138. Restart

(Detective’s imaging roadmap starts with overturning the existing ones.)

‘What is that madman saying?’

Most of the people currently on the board of directors had similar thoughts. Even if he didn’t say anything, everything was revealed through his facial expression.

To that extent, the topic raised by Jaeik was like a bomb. Postponing all the movies you’ve ever made, canceling all your plans, and starting over from zero?

It was clear that the money going into it would be astronomical. Actor alimony, screenplay, what, what, what. It was not a place to hear the sound of a masterpiece when you make a movie and spend 10 billion or 20 billion like Korea. In particular, isn’t the hero water a place where the basics are 100 billion units?

Besides, Song Jae-Ik doesn’t take it seriously at all and just comes out to drink and says hello.

(So. I’m going to deny everything I’ve achieved so far and start over from scratch, right?)

(Are you saying you know how much money went into it? You don’t know, but you don’t know too much!)

(I have to say something that makes sense. Let’s stop all the movies that have been released so far and make a completely new version, isn’t it?)

(Besides. Who’s to blame for that loss! Who knows how it will affect the company’s stock price!)

(That’s the only way to live. I’m not denying everything. I have to save the character to be saved. To be honest, Detective’s Night Knights. I really like the movie. Who comes to mind when you think of Night Knights?)

No one in the conference room could answer that question. That would be too. He was the best character in the Night Knights along with Commander El, but there are more than 5 actors who have played the Night Knights so far.

It was only five actors who had been in charge since the 1990s. 5 actors in one movie.

In fact, the circumstances of Command and L were no different. Because at least 3 actors have played Commander All since the 90s other than Night Knights.

(If you think about it, isn’t it so new to start over from a blank slate? After numerous reboots, series that do not belong to the universe have been made into a medium-sized heating.)


(Actors? Of course, there are many good actors. But. They stumble and appear in tabloids, drink and assault in racism controversy. Is there any reason for such actors and detectives to be together? Heroes should be examples for children. (Because children yearn for heroes.)

It was an inconvenient truth that no one had ever told.

(Is it a stock price? If the stock price continues to decline as the gap with Babble continues to widen as it continues, wouldn’t it be a problem?

‘It’s funny to react like that to the word that it’s overturned like this.’

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Like clothes getting wet in drizzle, Detective has rebooted countless movies and drama series. Despite being an actor with a lot of problems, he continued casting. This is like pouring water into a bottomless dock.

(I don’t think I came here to simply say that I’ll start over from the beginning. I’m guessing you’re talking about a follow-up plan or roadmap?)

When Chairman Sean O’Connell opened his mouth amidst the market-like noise, the conference hall fell into silence.

This was the power of Sean O’Connell. Absolute power and charisma.

(Of course, if I had only come here to say this, I would have attended the next meeting, not this one.)

Jaeik connected the main screen to his laptop and opened PPT on the screen.

(The path for Detective is clear.)

The word fan appeared in large letters on the screen.

(Fans first.)

(Who doesn’t know that.)

(Really? That’s strange. Did Detective really come to this situation knowing that?)

Jaeik asked in a low voice, as if he was grumpy, as if he was grumpy at the grumbling director.

Now, this announcement was entirely my own time. Interference like that was an absolute specification.

(Let’s make a drama that passionate fans love. The reason fans like comics is probably because they already contain the storyline of all the stories. There won’t be a direction in which the hostile relationship will suddenly unravel just because the mother has the same name.)

Attempting a wide-area provocation towards the directors, he glared at them. Did they really not know that? All I did was just close my eyes. that is neglected

A second production committee appeared.

(Production Committee. Many people who work at Detective Comics have more affection for Detective Comics than I do. Remember every little detail, worry about errors and conflicts in the setting, and hope that Detective will move on to a better path. People. I will create a production committee with those people. I hold the key to the story. And they will discuss and check the detailed direction of setting the world view in it.)

You can’t go out like a single-minded general. In particular, the people Jaeik needed to capture were not the directors sitting here, but the employees working with a love for Detective Comics and the story writers below.

They were both employees and huge fans of Detective Comics.

(The framework for the biggest change is these two.)

And the last chapter of PPT. It was only 3 pages of PPT, but the most important chapter.

A screen depicting the timeline of Detective Comics that Jaeik had in mind appeared.

