The orc army has retreated a thousand kilometers away from the Broken Vein Fortress. It has just set off and will reach here at most. If we send troops to intercept now, where do you think the best blocking point is?

After hearing the mission, everyone put aside their thoughts and seriously examined and discussed the location of the blocking port for interception.

Based on the knowledge and experience they had learned before, everyone quickly decided on the best blocking point.

This place is less than 30 kilometers away from the ancient stone city. It is also the only way to get to the Broken Vein. It is also a mountain pass. If we can get here first, it will not be a problem to be able to set up a defensive position and hold it for two days.

Looking at the results of everyone's discussion, Gooden thought for a while and decided to use this place as a blocking point, but the tactics needed to be slightly adjusted.

You can choose here. This time, three battalions will be dispatched. Let the first, sixth, and seventh battalions set off. Set up a defensive entrance at the entrance of the pass. Set the number of people to half a battalion. Enter the mountain passage of the pass, set up mines, and set up mines at the exit. Set up heavy troops to continue the defense.

The resistance in front only needs to be blocked for a period of time. Just tell the orcs that you are here. Once you encounter a fierce attack, you can call for artillery support. After covering it, evacuate, pass through the minefield, and give the first half of the pass to the orcs.

At the same time, a camp is deployed in the rear as a protective artillery position to prevent the orcs from bypassing the rear. The specific arrangements and deployment will be left to the on-site commander.

Everyone nodded slightly to show their understanding.

In addition, the goal of this mission is to block the enemy and delay the march of the orc army. I will contact the Imperial Army. If they realize the seriousness of the matter, they will definitely speed up their support.

If they don't have any news, I will notify you to retreat as soon as possible. In addition, communication towers along the road will also be deployed and constructed to keep communications open.


After everyone agreed to the mission in unison, they immediately left the military camp to mobilize troops and begin preparations.

According to the orcs' advancing speed, the blocking location this time can be reached within two days. This event is still a bit tense for them.

But with the help of the magic truck, traveling thousands of miles a day is not a problem. For them, this distance is just a matter of a few trips.

The alarm bell in the military camp rang, and the soldiers participating in training gathered to wait for orders.

The soldiers from the three battalions mobilized have also begun to put on their equipment, pick up their weapons and board the vehicles to prepare for departure.

It can be said that the current Qingyuan combat readiness army is always in a state of combat readiness. It only takes less than half an hour from the completion of the deployment mission to the departure.

And since everyone arrived without missing a single person, it can be said that they are always ready for battle.

This kind of reaction speed is very satisfactory to Gudern. At least in this world, it is difficult for troops of the same size to be able to achieve such a reaction speed.

The dispatch of the army surprised the residents of the town. Military vehicles drove toward the outside of the city. The residents couldn't help but become interested in where the orcs were going to be unlucky this time.

The last expedition directly smashed the 30,000 orc defenders of Jinyuan City to pieces, and half of the residents of Jinyuan City who came to take refuge have already returned.

At the same time, many refugees also went to Jinyuan City to check the situation. Just as the newspaper advertised, Jinyuan City was successfully captured and a large number of orcs were captured.

Such news was simply unbelievable to them, and now that the Qingyuan Army was out again, they were very curious about the target of this attack.

After all, many people still want to return to their cities. If the Qingyuan Army can help recover it in advance, it will be great news for them.

During the race against time against the orcs' march, Gudern did not forget to contact Godwin of the Griffin Legion.

Listen to the other party about the information and analysis obtained so far, and also inform the other party of your deployment actions.

When he heard that the Qingyuan Army had sent out men, his face was a little surprised, but the most important thing right now was to go and notify the army and the army commander.

I will arrange personnel to inform you about this matter immediately. Thank you for your reminder and help, Lord Gudern.

It's all for the sake of the empire. This matter must be arranged as soon as possible. The Qingyuan Army is not large in number and cannot stop them for too long.

Yes, I know.

Godwin nodded solemnly, and then immediately went to arrange contact.

Chapter 176 Deploy the pass and kill with one blow

As the most elite force in the empire, the Griffin Legion has its own battle mages who can quickly help deliver messages.

