For this eighteen-year-old... no, nineteen-year-old Irene, Vanessa was also shocked by her talent, and was also shocked by her current strength.

As the fiancée of the newly promoted Earl, Eileen's status, coupled with her profession as a knight, made the two of them talk about each other immediately.

By leaving Eileen behind, Gooden's subsequent introductions can be easier. There is no need to introduce the two of them at once. Although everyone is already aware of it, necessary etiquette is still needed.

After some exchanges, the basic imperial ministers and other noble members got to know each other well, and then they met with foreign envoys and others.

Although Gudern will not stay in the royal capital for activities, such necessary etiquette still exists.

At present, except for the Artes Orc Empire, envoys from other countries on the mainland basically attended this ceremony.

Gudern also met and introduced one by one to the envoys. When he came to Anna, Gudern suddenly felt the dissatisfaction coming from the other party in his heart.

Hmph, it's a miracle you didn't die of exhaustion in bed.

Ahem, you'll know soon after you try whether you're exhausted or not. Besides, haven't I blocked my perception?

Gudern responded with some embarrassment, but on the surface he still didn't show much strangeness.

Does shielding work? I haven't even... I... I really want to hit you to death with a hammer now!

Don't mess around, don't mess around, I will pay attention next time, I will pay attention.

Feeling the anger in Anna's heart, Gooden quickly admitted his mistake and apologized.

On the surface, Anna just went through the motions and responded coldly and then ignored Gudern.

Faced with this situation, Gudern could only pretend that nothing happened and came to the Elf Mission to greet them.

Moss, who was next to Anna, was a little strange at the moment. Don't they have a pretty good relationship?

Why do you feel like a stranger right now?

Olek, who had been paying attention to Gudern, was also a little confused. After thinking for a moment, he came to the conclusion that this brat must have angered Anna by being cold.

Otherwise, the relationship between the two people would not be so tense.

Thinking of this, Olek no longer paid attention to this moment, and planned to give this kid a lesson after it was over and teach him some tricks to coax people.

The banquet dedicated to Gudern is also being held enthusiastically.

At the same time, a shocking change broke out in the two northern regions of the empire.

Dozens of cities declared independence from the Orrea Empire and controlled a large number of armies in both regions in a short period of time.

Many cities that were unaware of the situation were captured by the rebels before they could react.

In one morning, the empire's control area in the Beifeng Frost Realm and the North Desert Golden Sea was reduced by one-third, and this number is gradually shrinking as time goes by.

When the news was first delivered to the capital, it was already afternoon.

At this time, the lunch banquet has ended, and the royal capital is now a celebration party among civilians.

In the palace meeting hall, Olek also immediately summoned the ministers, officials, military officers, and some noble lords who had not yet left.

Among them, Gudern also received the notice and went there as soon as possible.

Gudern was a little confused when he heard that parts of the Northern Territory and the Northern Desert declared independence at the same time and attacked other cities.

He also understood the situation in the empire, and it was not in a situation where a tyrant was in power and the people were in dire straits.

What the hell is independence breaking out at this time?

Not only Gudern was confused, but all the people who heard this situation also looked at each other and expressed confusion.

But as the emperor of a country, Olek has made a decision at this moment.

There are hundreds of millions of people in the empire in the northern border and the northern desert. There are still nearly ten million soldiers guarding the border at this moment. Once the rebels cut off the supplies and military in these two important areas, the threat of orcs will directly sweep over the empire.

Although the empire currently has insufficient troops within its territory, it must mobilize troops as soon as possible to quell the rebels. The military department will come up with a build-up plan as soon as possible. Military deployment on the east and west sides can be slowed down. The security of the north must be ensured.

The mobilized military personnel also began to arrange mobilization tasks.

At the same time, Olek was also arranging other work regarding the independence of the rebels.

In addition to suppression, it is also necessary to investigate the reasons for the other party's independence and the people behind it. This quick task needs to be handled by officials and ministers together.

Moreover, this independent rebellion is obviously organized in a targeted manner, and ordinary people cannot participate in it. This is a huge hidden danger for the empire.

After the preliminary task arrangements for both sides are completed, the focus is on the task arrangements and reminders for the local lords and officials in the Northern Territory and Northern Desert within the royal capital.

When such a big thing happens, regardless of whether these people are involved or have any contact with this aspect, beating is a must.

Even the newly promoted earl, Gudern, was no exception. Facing Olek on the throne, everyone lowered their heads slightly to show their surrender and respect.

Of course, Gudern's arrival was just a pretense. Secretly, Olek had given instructions to wait for him outside after the meeting.

There is no telling whether this deterrent will be effective, but at least the attitude is very clear on the surface.

After everything was dealt with, we dispersed this time to deal with the rebel issue.

Gudern also followed the instructions and came to the side hall to wait.

After a while, Olek came to the side hall alone.


Gudern stood up and signaled, Olek waved his hand, indicating to continue sitting down, and then sat aside and said.

