Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 321: please do not disturb me

Lu Shan just drank Ning Ke just a small bottle of a total of 10 milliliters of primary life potion. This bottle of potion can only restore a person's 40 to 60 points of health at most!

It is obviously not enough to restore Ning Ke's so many health values, because the average health value of ordinary adults is between 90 and 100 points.

If you have 100 health, you are considered to be completely healthy, and if you have more than 90, you are considered to be in a sub-health state. If it is below 90 points, it is even sick or injured!

Even if Ning Ke's health hasn't returned to 0 yet, there are only 1 or 2 points left. So just give her a bottle of life potion and she can get her health back to about 50 at most.

With only 50 points of health, it is still considered to be seriously injured. If some internal organ wounds have not healed, if this continues ... her health will definitely continue to decline.

However, Lu Shan did not plan to give Ning Ke another bottle of life potion!

It's not that Lu Shan is reluctant to have the potion of life, but ... In this case, Lu Shan doesn't want to do too shocking, then ... it will definitely leave him with endless sequelae!

But Lu Shan won't stop here, just leave it alone! Therefore, he then used the method of diagnosing the pulse to check the current situation of Ning Ke!

He found that ... if the potency of this life potion can't fully restore a person's health to its peak state, it should work from the most serious lesion or injury of a person!

For example, now Ning Ke, her main injuries should be broken ribs, punctured lung lobes, and spleen rupture to some extent! But after drinking that bottle of life potion, the wounds on her lung lobe and spleen have basically healed, and the problem of internal bleeding has been solved. Now what remains is a large amount of blood in the chest and abdomen, which is not ruled out and fractured The problem didn't heal ... and then the external trauma was not repaired at all!

But this is what makes Lu Shan the most happy ... If his bottle of medicine goes down, all the wounds on Ning Ke will heal all of a sudden, then ... he will not need to continue hiding anymore, it would be better Just cure Ning Ke once and for all!

After all, if the wound on the surface heals, this change is too intuitive, and even people who do n’t understand medicine will be shocked. So ... Ning Ke is only recovering from his internal organ injuries, which can still be fooled!

Next, Lu Shan took out his needle bag and began to take out the gold needles of different lengths in the needle bag. Then he moved his hands like a magic dance and pierced a gold needle quickly. To Ning Ke's body!

The nine needles used by Lu Shan this time are mainly to help Ning Ke draw blood from the chest and abdomen first, and then only need to improve Ning Ke's physical resistance so that she is not too weak. Then as long as the normal treatment is performed in the hospital, it is foolproof!

But none of the others in the operating room now knew what was going on. After all, Ning Ke had fallen into a coma, and never woke up. Even now that I am out of danger, I am still asleep!

All they saw was that Lu Shan forcibly drank Ning Ke and drank a bottle of liquid without knowing what it was, and then began to take out a strange needle and pierce Ning Ke's body!

If that's the case, that's it! But ... Then in the two hollow needles tied on Ning Ke's chest and lower abdomen, he began to squirt blood out of the air with Lu Shan's acupuncture technique!

This time, Ning Feng can be taken aback, and now he can no longer control the doctor who has been violently throbbing, but rushed to the operating table and yelled, "Lu Shan ... what are you doing? I Sister she ... she's going to die, and you actually hurt her ... "

Lu Shan was still holding the nine gold needles with both hands, without even lifting his head, saying, "What are you calling! Ning Ke, she's all right ... I'm helping her clear her body. It ’s blood! Do n’t make trouble here, just wait for it! ”

"Ah ... my sister she ... is she really okay?"

Ning Feng heard the words stupefied, but said with confusion, "But she ... isn't she still like this? She didn't wake up, no matter where ... it's just fine!"

Lu Shan rolled his eyes angrily and said, "Which is so easy to wake up, and it's not bad to get her out of danger now, if you don't believe it ... look at the data displayed on the ECG monitor!"

Ning Feng turned his head and looked at the instruments at the bedside, but he was not a doctor, so how could he understand this thing? But the attending doctor on the side was not an idiot. After getting rid of Ning Feng, he wanted to pounce on and stop Lu Shan, but when he heard Lu Shan, he turned his head subconsciously and glanced at the ECG monitor. At a glance, then the whole person stopped!

Really ... It's really out of danger!

I saw clearly on the instrument that Ning Ke's heart rate had recovered to 76, and blood pressure and other data had all recovered a lot. Although the low pressure still looks a bit low and out of the normal range, it is understandable! After all, Ning Ke had shed so much blood before, even if she had been transfused! What's more ... just now they found that the patient was no longer working, and when there was no possibility of rescue, they had already interrupted the blood transfusion! So ... it's reasonable to have a low blood pressure now. And even if the blood pressure is low, it has not reached a dangerous value!

But how is this possible! They two doctors and two nurses have been busy for a long time, and they have not been able to save the patient's life. Why ... the kid with the same green hair rushed in and gave the patient a bottle of unknown liquid, and then on the patient. Just a few stitches, and that's it ... to rescue a dying person, even out of danger? This ... how is this possible!

In addition to the attending doctor, the remaining three people in the operating room also saw the changes in the data on the instrument, and all of them suddenly widened their eyes and began to doubt the world!

And at this moment, I heard a bang, the door of the operating room was knocked open from the outside, and then the previous guards hurried in, followed by a wolf-like tiger. The ground rushed towards Ning Feng and Lu Shan!

"Wait a minute ... give me another minute!"

Seeing these guards chasing in so quickly, Lu Shan was helpless, but he did not show any appearance of resistance, but calmly continued to give Ning Ke acupuncture treatment, while saying, " After a minute, you can do whatever you want, but please don't disturb me now! "

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