128. Stars in the night sky (2)

From the next day, Jaeik started making phone calls to people he knew in America one by one.

It starts with Daniel Duke. The relationship built up in Cannes was continuing beyond the years.

Besides, I was able to communicate very well.

(Long time no see Daniel. How are you?)

– (Oh my God! It’s been a while! You’re still contacting me after coming to America!)

Daniel Duke greeted Jaeik with a high-pitched voice as always on the phone call after a long time.

(Because I’m a bit hectic. I’m sorry.)

– (Sorry, I already know all the news. Is the preparation for the movie going well? I was going to say what if I were a different director, but in front of Spielberg, I have no choice.)

It was Daniel Duke who posted on social media that he wanted to direct the film as soon as the novel of the world behind the scenes came out, so he expressed regret a little lightly, but it is Steven Spielberg, not another director.

I have no choice but to fold one.

Most importantly, The Other Side is not a work that ends with Part 1. Depending on how many novels Jaeik writes, the ending of the movie also changes.

It also meant that he still had a chance. no, it was better. It was true that it would be much easier to work on sequels if a director like Spielberg laid the groundwork in front of them.

(I was thinking of having a meal when I have free time. But since I’m in America, I must see Daniel.)

– (Oh, of course, Bro. Timing is like a ghost? I decided to get together with people after a while, but having one Bro is not a problem! It’s a party I host.)

(That’s good. If it’s a party Daniel is hosting. I’ll see you then.)

– (Okay, good. Everyone will be interested when word goes around that Bro is coming.)

It was clear that if rumors spread that Song Jae-ik, who has become a hot topic these days, would attend, more people would attend.

– (There are so many people who are curious about Bro’s story. And what kind of person he is.)

Of course, I had no intention of suddenly increasing the size of the party. Rather, reduce it more or maintain the current level, but people should be screened.

(That’s why. I also found out that there are a lot of rumors about me. It seems like a really interesting neighborhood.)

– (Oh, right. I know it’s a lie. But wouldn’t it be best if you put an end to the rumors yourself? And it will definitely help you make connections in Hollywood.)

Hollywood was a huge industrial conglomeration. It is not simply a movie production industry, but a conglomeration of literally consumer industries ranging from luxury goods to IT. Networking and information were power in a place like this.

Networking gives a chance to be cast in a better work soon and makes it possible to receive more production costs.

Information was money. Which actress is sponsored by which brand and wears which luxury dress. What brand are you having problems with? Which films were supported by which brands.

All of this information and personal connections soon determined the brand value and the film’s production cost.

– (Anyway, see you then. I’ll contact you when the details are decided.)

(Yes. I see. Please contact me.)

It seems like there are a lot of things to prepare.

(I want this. I hear more about you from the outside than from your mouth. You said you were attending director Daniel’s party.)

(As expected, rumors are fast. It’s been less than a day. Daniel and I have a lot of ties.)

(I heard. Originally, he said he really wanted to direct the first episode of the world behind the scenes. He said he was constantly contacting Mflix to direct the next project.)

(Daniel? I heard that the director of the sequel can also be chosen in advance.)

(Maybe I’ll tell you when it’s necessary.)

Camera test day for the lead actors. Arriving at the place, Jaeik nodded as if Spielberg, who had arrived first, had heard everything. I also thought it was Hollywood.

It had just been a day since I was supposed to attend Daniel’s party. It seems that rumors have already spread all over the place.

Of course, it was intended, but did it feel new?

(Oh. I’m a little late. Dressed up. Hello. This is Harrison Barnes.)

Shortly thereafter, a muscular black man, nearly 2m tall, came in and greeted me with a wry smile.

He was one of the so-called main character parties, and he was the first actor to be dropped after discussing with Spielberg when Jae-ik was filming the drama.

He was an actor who already had a solid filmography, and he was also an actor who would help me with my acting by matching lines with me today.

(Nice to meet you. My name is Jae-Ik Song. This is the first time I’ve met you in real life.)

(Haha. I mean. It’s hard to see. How do they fit together?)

Besides, seeing her dressed up for a test today. It was to the point where I had the illusion that the character I had in mind, Alphard, was standing in front of me.

Jaeik raised his thumb.

(Steven. Alphard is standing in front of me?)

(Oh. Also. I didn’t expect it wrong. It’s perfect. But you came early? I have some time to match with the actor coming today.)

Harrison Barnes was also sweating every day to fulfill the complex terms of the contract.

Worst of all, there were contracts that stipulated that a few percent of body fat and how to build muscle were attached, but there were no conditions like that here.

(I came early today because writer Song said he was coming. I wanted to have a conversation. Aren’t you the one who made the Alphard I’m playing?)

(This, this. I’m not the same as I used to be. I’m an old man in the back room now.)

