162. New Detective Comics

world premiere. It meant an event to introduce films for the first time by inviting production companies, production crews, broadcasters, and reporters from various countries around the world.

That meant that they would set a stricter standard for the film.

Of course, even if that doesn’t have an absolute impact on the box office or anything like that. At least, it could be the standard of artistic quality.

In normal cases, audiences take fun as the standard, but critics look at the intention and quality of the film.

Besides, the people invited today are all related to this industry.

The world premiere of Task Force V. A large number of people gathered together to form a sea of phosphorus.

“Ugh, no matter how many times I stand, I can’t get used to it.”

“Should I get used to it? There won’t be one or two premieres in the future. If you make a movie of your work, even if you do detective works, you really have to stand countless times.”

At Kang Seok’s words, Jae Ik let out a sigh and shook his head.

“I’m sure you’re saying this because you’re really not used to it.”

“Puff. I couldn’t have answered that because I didn’t know that.”

Jaeik walked down the red carpet, waving to fans and answering questions from reporters who held out microphones at him, advancing inward little by little.

(Director Song Jae-ik! Please say something about this movie!)

(I’m sure you’ll see a new look at Detective Comics. It’s really well-chosen. Director David Phillips’ ability is really beyond imagination.)

(Oh! You’re that confident. I’ll have to wait for you to open it.)

(Oh, my God! We finally meet!)

And in the middle of the red carpet, when Jaeik is again answering questions from reporters.

David Phillips, the director of Task Force V, approached Jaeik with a bright face.

(It’s finally time to see you. I’ve never seen you on set.)

David Phillips vigorously grabbed Jaeik’s hand and shook it.

How much did you want to meet? However, he never came to the set because he said that if he visited the set, he would only get in the way.

(Sure. Nice to meet you. I called you so many times.)

But I couldn’t see his face, but he said he talked a lot.

From the intention in the script to the directing of the scene. It was David Phillips who made the movie while talking on the phone with Jaeik whenever I had a question, and I was so glad that I got a lot of inspiration and learning from the phone call.

Besides, it didn’t take long for him to realize that the simple reason he didn’t come to the filming set wasn’t out of indifference, but for his real self.

There was even a joke that rumors travel faster than light. From the fact that Detective is trying hard not to intervene in the filming, to the role of making various noises not happen.

How can I not be grateful?

(I really enjoyed the movie. It was chosen as a great choice, right?)

(Huh. Thank you for helping me get selected. I’m glad to hear that I was selected well. It puts my mind at ease.)

What he said about the rumors in Hollywood was also true for himself. Rumors that the movie he shot was also well-chosen had already spread widely.

(It’s all in the director’s capacity.)

Even if he didn’t attend that day, there were only one or two people who attended the internal preview.

(Actually, I think I can flatten the noses of the critics who have been telling me that I’m a director who makes low-C comedy movies.)

(Haha. Good is good. It’s almost time. Shall we go in?)

(Okay! Let’s get in! Just to see how good the movie is and check it out, just to get the f*cking critics right on the nose!)

I didn’t know, but he must have been a rather temperamental director.

The lights in the cinema were not turned on until the end credits rolled. What everyone is waiting for is the Cookie video from Task Force V.

Isn’t the cookie video the true end of the movie? But apart from that, I could tell what it was like just by looking at people’s expressions.

From the moment the ending credits roll, all the whispers around me have been in my ears.

(Detective made a really good movie this time.)

(That young executive producer’s ability was real.)

(Ha, that’s crazy. It’s crazy. Even the real detective succeeds? The detective picked up the diamond properly.)

(Bubble must be a bit upset. These days, there are many saying that Babble is not as good as it was in the past.)

(You have to be vigilant. I have a real rival. The news will spread in an instant. Bubble vs. Detective will really stick together.)

I don’t know if they’re whispering like that because I can’t hear them.

A delightful smile never leaves his lips.

It was the second movie I watched after the internal preview, but I couldn’t leave the thought that it was chosen really well.

For some reason, it felt better to be praised for a work like a child rather than the praise I received myself.

The movie really ended with the Night Knights looking at the city view from the top of the building.

clap clap clap-

Only then did the lights in the theater turn on and people rose from their seats one by one and applauded.

The baptism of applause continued even after 2 and 3 minutes, and it gradually subsided after about 5 minutes.

And Jaeik also gladly joined in the applause for David Phillips.

Because he deserved this baptism of applause.

(I had a lot of trouble.)

In fact, he said that before entering, but perhaps he was not used to this kind of applause, Jaeik gave David a vague look on his shoulder and gave a thumbs up.

(And this is just the beginning. The film adaptation of Detective Comics. There are a lot of movies to be made in the future. Of course, it will get a lot of applause.)

David nodded, looking slightly moved and determined. As Jaeik said, it was just the beginning. That’s Task Force V.

[Song Jae-ik pulls Detective out of the pit.]