However, compared to ultra-long-distance signal transmission, they still need to send people there.

Although the Sky Knight with a griffon as its mount may not move as fast as the extraordinary speed of sound, it can still maintain a speed of one to two hundred meters per second.

When the news of the complete retreat of the Orc army was brought to the Empire's frontline command post, a group of Imperial officers attached great importance to the news and immediately made speculations.

It was found that according to the current marching speed of the imperial army, even if they could be dispatched, it would be difficult to catch up with the orc army.

However, when they learned that Qingyuan Town had sent people to intercept, everyone on the scene looked a little weird.

They had also heard a little bit about what happened in Qingyuan Town. The 400,000 orc army returned without success, and almost half of them were lost.

This kind of thing seems almost impossible to them, but it actually happened. Moreover, when they learned that the defenders of Qingyuan Town did not even have 5,000 people, their first reaction was extraordinary. intervened in the war.

Otherwise, there is no reason to be able to defend a border town, and many people are still skeptical about the battle situation in Qingyuan Town.

But now the other party actually sent personnel to stop the orc army. Regardless of whether the other party's record was true or not, everyone still admired this private army very much.

That kind of person dares to face an army of hundreds of thousands of orcs, but I don't know if this behavior can be called stupid or heroic.

However, after being slightly surprised, the officers of the imperial army immediately began to make arrangements to pursue the orc army.

After all, if the orcs really want to succeed, the battle situation on the front line will definitely be affected. As soldiers of the empire, they cannot just sit back and watch.

In the afternoon of the same day, the imperial army set off urgently and pursued the orc army all night long. At the same time, Hogtz also waited for the information, and after receiving permission from the report, he set off for support that night.

In an instant, half of the northern territory was mobilized by Gudern's decision, and at this moment, he was enjoying Erin's massage in the castle.

Oh, yes, go a little to the right, a little harder... Phew, it feels good...

Lying on the special massage bed, Gudern was enjoying the massage from Eileen's tender hands while looking at various report data, most of which came from experimental parameters in the research institute.

Eileen on the side was squeezing and beating Gudern with a serious look on her face.

Gudern has completed these four goals of eating, drinking and having fun. The rest of the fun is waiting for him to leave Qingyuan Town to see the outside world after the war ends.

The development of Qingyuan Town has already embarked on the right path that he preset. Even if he does not make any intervention in the future, Qingyuan Town will be able to reach the peak of the second industrial revolution and even enter the information technology era by relying on its own ability. It's not impossible.

However, that request may take one to two hundred years or even longer, and Gudern does not need to expect to reach a high level in terms of development issues, he only needs to be able to protect him in a place in this world.

Enjoying the massage, Gooden looked at the data in his hand and couldn't help but think about the feasibility with his little physics knowledge.

Although magic technology is simple and convenient, there is a key problem that has not been solved, and that is battery life and price.

All existing magic components are designed as disposable products and will be scrapped and need to be replaced by default after reaching the end of their lifespan.

This simple method is indeed convenient and simple for a small number of large-scale biographies in the early stage.

However, as the population of Qingyuan Town increases, more and more equipment is needed, and the waste of magic technology products becomes more and more serious. This situation does not have any impact at present.

But as time goes by and increases, this number will be very large. According to Gudern's rough estimate, if it continues to develop like this, Qingyuan Town will consume magic products every month in the following months. It will increase by more than 20% every month.

Finally, after three to five months, the amount spent on magic equipment in a single month will exceed 30,000 gold coins.

This kind of loss speed makes Gooden feel distressed just by calculating it, let alone waiting for that day to happen.

Now, while there is still time, figure out the power system as soon as possible to replace the consumption of some magic equipment.

Although the research mission is important, Gudern has not forgotten the troops going out.

This time the expedition front is 230 kilometers away, and even with the help of a magic car, it will take nearly four hours to travel.

According to the turnaround and subsequent convoy processing at the blocking pass, three groups of personnel have arrived and have made preliminary preparations for field investigations. At the same time, the most basic defensive front is also being constructed.

