Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 281: Sink

Lu Shan changed his mind without being swayed by the Xiangyanghua. It wasn't that he didn't want to spend more on the wallet to recommend it, but the problem was that he didn't have that much money!

Now he knows ... It's not easy to be an influencer! I heard before ... Lu Shan also felt a little incredible when there was a pusher behind every net red or a team was operating. But now he believes it ... It's not easy to do anything these days! Jiuxiang is also afraid of the alleys deep ... There is not enough promotion means and exposure, even if your stuff is good, but no one knows, what works!

However, he feels that it will be sooner or later that with the performance of Rhubarb and Xiaohuang, it is within his own advantage to find this online promotion team to give it a little push and increase the exposure. Can be noticed by more people. If this doesn't work ... then there is really nothing he can do.

Next, Lu Shan forced to stop watching the data of that video, and then changed the clothes for the two rhubarbs. Then he found a dance video on the Internet and taught them to learn a set. New dance ...

Although the two dogs are really clever and spiritual, it is definitely not an easy task for them to imitate human poses and movements with their bodies, even if they are relatively simple movements.

One person and two dogs tossed here for more than an hour before finally shooting the small 15-second video below.

However, this new video will naturally not be released immediately. Always look at the effect of the first video, and then find a suitable time to release the second video.

Afterwards, Lu Shan looked at the playback data of the first video with some anxiety. Suddenly, his eyes brightened, and his face showed an uneasy joy.

I saw that the number of playbacks shown on the first video had reached 8,856 times, and the other likes, retweets, and other data had all exceeded a thousand times.

You know that he spent 10,000 yuan, that Xiangyanghua only guaranteed to give him three thousand clicks manually, and now the actual number of playbacks is almost nine thousand! This also means that ... two-thirds of people are not watching tickets, but are watching by natural people!

So ... Is this video hot? Or maybe ... have passed the first round of recommended standards?

Lu Shan had never played Douyin before, so he did n’t know how to pass the first round of recommendation, so he took a screenshot of this interface and then sent it to Xiangyang, and then asked her if her video had passed .

After about half a minute or so, Xiangyanghua replied: "It's really a shame ... As far as I know, in order to pass the first round of default program recommendation and get the second round of recommendation qualifications, the minimum standard ... has to be Played more than 10,000 times, and other data can pass through more than 1,000. And you this video ... the other data has reached the standard, only the number of times of playback is worse! This is really a pity ... can not get the first The second round of recommendations, your video will definitely sink completely, and even if others want to watch it ... I ca n’t find your video! "

Lu Shan saw that the data was good, and he was in a good mood, but now he was immediately poured into his head by a basin of cold water, and the fire was extinguished ...

Failed! Did not pass?

Lu Shan's mood became frustrated in a moment, and he felt that all his hard work was futile! If this video sinks completely and no one else can see it anymore, it is just as Xiangyang said before ... even if it was the 10,000 yuan he had previously, it would be equivalent to all being thrown away!

He was naturally unwilling to do so, so he asked again: "Is there no other way? There is really no chance for this video to spread widely?"

Xiangyanghua replied: "There is no way ... but this is only for the video you shot before. But if you want to make your two pet dogs popular, you can try again. As long as You re-shoot an interesting video, and then ask me to help you promote ... We still have the opportunity to make these two dogs red! But I suggest you add a little more capital this time ... 30,000 yuan, I can Make sure you pass the first round of referrals and pay another 50,000 yuan. I can also make you pass the second round of review; if you add 100,000, you can pass the third round ... "

"As for the three rounds, that is the manual review of the Douyin platform, and the required playback volume and a little like rate are simply an astronomical figure. It is no longer possible for us to help you to make the list by humans! Of course ... I think as long as it is promoted through our three rounds of package charts, as long as the content of the video is not too bad, how can it be fired! If this is not the case, it will be nothing to help you push a few more rounds Meaning! Oh ... by the way, if you decide to let us help you over three rounds ... the package price will only charge you 150,000! How about ... handsome guy, do you want to think about it! "

Lu Shan could not help rolling his eyes in secret ... Now it is only 30,000 yuan in the first round, he can't take it out! Fifteen thousand ... Where did he steal? Hmm ... Of course, if he really wanted to steal, he wouldn't be able to steal it, but he hadn't reached the point of desperately doing such a robbery to complete a task.

So Lu Shan didn't bother her proposal, but asked a little unwillingly: "I just want to know ... if my video does not pass the first round of recommendation, it will definitely sink completely, and it will never be again Did anyone see it? "

"That's not absolute ..."

Xiangyang Hua replied: "Because some of you have seen this video before, and more people have re-posted the link to your video, so ... although after the system's default first round of recommendations, Your video is hard to be seen on Douyin platform, but if someone clicks on those shared links, then someone will still see your video. So ... in theory, the next part If anyone who sees the video will continue to reshare it, you will continue to see more of this video ... "

"If it happens, which big V is optimistic about your video and come to share it ... then maybe your video will suddenly catch fire even if it is not recommended by Douyin platform! And once you have this video online Fire, Douyin platform staff will find it, or they will give you a special recommendation position!

"In fact, there are many such examples ... not only videos, but also other posts ... When they were first posted, few people saw them, and they sank silently, but in In the process of posting a post or video, in fact, there have always been people reposting it, never interrupted, and then I do n’t know which day to wait ... Somehow, this long silent video or post suddenly burst into flames stand up!"

"But speaking ... Although there are so few examples, they are too slim, so I still suggest you to re-post a video to promote it! Otherwise, if you expect this video to be reposted naturally by netizens The fire broke out ... That's almost the same as the odds of waiting for a five million prize after buying a two-dollar lottery ticket, which is ridiculously low! "

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