Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 3652: Snow hum

Lu Shan will not tolerate such terrible things happening... So no matter how difficult this task is, he must stick to it.

Now his body is indeed too weak, so weak that even a blizzard in nature might kill him!

But... as long as his heart is still beating, as long as his mouth and nose can breathe, then he will not allow himself to give up!

He still has time... as long as he doesn't give up, he still has a chance!

Although in this blizzard, he has completely lost a concept of time, and he is not sure how long it has been since he entered this dungeon world.

However... he estimated that it would not exceed ten hours at most.

And his task is to find the mountain gate of Liuyun Sect within 48 hours, and then find a way to join Liuyun Sect and become an outer disciple of Liuyun Sect.

Now he has about forty hours... As long as he keeps on going, he might still be able to find Flowing Cloud Sect. And as long as he can find the place where the sect is located... he believes that he can definitely join in.

For this, he is quite confident!

Don't say anything about his current physical foundation may be too bad, after this heavy snowstorm, he will be greatly injured, maybe there is no good life for a few days!

He also doesn't worry at all. When he gets started, there will be any talent tests and so on. Then he will be tested as a waste of nothing... Then what is it? The big deal, let's start with a wasteful start!

In other words...In recent years, he has read all kinds of online novels of various genres. I don’t know how many books, even those of Xianxia. He is familiar with various opening strategies...What kind of sects? Flow, Tianjiao flow, feces and urine flow...nothing to say!

Hey, something strange seems to be coming in? But it doesn’t matter. It probably means that... Lu Shan is not a real kid after all. Based on his experience of surfing the Internet for many years and mature thinking, he wants to come... Then he will fool the admissions director of the sect. , It should be a matter of course!

Thinking like this in his mind, Lu Shan felt that he would be better off if he went on like this, otherwise... just so stupidly facing the sky of ice and snow, his mind was just empty and it became a blank... It's really easy to become a fool.

But not long after he left like this, Lu Shan dared not move on!

Because the wind and snow are too heavy, he can hardly see anything even if he opens his eyes now... if he continues to move forward like this, he will easily lose his sense of direction.

At that time, he might go back in a daze, still completely ignorant.

And after such a heavy snowstorm, his previous footprints on the snowfield were basically wiped out, so... the only basis for him to judge the direction would no longer exist.

He didn't know if the direction he had chosen before was correct, but at least he knew...that direction was the direction that the child had originally chosen before his soul passed through.

Before other choices, this was the only choice he could make.

If even this only knowable direction is to be lost now, then... after the wind and snow pass, he will be able to find the right direction and the possibility of finding Liuyunzong, which may not even be in Chengdu.

But... if he gives up walking now and wants to stay where he is, then... this wind and snow is probably going to bury his body in the snow soon.

Without continuous physical activity, his blood flow slowed down, and his body temperature continued to decrease... In this way, his whole body would be completely frozen in a short time. Then... The vast snowfields are completely integrated.

Lu Shan sighed lightly, feeling a little at a loss for a while.

The result of stopping is undoubtedly death; continuing to move forward... it is just a life of nine deaths!

Although... it seems that if you continue to move forward, there is still a little bit of hope, but in fact... that little hope is almost the same as nothing! And once he loses the direction he had finally found before, then the last glimmer of hope will be completely ruined!

How to do?

Lu Shan couldn't help but hesitated. For the first time in this hellishly difficult task, he felt a little dilemma.

And at this moment, Lu Shan suddenly heard a faint scream from the front.

Hmm...Is there a legendary weiqi here?

Hearing this voice, Lu Shan couldn't help but lifted his spirits, and then his eyes widened.

Because the wind was too loud, he didn't hear clearly what it was making, but... anyway, it wasn't the wind and snow!

And as long as it wasn't the sound of wind and snow, then he... felt that he had to come forward and take a look.

He is standing here temporarily not daring to move, because he is afraid that he will lose his sense of direction when he moves. But...following the sound ahead, there should be no mistakes.

Although in such a ghostly weather, in such a vast and inaccessible snowfield... to hear such a weird call, it probably won't be a good thing!

And... this seems to be a very dangerous world of Xianxia. Not only are there beasts that cannibalize people, there may be monsters that have been cultivated!

Anyway, in fact, with the small body of a five or six-year-old boy like Lu Shan now, no matter what kind of danger he encounters, even if... just a skinny snow wolf in the snow, he can easily get his. Little life is.

But no matter what... That croaking cry, for Lu Shan, means a variable after all! And he originally stood here, and he didn't know how to choose, so... why not just follow this variable to see what changes will happen?

The direction that the sound came from before was just upwind. As for how far the sound was from him, Lu Shan had no idea.

Anyway, he just checked that direction, and then bite the bullet, against the wind... step by step, gritted his teeth and walked in the direction where the sound came from...

Fortunately, that humming cry will be heard several times every few moments, which is equivalent to showing him the direction, so that he will not lose his way halfway.

He walked for about half an hour with this breath, and he felt that he was getting closer and closer to the sound! But at this time... he was pleasantly surprised to find that he had stepped into a mountain col.

He had been walking in the snow for a whole day before, although the terrain under his feet had occasional undulations, but there was not much change in the drop.

It is estimated that even if this snowfield does not usually snow, it should be a flat grassland.

But now... he can clearly feel that the terrain under his feet has begun to change greatly, and the more he goes forward, the higher the terrain becomes.

And gradually... the wind around him has become smaller and smaller, and a huge mountain can already be seen faintly in front of him, and now he is walking into a small depression in the mountain.

This mountain col is surrounded by mountains on three sides, blocking the surrounding wind and snow, so... the temperature here doesn't seem to be as cold anymore.

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