175. Graduation Ceremony (2)

California Art College president Sue Jones had no idea what Jaeik wanted to see him for, even allowing him to give a congratulatory speech at the graduation ceremony.

Jaeik’s position in the industry was unrivaled, to the extent that some professors couldn’t hide their excitement when Jaeik gave a congratulatory speech.

You must have accomplished so many things. from the bottom to here. Isn’t it different from a ridiculous success story?

To be honest, I thought I might not allow the congratulatory speech, but it’s amazing that they allowed it. Asking Song Jae-ik to give a congratulatory speech at the graduation ceremony was definitely Plan A, but at the same time, I was thinking of Plan B as well.


Jaeik knocked on the door of the president’s office a little earlier and shook hands with Sue Jones with a welcomed expression.

(Nice to meet you. My name is Song Jae-ik.)

‘I knew it was young, but.’

Sue Jones couldn’t hide her surprise, as she looked the age she should have just started college.

(Sue Jones.)

Coffee was placed in front of her and Sue Jones asked with a smile. What exactly did Song Jae-ik come to here? For belated talent recruitment?

Because California Arts College lives up to its reputation, every Portfolio Day, all sorts of companies come to review students’ portfolios and call back to select students or give them internship opportunities.

That is true across all areas of the school.

In other words. It was said that among the graduates who could not decide where to work or what they would do, among the graduates who would catch the eye of that level, there were only those who narrowly passed the so-called graduation portfolio or those who crossed the boundary.

This school doesn’t use it well, but to put it simply, it’s a low-ranking student.

(I was surprised when he said he was coming. I was curious about what he asked to meet.)

Jae-ik laughed at Sue Jones’ benevolent smile and brought out his purpose.

(I want to see the students’ portfolios.)

(Ah. That part is not that difficult.)

Sue Jones expressed some regret for thinking that her prediction was correct.

(Ah. To be exact, from the portfolios of students standing on the border of graduation, in reverse order. If possible.)

(Yes? It’s not a difficult problem.)

It would be normal to look at the portfolios of the best students.

(Employment is a matter for students to decide on their own. No matter where they submit their portfolios or interviews. Still, as I was in charge of the graduation ceremony, I wondered if I could help the students with what I can do best.)

(If you say you’re the best…?)

Sue Jones tilted her head.

(Is it a one-point lesson?)


Sue Jones only made an even more puzzled expression.

(Let’s just say it’s a small favor I can do.)

Jaeik intended to use his talent to present a small light to students who may be lost in the maze of life.

Of course, it is up to the students how much they accept and accept Jaeik’s one-point lesson.

Along with Sue Jones’ curiosity, the place Jaeik was guided to was a small container building. It also has classroom nameplates attached.

‘uh. Wasn’t California Art College a great school? But the classroom is so laggy?’

It was just a container building because it was laggy. No matter how pretty you decorate it, it’s just a container.

‘Are you spending tens of millions of won on tuition fees to invite professors? Still, it’s a school sponsored by Babel.’

(Hoho. Everyone reacted that way. But isn’t it more important to be on the inside than on the outside?)

It was not wrong. Contrary to the pitiful exterior, the interior was literally filled with top-of-the-line gadgets costing millions of won.

‘her. That’s great. It’s literally extreme practicality. This must cost a lot of money.’

A cursory search revealed that the faculty at this school were truly staggering. It was because they were people who would spend a lot of money even if they were to play in the field right away, and they were people who had definitely achieved something in their respective fields.

When Sue Jones logged on to her computer, a portfolio of graduating students flashed on the screen.

Although it is a university, the number of students is around 1,600. The number of graduates this time was also less than 200.

It was a part where we could see how brutally California Art College selects and graduates students.

(It looks like it hasn’t been uploaded to the cloud yet, as I just finished my final check. I’ll give you a portfolio on the way.)

It was clear that it is always helpful to receive feedback from people who are active in various fields and in positions close to the top.

In addition, Jin-Su Jones, who is talented in the field of lessons, did not know how talented Jae-Ik is, but it is a fact that it is sure to be of great help to students in the borderline area.

However, Sue Jones also had to check Jaeik’s feedback, so he led Jaeik to this place.

Because there were so many times when people who say they are geniuses don’t have any talent at all to teach someone.

(Matthew Lewis. Obviously, he is an excellent student, but if you look at the picture from a distance, he looks fine, but if you look closely, he is a student who is strangely out of place.)

Of course, Sue Jones knew the cause, but she didn’t bother to talk about it.

The first student Jaeik turned on was the one at the bottom of the list Sue Jones gave.


