
Gudern didn't realize it. Why did he suddenly receive the mission?

Before Gudern could react, Olek immediately said to Anna.

You should discuss the details of the subsequent alliance with Count Gudern. He will be solely responsible for this matter.

In addition, the twenty-fifth of this month is also the investiture ceremony of Earl Gudern. If you two have time, you can attend together on behalf of Hephros.

Thanks to His Majesty's invitation, I will represent the Kingdom of Hephros at the Earl's investiture ceremony.

Anna was also very considerate and nodded slightly in agreement.

Gudern always felt a little strange about his father's strange operation. Is it necessary for an earl's investiture ceremony to be so huge?

In the past two days in the royal capital, he had heard a lot of relevant preparation news.

It can be said that the scale of the conferment is larger than that of a duke, and with the participation of envoys from other countries, this is a bit strange no matter how you look at it.

Gudern was thinking in his mind, should he moisturize first to show respect?

But now, after Olek's arrangement was over, while Gudern was in a daze, he withdrew and left a few words.

I still have some important things to deal with. It's up to you to discuss the arrangements for the rest.

After saying that, Olek left the hall.

Facing this sudden task, Gudern was a little helpless, but now he had no chance to refuse, so he could only stop the matter and talk about it first.

You two, we meet again. I thought the next meeting would be a long time later, but I didn't expect to meet again here.

Facing Anna and Moss, Gudern was the first to say hello.

I didn't expect you to be able to solve the problem of the orcs in the north in such a short period of time, and also jump to the Earl. Now I don't know whether I should call you Earl, or...

Well, the job titles are all false, so just call me by my name.

Gooden quickly waved his hands and said that the two people in front of him were among the few who knew his identity. Although they had not said it explicitly, both parties knew it well.

Facing Gudern, who was as humble as ever, Anna chuckled lightly, and then said an invitation.

As for the matter in the north, let's go to the Holy Light Cathedral to discuss it. That's my station in the royal capital. It just so happens that I can be the host and guest for a while and entertain you.

Gudern, who was invited, did not hesitate to refuse and nodded in response.

Okay, it just so happens that I brought some new wine, just in time for a little gathering.

When they heard that there was new wine, Anna and Moss's eyes lit up. They left early last time and could not catch up with the brewing of the new wine, which was a bit regretful.

But now that they saw that new wine was born, the two immediately took Gudern to the Holy Light Cathedral in the Royal City.

Although Anna herself was not an alcoholic, she still had no ability to resist the food and wine that Gudern brought out.

But when Gudern had just stepped out of the hall, Olek's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

If you have some good wine, why don't you give it to me? If you don't leave two bottles for me when you come back, you'll have to pay the bills for these two days yourself.

After hearing his own father's words, Gudern paused and looked helpless.

Isn’t this mother gone?

Why did you still overhear the conversation?

But now I can only nod slightly to show my understanding.

Upon seeing this, Olek moved his eyes away with satisfaction and no longer paid attention to Gudern.

The Holy Light Cathedral in the Royal City is only more than five hundred meters away from the Imperial City. It arrived shortly after leaving the Imperial City.

It was also the first time for Gudern to come to the church in another world. Of course, he had seen it many times from a distance.

When I came to the Royal Capital for the first time, I looked down from the air at first glance. Apart from the more magnificent Imperial City, the second most iconic building in the Royal Capital was the Holy Light Cathedral.

Although the building is only less than a hundred meters tall, the use of special white stones makes the entire church look as smooth as if it were carved from a single stone.

At the same time, the Holy Light Cathedral is not just a building. In addition to the public area, there is also an independent city manor behind the church. Its scale area is also 60,000 to 70,000 square meters, which is very luxurious.

The three of them came to the manor house and discussed business while tasting the new wine brewed by Gudern.

They also learned this approach from Gudern.

Regarding the treatment of the orcs in the north, the two sides have basically reached an agreement.

Gooden said he was here for a formal discussion, but in fact he was just here to understand his tasks and what he needed to cooperate with.

After a while, they understood almost everything, and the three of them started chatting.

Speaking of which, wouldn't Hephros not participate in this kind of war? Why did he suddenly send troops this time?

It's different. Although we are sending troops to the north this time, we will not directly participate in the war between the two countries. We are preparing in advance to prevent the possible resurgence of the undead.

Ana shook her head slightly, and then continued to explain.

Wars in the past have caused countless casualties. These corpses are either burned and buried on the spot, or left on the battlefield. The former is also a more effective method of disposal, but if no one manages the latter, it will not only cause a plague. , and may even trigger a large-scale resurgence of the undead and expand the disaster.

And now there is enough evidence among the orcs to prove that they are using the power of the undead. If this matter is not deployed in advance, and the orcs really gather an army of millions of undead, then the fourth demon invasion may have to start early. ”

Upon hearing this explanation, Gudern nodded slightly to express his understanding.

Of the three demonic invasions that have occurred on the continent in the past, two of them were the first to break out in undead disasters that swept across the continent. Demons followed one after another, bringing tremendous pressure to all races on the continent.