[High praise, high praise, high praise. An example of a perfect entertainment movie and a new beginning of a perfect detective cinematic.]

[The more anticipated films of Detective leading to Night Knights, Commander El, and Black Phantom.]

[The resurrected Detective Comics’ movie. Presenting a perfect start.]

[New Detective Comics Day.]

After the premiere, the film was simultaneously released worldwide. The news that came out was only news full of goodwill.

There were some critical articles saying that the quality of the film was poor because it focused too much on entertainment and pleasure, but it was not a work that was originally made by considering the quality of art as an art film over a commercial entertainment film.

(Good. Good. I didn’t expect this much.)

Sean O’Connell leaned back in his chair, smiling as he closed an Internet window full of good news.

Because the confidence that he showed arrogance a few months ago when he asked for full rights proved to be real. Someone could have said what a fuss with just one piece.

It’s not like all of Detective’s films have been ruined.

But that was what Jaeik said because he hadn’t seen the script he’d written so far. Of course, if you saw it, it was leaked.

Detective was already in post-production on the Night Knights movie, and they were also working on Commander El.

Of course, the works after that were waiting in line.

‘Since I’ve achieved results, I should give them a decent reward.’

Sean O’Connell, who had gone crazy thinking that far, was crazy about Jaeik’s contract at the moment.

(Certainly, you really won’t get all the incentives up to the maximum…?)

There were some provisions attached, but if all the incentives were consumed, it would be several times the annual salary.

But, why does it feel like Song Jae-ik will exceed all of those incentives?

(Uh, um. How many copies did you say?)

(A total of 100 million copies.)

Ian McShane’s words made me feel like sweat was dripping from my temples. It’s such a large amount that I feel like I can’t get a sense of it. Or is it that it doesn’t feel realistic?

(So. A total of 100 million copies?)

(Yes. The author’s release of The World Behind Volume 2 and Ricky’s Story 1 together have just surpassed 100 million worldwide sales. Seriously, this! It’s close to a new record. It’s ridiculous!)

Ian McShane’s voice was so exciting. sold 100 million copies of the novel. Besides, 100 million copies made with only three books was literally crazy and a syndrome.

100 million copies in 3 volumes. At least 7 volumes of The Underworld are scheduled, and Ricky’s story hasn’t even talked about how many volumes will end, but considering that at least 5 volumes are written.

It might have reached number one on the list of books in the series that have sold over 100 million copies. That was the scariest thing.

(Even that the number of sales continues to increase. In particular, the response to Ricky’s story is unusual. It’s not just that it sells well, it’s a children’s book enjoyed by adults, so the book is selling at a level that is only sold. Especially the e-book sales. Maybe. It seems that the impact of donations is also great.)

(That’s good. As I said at the time. I’m going to donate the amount after calculating it well. Please take good care of it.)

After that, there was silence for a while.

(Are you sure you’re willing to donate all of this money? All the money related to the sale of one volume?)

Rather, Jaeik tilted his head at those words. Wasn’t that a condition of the contract?

(Of course, without missing a dime.)

That firm answer made Ian McShane feel ashamed. It was money, not one or two pennies, but Jaeik’s voice did not waver even in that answer.

(Yes. I will make sure to take care of every penny. By the way, I heard that you are recording a song. I look forward to a good song.)

After the phone call with Ian ended, Jaeik stretched and went back into the recording studio.

just yesterday evening. It was because Jeongyeon really arranged her schedule in Korea as quickly as possible and flew to America.

I thought it would take some time though.

Besides, I could do things like jet lag or sightseeing, but I started recording right away from today.

“Sorry. Suddenly, a business phone call came.”

“it’s okay. It’s time for a break. Jaeik-san, you worked hard all day, too.”

Jeongyeon, who was listening to the recorded song, still couldn’t solve her expression.

Jaeik said it was okay because it was only the first day, but his pride was hurt.

It was because it didn’t feel as good as the guide recorded by Jaeik.

“Shall we try again?”

Jeongyeon entered the recording studio and Jaeik sat down in front of the console and pressed the microphone button.

“Jeongyeon said that. I feel the stars Right. It was a song I started making after seeing the stars in the night sky while on a road trip.”


And now, Jae-Ik feels Jeong-Yeon’s biggest problem.

“Jeongyeon, don’t try to follow my guide. Because Jeongyeon has her own unique sensibility. It was because of Jeongyeon’s unique voice and sensitivity that I choose Jeongyeon.”

Jeongyeon closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. Of course, I knew that I was going to follow Jaeik’s guide now.

Because that song lingered in my ears. I wouldn’t know if I hadn’t listened to it at all. Since he had already heard of it, it would surely take some time to erase this feeling.

“I will try. If not now, then continue. Even if it means staying up all night.”

It was a song that Jaeik entrusted to him because he believed in himself. Of course you have to do it, right?

Because I couldn’t miss such a good song right in front of my eyes.

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