122. Techpole Land(1)

a week’s break. Employees burst into laughter at the mention of a week’s paid vacation.

Of course, it’s not a yearly exhaustion or anything. Because it was just a special vacation. Besides, it didn’t end there.

“Special bonus! It’s still early in late spring and early summer, but it means to have a good vacation.”

“Five! bonus! Oh my gosh. Is this a lot?”

“Oh my gosh. Even a bonus for a week of special vacation?”

Jae-ik generously shot all the employees with vacation bonuses. It means to have fun and play well. It was not a small amount of money, but two million won per person.

As these things piled up, the job satisfaction and loyalty of the employees were getting better day by day.

“There is no other job like this in the world.”

“admit! Who suddenly gives me vacation pay for a week’s special vacation!”

“Loyalty, loyalty!”

It was also true. It is true that such a job is, of course, rare.

Of course, it was right to publicize such a rare and good job. Employees were busy bragging on their SNS.

The day the employees went on vacation. Notices were posted everywhere related to Jaeik.

[Announcement of a week break due to DDoS and hacking attacks from China.]

It was only natural that the notice went up and there was an uproar. Fans all over the world this time.

Jaeik’s contents were so many that many people eagerly waited for them day by day to the extent that they were often referred to as addictions.

The most representative ones are web novels and webtoons.

Webtoons also have stockpiled manuscripts, but Jaeik stopped all of them. The reason was DDoS from China, which resulted in some loss of data and mental damage to employees.

Physical damage is not the only damage. Mental damage is also a very important issue to deal with, so Challenge Everything Factory wants to take a break for a week.

Who can blame Song Jae-ik for this situation? Besides, the news is already full of news of Jaeik.

A boss who suffered mental damage to his employees due to a DDoS attack, and a boss who paid a large amount of vacation money to all his employees because paid vacation wasn’t enough.

Of course, it was the natural course for all the arrows to return to China. Not only in Korea, but arrows all over the world.

– Ahh! damn it! why not! why! why now!

– ha. really. There’s such a thing as cutting magic. I’ve been waiting anxiously for the next episode to come up. next week.

-Anyway, the yellow dust guys don’t have anything helpful in their lives.

– Now it’s going crazy all over the world. Rumors circulate about what will happen to the world behind the scenes.

– The world behind the scenes? Haha I’m flirting with Chinese guys haha You didn’t know that this would happen.

Even in Korea.

– The release of the second part of the world might be delayed if the Chinese guys use DDoS?!

– What? If so, the world release might be canceled?!

– Damn it! Like Chinese guys! Why are you touching the author! Just make sure that any project related to the behind the scenes goes wrong!

– What are you doing Anonymous! We must destroy China for world peace!

Of course, there are a lot of distortions mixed with the truth, but anyway, in America and Europe.

Maybe China didn’t expect that Jaeik would react like this. You must have expected the picture to be restored and uploaded in a hurry. It means that they openly blame China and take a break.

It’s already China’s complete mistake in judgment from here, but what can I do? The public opinion of the world is that beans grow where beans are planted, and red beans grow where red beans are planted.

This made it impossible for China to easily touch its profits. Because each and every harm China did to Jaeik would come as a burden to China.

(Ugh, finally I’ll be quiet for a while.)

Jaeik raised the corners of his mouth as he received a report from Kangseok in real time.

I heard that there are more hacking attempts related to Chinese origin.

In other words, public opinion on the Internet, which China is so uncomfortable with, is also shouting anti-China.

I wonder if the anti-China ranking of Korea, which shouts anti-China like that, was only around 5th in the world ranking.

This made it impossible for China to move easily. I think I can now focus on my work.


(Oh, no. I suddenly remembered something.)

Jaeik smiled and entered the office of Techpole Land.

It would be a week or two at the most, so if there is no small desk, it’s okay to give up a conference room.

Besides, as if Francis wasn’t the only one, the way everyone in the office looked at me was very burdensome.

How should I interpret those eyes? The reaction of fans who met idols? respect? Or envy and jealousy? Anyway, all those kinds of gazes.

(This is writer Song Jae-ik. As you all know, he is the author of the behind the scenes. You will be in charge of the main story in the game I will make in the future.)

I suddenly remembered what director Spielberg said.

‘You are already on your way. Making your way means that someone will follow you and show respect, and someone will argue with you and give you jealous glances. The higher you go, the worse it gets. You’ll have to get used to it now.’

You can’t be embarrassed, ashamed, or burdened forever. It’s not the shyness unique to Asians.

(Nice to meet you all. My name is Song Jae-ik. I think you already know my name and my work. There are always a lot of them. While I’m here, you can always come to me if you have any questions about making games.)

Why do people’s eyes glow when they say that?