In the Dawn Empire, which unified the continent, it fought two such wars in the fifteen hundred years since its founding. After the second time, it collapsed due to heavy losses and various circumstances. Detachment from autonomy.

In such an environment, there was a lot of direct friction between the various races. Although they could live in harmony for more than 800 years, after the third demonic invasion, the war lasted for a full 169 years.

After another two hundred years, various empires were established and conquered. The three major human empires that have remained until now, as well as the three kingdoms of other races, etc.

Regarding this knowledge, Gudern has been looking up it since he learned about Olek's life experience.

More than a thousand years have passed since the third demonic invasion ended. Judging from past circumstances, the fourth demonic invasion is likely to be brewing and preparing.

This is why all the extraordinary races in the mainland need to abide by the convention, in order to retain their strength to fight against possible demons.

The three of them chatted all day long, and the time soon came to noon.

Looking at the time, Gudern also suggested casually.

If you have nothing to do this afternoon, why don't you go to my palace? Irene is here too. We can cook a few dishes and chat while we eat.

Hearing that Irene was here, Anna's eyes brightened slightly. She also liked this little maid very much.

Not only is she good in strength and talent, but she is also proficient in taking care of housework, and more importantly, she is good at cooking, which even her royal cook in Hephros cannot compare to.

Okay, since I ate the food Irene cooked, I feel like everything else tastes tasteless.

Anna said with a nostalgic look on her face, and at the same time she stood up and prepared to leave.

For Chinese cuisine, this thing can be said to have crushed most dishes from other worlds.

As for eating delicious food, it is just a rhetoric. As the crown prince of a country, the things Anna has access to are not what Goode can think of.

After leaving the cathedral and looking at the imperial city just around the corner, Gudern suggested.

Why don't you go back and let the wind blow in to dissipate the alcohol smell, then you can digest it.

Anna was indifferent to this proposal, but Moss shook his head.

I'll forget it. I've attended too many events and I won't be able to leave if someone recognizes me. Flying is banned in the capital, so I'll take the first step.

Huh? Then Anna, aren't you afraid of being recognized?

Gudern was also a little curious about what Moss said.

I have never participated in major events in the empire before I became an adult. Even when I became an adult, I only participated in some events and rituals in the empire that were not open to the public. Although I have a reputation, few people have seen me. I don't have this trouble at the moment.

Anna said relaxedly, and at the same time took the lead in walking towards the direction of the imperial city, followed by Gudern.

Of course, this trouble will soon catch up with me. For example, if I come out to congratulate you for your honor this time, I will definitely mention my identity. Naturally, I won't be able to hide it.

These words made Gudern a little strange.

No, it's just a knighthood. Isn't it just an internal formality?

You don't know yet? Anna was also a little surprised by Gudern's words, and then explained.

The award you received this time is for your great contribution after defeating the orcs during the war. It is definitely different from ordinary awards. The empire needs a new role model hero, and now it is definitely you.

For example, in the last war, the empire launched the first female knight in the empire, Count Janessa. Janessa's reputation is still spread on the mainland.

Gooden really didn't know anything about Anna's explanation. His father never told him about it, let alone sent anyone to talk to him about it.

From the beginning to the end, Gooden thought this was just a simple award, but he didn't expect that it was a preparation to create a 'hero'.

Gudern also learned about Janessa from Irene's mouth. Irene was her little crush and was targeting her, although now she was working hard to protect her.

But it is not difficult to see how broad the impact of this hero-making move will be.

Walking on the road by the river, Gudern looked a little depressed. This kind of thing is definitely a good thing for normal people, but for him, reputation will only bring him more trouble.

Especially after knowing his own life experience, he not only has to guard against the orcs, but also against the gods' family.

Seeing Gudern's expression, Anna asked with a chuckle.

What's wrong? Don't you like this kind of thing?

Gudern nodded slightly and was about to respond when he suddenly noticed that his surroundings were a little different.

The bustling streets suddenly became quiet, as if all the people in the city had disappeared in an instant.

Moreover, the weather that was originally sunny at noon began to become blurry and illusory at this moment. At the same time, the endless white fog around him instantly turned the surrounding environment into a shadow.

Gudern, who had a lot of experience, grabbed Anna's arm at the first moment.

In previous movies and TV series, once this situation occurs, it will basically be broken down one by one.

The white mist swallowed the two of them in an instant. Anna was not dissatisfied with Gudern's style, but actually approved of it.

When the white mist hits, it is difficult for two people to see each other clearly even if they are close to each other. Once they distance themselves, they will inevitably become separated.

At the same time, when the white mist hit, the two of them had already taken out their staffs and weapons to deal with it.

Three dispelling spells spread from Anna's staff to the surroundings, and Gudern also used the defense and dispersing magic he had learned to try to drive away and protect the two.

But at this moment, Gudern suddenly sensed a strange wave of elemental energy coming from behind Anna.

Although she was already an extraordinary Anna, she was still slower than Gooden in discovering this energy. When she wanted to cast a spell to resist, this energy was already close at hand.

Unlike Anna's slow reaction, Gudern, who has the entry of Lord of Elements, has reached the peak of his perception of the elements.

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