You have also heard about the situation in the north. I have just received the latest information. Three of the eleven cities assigned to you have rebelled and become independent. More than half of the Eighth Army has separated from the empire, and the Sixteenth Army has received personnel for offensive and defensive operations.

As the emperor of the empire, Olek's intelligence network was unparalleled. Although the incident broke out in the morning, he had already received the situation this time.

At the same time, it is said that riots and rebellions also occurred in many places, but they were suppressed by the local army and lords. There was also some situation in Qingyuan Town, but fortunately it was okay.

Hearing Olek's words, Gudern, who had just become nervous, breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Gudern's appearance, Olek continued.

I understand your temperament. It is impossible for you to continue to stay in the capital. You all know the protection personnel originally arranged for you, but one of them had an accident and disappeared. Now you can be spared The only person left is Hogtz, and he will lead the Griffin Legion to Qingyuan Town with you to help you guard and protect your safety.

It's up to you to decide the day of departure. You can also leave tomorrow morning. Hogtz is on standby at any time.

After listening to Olek's words, Gudern was slightly worried and asked.

The Captain of the Hogtz Army is following me with the Griffin Army. Will outsiders say anything? After all, this is the most elite force in the empire. If it is just to protect me...

Let the empire's most elite troops follow and protect him. Such protection will always be questioned by outsiders.

It doesn't matter. This time the rebellion and independence in the north, coupled with the war against Ates, the Griffin Legion is nominally stationed to stabilize the security of the west, and it is not purely stationed. They will also have tasks. From the outside world, Just as a frontline stronghold, there is a reason.”

Olek had made deployment preparations for these matters and briefly spoke about them.

After hearing that he was prepared, Gudern stopped worrying and nodded in agreement.

Besides this, there is one more thing that you need to pay attention to. In addition to Hogtz, you also know the person who originally assigned you to protect you, Helisha. She has a loose personality, but she is also reliable and has good strength. .”

But since she returned to the Magic Academy, she has lost track of her. She is still out of contact. Coupled with the matter of Noboti, if she comes to see you, you should be more careful.

Gudern was a little surprised when he heard Olek's words. Helisa is missing?

As his mentor in magic advancement, Gudern was also a little surprised by this situation.

After all, he had seen how powerful Helisa was. As soon as the battle broke up, he just managed to seriously injure three of the orcs' extraordinary beings, and none of them could recover at all.

This kind of precise control is almost legendary, so it makes sense for Olek to choose her to protect her.

However, the current disappearance made him a little strange.

But after being reminded by Olek, Gudern also nodded slightly to express his understanding. When it comes to preventing this matter, no one in the entire continent can match him.

By scanning the entry panel, you can know the other party's attitude towards him.

Okay, I've pretty much explained what needs to be explained. You should prepare as soon as possible...

Olek didn't explain much, and it was almost over in a few words.

But in the end, Olek seemed to remember something and added.

By the way, are you and Anna having a conflict? Anna is the same age as you. As a girl, it's normal to have a temper. Please give her some encouragement.

As he spoke, Olek threw a small box and continued.

This is a small gift I prepared for your mother back then. It contains a lot of gadgets that girls like. You can give it to yourself according to the situation.

Looking at what his father sent, Gudern was stunned.

No, father...I...this...

But looking at what had been delivered to him, Gooden could only take the small box with all his strength.

At this moment, Olek's eyes looked like a child who could be taught. Then he stood up and patted Gudern on the shoulder and said.

If you don't want to come back, just work hard and give birth to a son. It's not impossible for me to pass on the throne to another generation.

Of course, if you don't work hard, I can abdicate early and let you take over. Anyway, I won't die within three to five hundred years. It's not impossible for me to take over after you die. It's up to you. .”

After saying that, Olek left the side hall and went to take charge of more detailed processing work, leaving Gudern alone in the mess in the side hall.

Can he still be forced to give birth to a son and inherit the throne? !

Is there any royal law or heavenly law?

Oh, no, his father Olek is King Fa, and the gods of heaven and justice have also disappeared. There really is no such thing anymore.

Gudern, who was sitting in the side hall of the palace, took a while to recover. He wanted to open the small box, but found that it was actually a space storage device.

Out of curiosity, he reached into the mental binding to check. The items in the box almost blinded Gudern.

There are a lot of exotic jewelry and luxury goods, and you can tell that they are of extraordinary value just by looking at the appearance.

Gudern glanced at the items at random. The worst jewelry was all of excellent quality, and there were a lot of rare-quality jewelry.

If these things could be sold, each would have a starting price of hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

In addition to being precious, these ornaments are more importantly not just decorative luxuries, they all have different effects.

At the same time, in addition to these, Gooden also saw something different, a lot of different flowers, which were scanned from the panel, which shocked Gooden even more.

[Name: Bingmanhua]

[Entry: Extreme cold resistance, peace of mind, soul repair]

[Quality: Legend]

[Introduction: A special flower that blooms once a thousand years not only looks strange, it can calm the mind when placed in the house, and can stabilize the soul after taking it]

[Extreme cold resistance: If you want to plant it, you need to keep it in an extremely cold environment]

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