Maltz, who has the most practical combat experience, is nervously arranging preparations before the war with Els.

As one of the first to follow Gudern, Els has been serving as the temporary captain since the first guard captain was raped. Later, as the army expanded, he has been sitting in the top position, and his main function is to clear the air. Defense issues in Source Town.

But now, with the improvement of the actual combat experience of the commanders of various branches and the accumulation of military achievements, many people have surpassed him.

This will cause some dissatisfaction in management for him. In the army, the strong are respected. Some people who joined later and have accumulated more military merit than Ayers are naturally jealous of Ayers' position. After all, in this position Not only are the welfare benefits good, but also being able to have frequent contact with the young master.

After all, if you want to gain greater strength and improvement, the young master's gift is indispensable. Now, more than a hundred people in the entire army have received enhanced entry modifications, and 18 of them have received secondary modifications.

As for the people who revised the entries for the second time, the worst ones are now at the peak of the intermediate level. This kind of terrifying improvement speed makes them extremely yearn for it. There are even such rumors among the army.

As long as he can appear in front of the young master a few more times, he will have the opportunity to be given and his strength will be improved.

It is precisely for these reasons that Els, who has never been famous, is in danger of being replaced.

Of course, this was just what he thought, and as there happened to be a new actual combat mission, Els did not hesitate to apply to lead the team.

Regarding Ayers' request, Gudern did not hesitate and directly approved his request.

This time he went out to fight with the plan of training troops for actual combat. In addition, Els has been working in the town and has participated in less actual combat. It is time to go out and practice.

I just took a look at the terrain. It's a bit not good. It's much worse than the planned terrain. In addition to the pass, I have discovered three roads that can cross the mountain.

Looking at the actual terrain, Els couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

I originally thought that this defense area only needed to guard a pass, but I didn't expect that when I arrived at the actual location, I saw that there were so many loopholes.

And even Maltz, who has rich experience in actual combat, is in trouble at this moment.

This place looks really good on the map, but when you come to the actual area, it is quite different from what you imagined.

But judging from the current map situation, there is no other area that is superior to the terrain here. The orc army will arrive at the earliest tomorrow night and at the latest before noon the day after tomorrow. We have to find a way to solve this problem as soon as possible.

For this problem, Maltz could only ask the other party to think about a solution with him.

Els looked at the surrounding terrain in the dark night, and suddenly thought of the young master's blasting plan for the mining area some time ago, and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

I have an idea, what do you think? The surrounding mountain roads can be used as a trap. We will place mines and explosives on the mountain roads near the pass.

If after we exchange fire at the frontal pass, the orcs divide their forces and enter the mountain road, the first step will be slowed down by mines. Even if we can cross the minefield, we will directly detonate the explosives buried in the mountain, destroying and burying the entire road.

As a result, the orcs will have to pay a huge price if they want to cross, and it will also slow down their march.

Maltz felt okay hearing this suggestion, but it was Els' next words that woke him up.

The order we received is to stop the marching speed of the orc army, not to fight to the death. Although our position here can delay it for a long time, the price we pay must be high.

Instead of fighting here, we should be more flexible. We should defend the position, but not rigidly. We should set up a few more positions and intercept them layer by layer, so that the orcs can slowly advance without breaking through directly.

In addition to the layout at the pass, we also have to set up blockades on the necessary roads behind, so that the orc army will not move too fast. We will beat them for a long time, block them for a long time, and then delay them for a long time.

In this way, the speed of the orcs will be slowed down, and we can complete the mission.

Listening to Els's plan, Malz's eyes suddenly lit up. Impressed by the previous war fortress, his first reaction after receiving the mission was to fight to the death at the pass and block it with all his strength.

But now after hearing what Els said, I realized that my idea was wrong.

They also knew the number of the orc army. Even if a group of vanguard personnel were left, the orc army would still start with at least 400,000 people.

Each of these orcs can drown more than 1,500 of them by spitting stars. If you want to fight here to the death, you will definitely not be able to escape for a long time. Only by following Els's ideas can you have a chance. Hold back the orc army as much as possible.

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