151. Road Trip – Responsibility (5)

The culture of giving in the United States is quite active. Even if it’s not necessarily money. If you see it as a kind of giving area, it is more active.

Just looking at the content industry related to me, Hollywood stars take the lead in volunteering and donating.

Among them, actors belonging to Bable always meet children and inspire them with dreams, hopes, and courage. Whether that’s a condition or not.

That’s why they are called stars, and at the same time, they show the same aspect as real heroes off screen. Fans are also enthusiastic and cheering for such actors.

Detective also modified the contract accordingly. But if I, the head of production, neglect this, what will the actors who signed a contract with us, as well as the press and fans, think?

He says he doesn’t even do it, but he just says he doesn’t do it. Then, of course, shouldn’t I be involved in it as well? It’s not even a bad thing.

So it was also the schedule I chose. At the same time, such a letter came just in time.

by the way.

Arriving at a children’s hospital in Chicago, where the main character sent a letter to him, Jaeik couldn’t erase his heartbreaking feeling.

It was because both the children and their parents who went in and out of this hospital had dark expressions on their faces.

It started with a simple letter.

[There is a small child who is obsessed with all the content you have created. He is admitted to the Children’s Hospital of Chicago with childhood cancer. If you have time, I would appreciate it if you could visit us.]

It was a very concise letter, but Jaeik was able to read a lot in that short letter.

With the heart that I want the child to be a little happy. The letter that I wrote and erased countless words and struggled with.

‘Maybe it was lighthearted.’

But when I stood in front of the hospital, I couldn’t erase the strange feelings. Should I say that unknown emotions continue to tickle my heart?

“Are you okay?”

As Jaeik stood at the hospital entrance for a long time, Kangseok cautiously asked a question.

“Uh, let’s go in.”

The hospital was also accompanied by a minimum number of people. Only Na Young-jin and Eom Kang-seok. The camera is also small, so it is as inconspicuous as possible.

Upon entering the hospital, I saw a couple with anxious expressions. Originally, the appointment was supposed to be seen on the 8th floor where the hospital room was located, but judging from the fact that I waited from the lobby, it seemed like it was just in case.

(Hello, this is Song Jae-ik.)

When Jaeik recognized the couple and greeted them, only then did that part let out a sigh of relief and at the same time hold Jaeik’s hand with a happy face.

That kind of joyous face that says you really came.

(Thank you very much. Thank you very much.)

The first greeting is not hello or welcome, but thank you.

Instead of answering, Jaeik held the couple’s hands tightly.

(Is Ricky on the 8th floor?)

(Yes. Thank you very much. This way.)

Following the guidance of his parents, Jaeik went up to the 8th floor, took a deep breath, and put a faint smile on his face. There’s nothing good about making a worried expression for no reason.

I never thought my acting talent would come in handy at times like this.

Jaeik cautiously approached the sight of a child who was engrossed in reading books with things piled up in a small hospital room used by several people.

‘Did I say 11 years old?’

In terms of Korean age, this is the age of an elementary school student. But he looked much dwarfed for his age.

Besides, I was wearing a beanie because I lost my hair due to chemotherapy.

(Hello? Are you Ricky?)

At Jaeik’s cautious greeting, Ricky tilted his head, then pointed at my face on the cover of the book, wriggling as if the needle was intrusive.

(That’s right. He’s the one who wrote the book you like.)

When Ricky heard that, he smiled brightly and stretched out his arm towards Jaeik, who gave Ricky a little hug.

(Here’s a young fan of mine who came to visit me because he really wanted to meet me. You were reading a book? Who do you like best?)

(Dexter Linder.)

A weak and powerless voice. How many books have you read? The second part of the behind the scenes world, which had just been released, was already stained.

(Dexter Linder?)

(Yes. I am strong. I am weak. I want to become a strong adult like Dexter Linder.)

(You think Ricky can be good enough? You know what? Dexter Linder is stronger in heart than he is in appearance?)


(Sure. Of course I know best.)

When I said that, Ricky smiled really brightly and nodded.

It wasn’t a very long time, but as if Ricky had a lot of things he wanted to say, he quietly talked to Jaeik.

(Did Ricky draw this?)

(Yes. Watching movies, dramas, and cartoons.)

Jaeik took the pictures Ricky handed over and checked them one by one and took pictures of them all with his cell phone.

(But at first, they told me not to look at it. They said I was still too young to see them.)


The moment I got used to Ricky’s words, I felt dazed. That was right.

All of the works he created were novels aimed at high school students or adults.

(That’s why I secretly and secretly watched it on my phone. Other kids envy me. I watch interesting things by myself.)

There are many works with scenes that are too much for an 11-year-old Ricky to see.

However, isn’t it the heart of a parent who has no choice but to do what the child wants to do?

(So sometimes Dad and Mom read only the interesting parts.)

Jaeik, who was quietly listening to Ricky’s words, gently held Ricky’s fragile hand.

(I’m sorry.)

At that, Ricky tilted his head with an innocent face as if he didn’t know what he was sorry for.

Right yesterday, no, until I met Ricky, there was no change in my thoughts of making what I wanted to do.

Most of them were fantasy works for adults. Exactly, because I wanted to write and it was a post that was tailored to my taste.

But that thinking has changed. A very big change.