(Ah. It’s the director. He’s the director who will bring Alphard to life on the screen.)

(That’s right. Anyway, good conversation between you two. I have some work to do.)

(I read The Underworld well. I thought it would be great to play Alphard if it was made into a movie.)

(I also watched Hunt well. The action scenes were really impressive.)

(Uhaha. Thank you for watching my good work. I’m really glad you didn’t watch Skywalker.)

(Ah. I saw that too.)


At Jaeik’s words, Harrison made a prickly expression. It was the most recent movie, but it was because it suffered from huge criticism and controversy over its acting skills.

I couldn’t understand why the controversies over his acting skills could arise even if he had been in Hollywood for over 10 years, even if he was just a little twisted.

Even the fact that she was cast in the underworld was still being questioned by the media.

(You can definitely hear that this work is a work of life.)

Jaeik, who read those worries, smiled and reassured Harrison Barnes.

I wanted to be an actor whose mentality was not as strong as I thought. Of course, I can read the expression well, but if you look at it too easily.

Is it the style to buy and worry about? I mean, I’m good at acting. I also doubted that Skywalker, which was the previous work, probably had some factor that touched the mentality.

(Oh, I hope so.)

Harrison didn’t talk much with Jaeik, but he felt like a well-centered person. Should I say that the tone is neither too low nor too high, giving a sense of stability and having power?

Even though it was the first time I met him, I felt strangely trustworthy. The reason I came so early was because I was curious about what kind of person Song Jae-ik was.

The first impression was very favorable. Should I say that he seems like someone who knows how to get a crush on people?

Jaeik laughed at that sight, but ended up laughing.

Of course, a secret that Harrison doesn’t know. That the talents he had previously digested, such as fashion and speech skills, became even more proficient as they were digested once more last night.

(Let’s start testing!)

(Shall we go? The candidate for the main character has arrived.)

In a timely manner, with the guidance of the staff, Jaeik also headed to the place. A place that has already been perfectly set up, from the lighting to the camera.

There are a total of 2 candidates for the leading role. both of them. They were famous actors and actors with solid filmography.

Since both of them were in the Middle Ages, after thinking over and over again, both actors decided to watch the testing.

(I’m looking forward to what kind of actors they will be.)

(One of them says I know him. It will be fine. The other actor has a reputation as a good actor.)

The first actors have arrived.

what the hell is this what did i see Harrison Barnes had a complicated head. Honestly, when I said Spielberg and Song Jae-ik’s co-director. Of course, I thought of it as a pupil of Spielberg. Or the degree of preferential treatment for the original author?

He is a director who is less than 30 years old. It made no sense to entrust an inexperienced director to a masterpiece like this, no matter how original the original author was.

(Uh, um. Director?)

After all the tests were over, Harrison Barnes cautiously spoke to Steven Spielberg instead of Gan Jae-ik, saying he had business.

(What’s going on?)

(What is author Song’s true identity?)

(Puha – are you curious about that too?)

At that, Spielberg burst into laughter. That’s what it is. Song Jae-ik’s presence was unusual to say that it was testing the lead actor.

To be honest, I even thought that Song Jae-ik might be the lead actor, because it was directing and acting level.

To the point where it’s hard to understand why he’s not acting.

(I guess content creation is more fun than acting. I’m curious about that too. I’m a director and a writer. Aren’t you living doing whatever you want to do?)

(Though it is.)

I couldn’t get rid of the confused look on my face.

(Don’t jump to conclusions. That’s not the end. The more you look, the more you’ll be surprised.)

Come to think of it, I remembered that I had received an invitation from director Daniel Duke not too long ago.

That party where the rumor that writer Song Jae-ik is coming.

I was putting off my answer because I couldn’t afford to attend the party right now because I was preparing for a movie, but I thought I should give it a go.

Because it seemed kind of fun.

‘ah. Come to think of it, didn’t he say he was coming too?’

Suddenly, I remembered an actor who lives with only one extremely personal pride.

Of course, he’s good at acting, but he’s filthy intolerant and doesn’t hesitate to discriminate against racists, so I was worried.

It was not necessary to wear a tuxedo and dress just because it was a party. Just casual wear is enough.

But I had to dress well. Match it with a good brand too.

The price of the outfit didn’t necessarily indicate the value or position of the person, but shouldn’t it be given when you need to give strength like this party.

In addition, if it is a place where many people’s eyes are expected to be focused,

(Oh my god.)

Daniel Duke, who came out to meet him at the news of Jaeik’s arrival, opened his mouth at the sight of Jaeik getting out of the car.

(Oh, who is it? Asian?)

(Could it be that author?)

(Didn’t you say you were a bit like a nerd when you auditioned?)

From his hair to his shoes and his watch, the image of Jaeik getting out of the car with a relaxed expression on his perfectly set appearance was enough to draw everyone’s attention.

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