People’s applause continued like Yeol-hwa, and Jae-ik set up his laptop as he was accustomed to.

Of course, I had a computer prepared, but the laptop I was familiar with was the most comfortable.

One thing I felt while creating a lot of content.

There is a story that fits the content.

It is not bad to take a good story as it is, but it is worse than adapting or creating a new story to suit the content. So the adaptation and screenplay were also important.

Based on my novels, my web novels are character-oriented, and my webtoons are event-oriented. Because dramas have compulsory viewing, even if they are sweeter than web novels or webtoons, they can show events between various characters and give rich volume.

My theory was that a movie is like a drama, but it has a fixed time, so rather than putting a lot of things into it, it should be simple. I also want to express it that way.

So what about the game? As there is already an original novel called the Underworld, all you need is a new story piece in the Underworld suitable for the game.

Games are, after all, stories and experiences. Become the main character, carry out the quest yourself, and let the main character immerse himself in the emotions and situations.

The world view is already complete. You just have to come up with the right story.

(You work right from the first day?)

(He’s the original author. Of course, since it’s his own work, wouldn’t it show something new?)

(Still, you’re a novelist. Games and novels are obviously different, but that’s wrong. It won’t be me either. Then wouldn’t it be better to use the existing story?)

(Tsk tsk. Are you stupid? Even if it’s a text game, you’ve already made two games. How can you make such a rudimentary mistake? We just have to do our own thing.)

On the first day he came to the company, Song Jae-ik seemed to have been waiting. As if he knew what he wanted at Techpole Land, he was busy filling in the white paper quickly.

Of course, the staff glanced curiously at the appearance, and everywhere they went, only talked about Jae-ik.

(Did you hear the news? The boss sharpened his knife a lot this time?)

(Uh oh! Even so, the boss is making a fuss about exchanging the highest amount of money for game production this time.)

(They say they’re already hiring people. It wasn’t a joke. The job market is buzzing. Some say that the number of people scheduled to be hired will exceed 1,000, even if it’s a contract for a few years.)

And even the story of the company’s atmosphere that has changed due to Jae-Ik.

Francis Kloska was moving the most vigorously and vigorously, asking to make a really great GOTY (Game of the Year) game in line with the investment of Amflix and Nettopia.

Of course, Jaeik was just busy coming up with a suitable story for the GOTY game.

‘Anyway, the big frame is the same worldview. But you can’t draw a background that’s too outlandish. It’s not the right time yet.’

The contents of the behind the scenes had to be organically connected. It’s not about drawing a completely different era like I decided to become a villain.

Jaeik stopped typing for a moment and thought of the reaction of the Internet in the other world.

The answer must have been in the reaction of the fans.

Jaik entered America’s largest behind-the-scenes community to get a feel for the vibe.

“Uh. What a lot of people Was it like this?”

Honestly, it’s because I’m mainly in Korea for the drama, so I didn’t feel much of a sense of jaeik, but all the countries where books are being released now, centered on the United States, were called the syndrome of the world behind the scenes.

Also, as this syndrome spreads around adults, the ripple effect was beyond imagination. It was only natural that such large communities existed here and there.

[When will Part 2 come out? Just delay the release date by a day because of these Chinese people. Once again, the Taiwanese flag should bring down the mace of justice.]

[Was it you who raised the Taiwanese flag on Chinese websites in the US?]

[Well. It was very basic to me.]

Well. I feel good, but skip the unnecessary content, skip it.

[Let’s all vote for our favorite.]

‘Oh, good. Something like this.’

As soon as I entered the post, voting was in full swing to see which characters were more attractive than the main character, and the interest was quite high enough that the number of people who had already participated exceeded 10,000 units.

“Hoo. Dexter Linder?”

The character with the most votes in the post is the main supporting character, not the main character’s party.

Dexter Linder, who sometimes appears in the novel as the main character’s helper.

Of course, I admit that he is an attractive character and a character with many secrets. Because I made it that way on purpose. In addition, the proportion was expected to increase as we went further.

But I never imagined it would be this popular. That means more than half the votes in this poll.

‘Dexter Linda. Dexter Linder.’

Jaeik wasn’t satisfied with just one vote, and he went to other communities to fully examine the fans’ reactions to the character Dexter Linder. It could simply be the reaction of the community you visit.

Is there enough marketability? If you make a game with this character, will people pay enough attention to it?

And the conclusion I came to was that it was enough. That’s because it’s the main story of the game.

– (The preparations are going well. Will you be able to move to the US right after you finish your work in Poland?)

Second day after arriving in Poland.

(Because there are a lot of things to discuss starting with casting actors.)

Spielberg contacted me, announcing that preparations for the film were going smoothly.

(Or I can go to Poland. I’ve always been interested in games.)

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