(Is this called Phase One in Babel? This is Detective’s Phase One.)

Starting with Task Force V, which Jaeik wrote the script for, the lineup of movies leading to Night Knight Commander El, Black Phantom, and Green Wizard, and the lineup of dramas leading to Black Arrow, Constantine, and Deadlock.

Jae-Ik already had a rough plan in his head about how to connect and lead the story.

(All script work will be done at the same time, and I will be in charge of the final review. The production committee will check the connection between the details and the worldview. I don’t need to prove my skills, right? I heard that the script for Task Force V has been completed and delivered to the President. Chairman?)

After those words, Sean O’Connell, who had been silent until now and looked at Jae-Ik, nodded slowly.

(The script is very good. It feels good. And that roadmap. As long as everything connects organically. Don’t forget the contract. And we can move on as it is. So that everyone can cooperate. I don’t tolerate noise. .)

Sean O’Connell stood up with a satisfied look on his face. Although there is an agenda for the meeting, it was already a confirmation process because the direction was set.

I didn’t want to ruin this feeling by staying in the meeting.

It’s a very satisfying feeling.

(Have you heard the news?)

(Who doesn’t know about that these days? A new head of production turned the board upside down?)

(Hiya. A strong heart is a strong heart. They wiped out the entire video and started over from the beginning?)

(It’s okay. To be honest, our movies are a bit. As a fan, I’m at the level of sh*t.)

(But what. Filming for fans and the production committee. Is this okay? Who will be in the production committee?)

The biggest issue of the employees was, of course, the production committee that Song Jae-ik said. The staff also didn’t want Detective to be devalued in the film adaptation to this extent.

Unlike the opposition from the board of directors, there was a low level of expectation among the employees. There was no one who hadn’t seen the world behind the scenes among the staff, and there were many people who watched Jae Ik’s drama at Mflix.

The expectation that it would be better than those who occupy that director’s seat with financial ability, not just political ability content.

‘It’s different. After all, if you sit in that seat, that guy is that guy.’

O’Shea Jackson, who was smoking a cigarette behind the employee, rubbed it out with a self-deprecating expression.

‘really. production committee? Of course, there is no way to hire a regular employee, but if you are elected, you should speak out strongly. If you go like this, you’re really screwed. Still, I like the idea of starting from zero. It looks like it’ll end up messed up again.’

The detective he liked had long since disappeared. After watching the movie Night Knights in the past, I ambitiously moved to the Detective Visualization Department, but the only thing that increased was cigarettes and sighs.

It has been a long time since I lost trust in detective imaging.


Returning to his seat, O’Shea Jackson tapped the keyboard meaninglessly a few times before grabbing his phone and accessing the Detective Comics community.

It was a community with the largest number of users in the United States, and at the same time, it was a place for fairly active information exchange.

I started writing after pressing the community write button. As always, it was an article full of critical tone on the roadmap for detective imaging.

It was criticism, not criticism. Criticism about how to go about filming, what kind of story is good, and what was a problem in existing films.

[According to insider information, the new head of video production announced his ambition to make a movie that fans like at an executive meeting. In addition, I heard that they will supervise and manage the filming of Detective with a production committee like Babble. Please, if it’s literally, I think at least there will be better results than this sh*t. Of course, I haven’t seen a proper person for a person sitting in an executive seat.]

I pressed the lift button and threw my phone away.

If you check it in the evening, there will probably be hundreds of comments piled up again, but looking at them, sharing opinions and discussing them was also one of O’Shea Jackson’s hobbies.

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Literally as a true Detective fan.

As expected, the phone, which had been set to silent mode, flashed quickly, and O’Shea Jackson, who looked at the screen with a pleased expression, tilted his head at the moment and picked up the phone.

[Song Jae-Ik: You seem to be familiar with Detective Comics information. You have a lot of love. It looks like you’re an internal employee. Can I talk to you? Please drop by my room anytime. If it is another branch, you can email or call.]


There was a message from Song Jae-ik. Besides, as if he was certain that he was an employee, no matter how he knew.

O’Shea Jackson, who was trying to delete the message because he was stabbed for no reason, immediately remembered what the employees were talking about in the cigarette field.

(I have to go ask. I have to say something.)

Anyway, since he was the detective he loved, he jumped up from his seat because he was curious about what he was thinking. I think that’s how this stuffiness will go away even a little bit.

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