(I promise. I’ll make something fun for Ricky to read to his heart’s content.)

We talked for quite some time and by the time Ricky was having a hard time. The encounter is over.

In terms of time, it was 40 minutes, less than an hour.

We only had a short, slow conversation for only 40 minutes.

(Thank you so much. It’s the first time I’ve seen Ricky smile so brightly…)

Jaeik just let out a shy laugh when he saw his parents swallowing their backbiting while talking about whether he was feeling well.

(You don’t have to come down. Please stay by Ricky’s side.)

The 11-year-old he knows is such an age that he boasts of strong stamina, runs around in full swing, and retains the appearance of a naughty boy.

belt ring-

After the elevator arrived at the lobby, Jaeik, who had been standing in the lobby for a long time, moved his steps and headed towards the storage area on one side of the lobby.

(Ricky on the 8th floor. Is there an outstanding balance related to Ricky Hatton’s childhood cancer case?)

(Ricky Hatton patient in Room 812. Yes. The amount in arrears is a bit high.)

The administrative staff mechanically tapped the keyboard and nodded with a cold expression, saying that the amount in arrears was rather large.

(How much is the total?)

(Around $65,000.)

At that, Jaeik took out a checkbook from his pocket and wrote down the amount of 100,000 dollars.

Although I don’t know the details of American hospitals or the health insurance system.

No, even Korea, to be precise, already knew enough from the news that if a member of the family gets cancer, the livelihood of the remaining family members becomes difficult.

Not only was the treatment cost expensive right now, but one of the family members had to stay by Ricky’s side.

(Please process the unpaid amount with this amount and subtract the remaining amount from the future treatment amount.)

It was a half impulsive decision. But with Jaeik, everyone just nodded.

Because I fully understood that feeling.

“Kang Seok-ah, besides the US, can you figure out the current situation related to childhood cancer or rare childhood diseases in Korea as well? And things like donations.”

“Uh, I’ll check it out ASAP and let you know.”

“I’ll ask someone who knows a little bit about this in the broadcasting industry.”

Because children who need help are not only in the United States.

Jaeik climbed into the car and gazed at the panoramic view of Chicago, deep in thought.

What Ricky had said kept coming to mind.

‘But at first, I said I shouldn’t look at it. I’m still too young to see.’

I wanted to make something for children. very strong too.

Something that can give dreams to growing children and hope and courage to sick children.

So that my little ability can help them in a very small way.

“I ate it all. I’ll do some work.”

Upon arriving at the dorm, Jae-ik put everything aside, such as eating dinner, and opened his sketchbook. It was to draw a present for Ricky.

‘Dexter Linder and Ricky.’

You said your favorite character in the Underworld is Dexter Linder. I was going to draw Dexter Linder and Ricky. It means to give strength.

Will Ricky really be able to gain strength by receiving this painting? I had a strong feeling that I didn’t know. However, Jaeik was only doing what he could.

I hope that all the talents I have digested will be strong in the content I will make on this paper and in the future.

Ricky walks vigorously through the front door of the hospital with a healthy gait. And Dexter Linder holding Ricky’s hand.

There was no hesitation in Jaeik’s hand movements. Every time the pencil moved, it became a line, and the lines gathered to become part of the picture.

It became Ricky and it became Dexter Linder.

Dexter Linder’s expression was kind, showing a faint smile and pride.

Ricky’s footsteps were full of strength.

“Ricky will really like it.”

Na Young-jin, who had been watching Jae-ik draw a picture blankly, said with a pleased look on his face as he tousled Jae-mick’s hair.

It’s sometimes misunderstood, but Jaeik is a sensitive young man in his mid-20s who hasn’t even reached his 30s yet.

It was because he knew why Jaeik was painting this picture with such care and immersion.

“I’m really glad to see you like that. At least before the road trip is over. I want to send this picture to Ricky.”

That’s how the schedule in Chicago ended, leaving only new homework and responsibilities for Jaeik.

The road trip schedule for New York has begun again.

Chicago’s next schedule was Canada, not the United States. The destination was Niagara Falls.

Read at readwn. com

Looking at the waterfall falling coolly, it felt like all the troubles and thoughts I had so far were all blown away in one shot.

“It’s really good. It was really hard. Almost 2 owners.”

“You said you did most of the driving.”

“Well, whatever. nice All in all, it was an amazing trip.”

Niagara Falls was the last itinerary before arriving in New York. It meant running all night to New York.

When I arrive in New York, I have to finish the work with Harold that I promised.

The many spears made during the road trip also meant that they were ready to see the light outside the world.

The road trip that became a turning point in my life was coming to an end with the cool sound of the waterfall.

At the same time, the moment came when I had to create something new.

(Welcome to Broadway!)

Upon arriving at Broadway, Harold greeted the return with both hands spread out as if he had waited.

Mflix had already contacted me and knew when I would arrive, but I also knew what Jaeik was doing and came all the way through Jaeik’s SNS and the Internet.

Thanks to that, interest in the musical we were going to create together was also growing.

Should I say that the publicity that literally cost a huge amount of publicity was done with one road trip of Jae-ik.

How can you not be happy?

(It’s been a while. Well, rumors have already spread on the Internet, so there’s no need for long words. Shall we listen?)

Jaeik pressed the play button on his laptop with a confident expression.

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