Jaeik’s luggage, and Jaeik entered the Watpad building under the guidance of Ian McShane.

(This is Watpad Publishing House. Watpad Web Novel, which manages web novels, is the building right next door.)

(Aha, the buildings of the two companies are completely different?)

(Anyway, since publishers are the basics. Web novels are more of a new business. Originally, the same building was used, but rather, by tying up the e-book market and web novels, did it become too big? Here it is.)

When he arrived at the conference room, he could see his books piled up on one side of the conference room.

It was one of the reasons I came to this place instead of the dorm today. It was to sign some of the 500,000 copies of the book. Even if not in large quantities.

There are only 12 days left until the release of The Other Side. About a thousand of the amount of books that need to be signed.

It was a very small amount, but this was the maximum amount considering the time and circumstances.

It’s because you can’t just sign for the entire schedule in the US. So I immediately asked to be escorted to the conference room.

(If I knew this would happen, I would proceed in advance. I should first say sorry for being so late.)

To be honest, even the figure of 500,000 copies was not a figure considering the 2nd and 3rd printings. It was a figure that took into account the volume of bookstores after online reservations and word of mouth spread.

Of course, that number was a lot, of course.

(By the way, everyone is surprised at the word 500,000 copies. Is it that popular?)


Ian McShane, rather surprised by the question, asked back.

(I’m not kidding. There are many people who know the author’s name, but even if they don’t know the name, M’flix dramas, text games, setting books and secondary creations, and recently a text game with author King. Everyone knows that everyone is one person. more.)

Jaeik opened the first book out of 1,000 and left his autograph in a nice way. Perhaps because of the influence of his talent, even though it is a simple autograph, it feels more like a cursive work rather than an autograph.

(Hmm. But isn’t it a bit boring to just sign autographs?)

(Huh? Whoops, the autograph is so cool?)

Ian McShane answered without taking his eyes off Jaeik’s autograph drawn on the book. Because it was such a wonderful piece of art.

(Since it’s 1,000 books, it’s possible even if it’s tight.)

(Which one…?)

Jaeik, who was calculating something by tapping the desk with the tip of his pen, suddenly started drawing on the paper opposite the signature.

(That… Rim? Is it possible? It’s a thousand volumes?)

Instead of a recognizable answer to the question, I quickly moved my hands, and in less than 5 minutes, a wonderful picture was completed.

and 000/1000 engraved below. If this happens, it will be 1,001 books, but what? It’s about a few books difference.

It’s such a wonderful picture that it’s impossible to say that it was completed with one pen.

(Oh my God! Is the main character Craig MacLaine? You can draw this picture in 5 minutes?)

(Yes. Even if it’s not perfect, it’s good enough, right?)

(Oh, my God. Not perfect. God, I’m sure there is no book like this.)

It was sincere. It is said that a picture of this quality is included in a limited edition of 1,000 copies.

Judging from my decades of experience, I was convinced that it would be a huge issue once the full-scale release started.

[Finally released tomorrow! Behind the world!]

– I’m looking forward to what kind of novel it will be.

– I mean.

– So, is Song Jae-ik a CE and the same person who made both the drama and the game?

– right. Now that I’m checking, the news is pretty slow, isn’t it? Even on the CE fan page.

– By the way, it’s an urban fantasy. I’m a little worried too. I hate stupid urban fantasy.

[Tsk. It’s like stupid people. Still can’t believe the CE writer.]

– Admit it. Even if you look at the results achieved, the answer will come out. nothing has failed whatever it is

– So it’s not worth failing once?

– To be honest, drama scripts or game scripts and novels are different things.

– Of course, I like it a lot and look forward to it, but I think it’s really important how to use this urban fantasy.

– If you put something like a weird teen love story in it, you’ll be blown away.

– Since Harry Potter and Twilight, there have been so many adult urban fantasy novels, but the proof is that few have been successful.

[Pol. Don’t talk nonsense here, go to Watpad’s homepage. It is a limited lottery of 1,000 autographed copies of the artist’s autograph. Send randomly.]

– No, 1,000 copies for 500,000? Put it on someone’s nose?

– So. that’s too much

– This is not the end of the signed copy. After all, if you go on tour and sign autographs, you will be able to get an autograph if you go looking for it.

After nearly two weeks of hard work, Jaeik, who finished signing the last book, massaged his aching arm and looked at the reaction on the Internet.

(Hmm. Everyone is worried about books.)

(All of these words will fit right in when the book is released. Inside Watpad, we are already full of fans from behind the scenes. Anyone who has read this book once has no choice but to become a fan, right?)

Release was tomorrow. Signing for 1,000 copies has already been completed, and delivery to readers who have pre-booked has begun.

The additional autograph rights were just signed copies to give to people close to you.

The Wattpad employee who received the last signed copy carefully put the book into the carrier with a smile.

Isn’t this a book to be sent to VIPs?

(Can I send it to the address you mentioned?)

(Yes. Please.)

Stephen King, Daniel Duke, Reed Hastings, and Natalia Dyer. It’s because the relationship I built in the United States wasn’t just one or two people.

(Then, I will contact you again tomorrow. Thank you for your hard work. Have a good rest.)

After the Wattpad employee left, Jaeik took a picture of the signed copy, sent one to Kangseok, and posted it on Instagram.

News about the signed copy and picture was already being promoted through Watpad’s official page, but fans will get more information on Instagram and Youtube anyway.


[The day before the world release. A signed copy limited to 1,000 copies will be sent randomly.]

“What. That should be enough.”

Do I really need to write long words? The meaning would have been sufficiently conveyed by the photograph alone.

“Turn it off. I am very tired.”

Except for the time to eat, wash, and work, his whole body felt tired, perhaps because he only signed autographs, so Jaeik threw himself into bed as he had no schedule for today.

At least I thought I was going to sleep until someone woke me up.

(Whoa…! It’s crazy, crazy. I’m out of my mind. Only 1 copy of a novel like this is released?)

The next day when Jae-Ik is still in a sound sleep.

Stephen King, who opened the courier that came to him early in the morning and started reading the novel, wiped the goosebumps from his arm as he closed the last page when the sun went down and it was getting dark.

(I think I’ve become more of a monster than last time. What the hell is this guy writing?)

It was a two-volume one. This two-volume book made me unable to take my eyes off it for a moment until the moment I saw the end.

When was the last time you read such an interesting novel? At the same time, I was going crazy with the question of when the next episode would come out.

(This is true. There’s going to be another uproar. Then I’ll have to lend a hand too.)

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