As Sue Jones said, it was a picture with a strangely broken central axis. If you look at the painting with concentration as if dismantling it, this becomes even more prominent. Should I say that the central axis of the figure or the movement of the human body is strangely distorted?

‘Certainly a genius is a genius.’

Of course, Jaeik grasped the cause at a glance. It was a really reckless attempt. It means to complete a painting without drawing a sketch.

(This student goes directly to the coloring stage without a rough sketch and completes the painting. However, since the painting is not fully embedded in his head, there are places where it is strangely distorted when drawing. Of course, drawing a sketch is the best, but there is no way that a student who has come this far would not know that. It seems to be a habit and method.)

Jaeik wrote a comment on the painting on a separate notepad.

‘Oh my gosh. Can it be developed in this way?’

Seeing Jaeik’s feedback, Sue Jones felt like shouting “Eureka!” Why was everyone focusing only on sketches? If it’s a habit that can’t be changed, it would have been okay to maximize it even more.

Isn’t Jaeik suggesting that way?

‘her. It wasn’t a lie.’

Sue Jones only stuck out her tongue at Jaeik’s feedback. Feedback that you can understand at a glance and nod your head.

Even the direction was ingenious. In addition, the explanation itself was very easy, and some feedback even showed examples by drawing pictures directly.

(It is best to give feedback while having a conversation with the person concerned, but unfortunately, this is enough.)

(Enough! Are you thinking of teaching? Oh, my God.)

Sue Jones, who had been holding her breath during Jaeik’s feedback, spat out the words excitedly.

(I never thought he would have this level of skill and intuition. He is really amazing. It will definitely help the students a lot.)

Are you a genius yourself and good at teaching students? This was a man who had to hold onto unconditionally.

(Haha. That’s a bit…)

But at the same time, Jaeik remembered Kangseok’s words. That said, it’s hard to find good producers these days.

(Hmm. If it’s a special lecture or something like that, I’ll think about it. I’m so busy with business.)

Sue Jones nodded with satisfaction, as if that was enough.

After accepting a bunch of homework that wasn’t homework, Jaeik came back and called a meeting. It was to proceed with the goods business that I thought about when I was reporting a while ago.

Aside from unofficial goods, I was thinking of dividing official goods into goods produced under license agreements and goods produced by the company itself.

The reason for doing so is that the goods produced by the head office are literally only produced in small quantities, and the intention is to fill them with works that arouse the desire to own.

(Of course, when it comes to goods, the most basic is the figure. It is the goods that can feel the difference in quality the most.)

The variety of goods was truly enormous. It was enough to connect the goods business to most visible consumer goods.

(I also think that if the company pushes to the main, it should be the figure side.)

(The rest should go with the license agreement method.)

At the words of the staff, Jaeik also nodded. Because making a product requires special skills, and the field that fans value the most for quality is, of course, figurines.

Besides, Jaeik had already experienced figure production at Techpole Land.

That’s an awesome figure.

(Otherwise, there are a lot of inquiries about the product production license. There are a lot of counterfeit Chinese products, so there are a lot of complaints from fans. At this point, issuing a license and producing goods will definitely help the company a lot.)

The cause was the same, but it was a really timely time. If you think about things like the recruitment of talent along with the expansion of the company.

(Hmm. That’s good. First of all, we’ll crack down on counterfeiting and proceed with licensing negotiations at the same time. It’s okay to produce as many kinds of goods as possible. Also, let’s try negotiating with a good figure company.)

Selling licenses is not a problem. It was a matter of how many goods the company made and how good the quality was.

(Ah. By the way, it would be nice if Chinese counterfeit products could not be sold anymore.)

I do the tricks and they eat the money? You will never see that. Not even an official license.

Kang Seok, who understood Jaeik’s meaning, let out a small laugh. Because it was none other than China.

(And self-made figures will be found here.)

At first glance, I heard that many of the leading prototypes were Koreans.

“Is the arts college going well? what else are you watching? Could it be a portfolio of graduates?”

“Just like that? fits the portfolio. However, it is not for recruiting students.”

Jaeik’s hand movements, constantly checking his portfolio and giving feedback on his work, were really fast. Even though it seemed like a rough look, the amount of feedback and skill were not normal.

“what. So you haven’t recruited one?”

“That remains to be seen. Do you think sprouts will sprout right away when you sow seeds? It takes time, and you have to water it, fertilize it, and that’s it.”

Perhaps the seeds Jaeik sows are not simply the seeds of a weed or a tree, but the seeds of a huge forest.

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