Especially after giving up the violence of breaking the blood, the army of millions of undead plus the orcs, such scale pressure, is a huge challenge for the imperial army.

However, under the attack of the first upgraded and adjusted Royal Third Army, in two days, they had successfully broken through three cities and opened up a safe road.

Chapter 208 Rebel Parliament, strange deployment

The Imperial Third Army used the magic weapon from Qingyuan City. Three cities, 170,000 soldiers, could not stop the opponent's attack of less than 20,000 people... Who can tell me how to fight this situation?

In the core meeting room of the rebels, a handsome young man with blond hair slapped the table and asked with anger but helplessness.

Faced with such a situation, everyone in the rebel conference room fell silent and did not make a sound.

The combat power of the imperial army assembling magic weapons exceeded their imagination. Even if they launched a rebellion and independence in the Vimal Empire and were surrounded and suppressed by regular magic legions, the casualties were not that serious.

When everyone was silent, an old man on the side explained softly and comfortingly.

Falcon, I can't blame you for this. There has been research on this kind of technical weapon in the Orrea Empire before to deal with us, but according to the intelligence, there has been no progress.

Now it seems that what the other party released is all false news. They have made great achievements in the research of this special weapon. This can only be said that the other party has done a good job in keeping secrets.

After saying this, the old man paused and continued.

We currently have no way to deal with this kind of weapon, unless we allow the body of the divine soldiers to be projected down and exert their original strength. Only then can we have a chance to compete...

Faced with this statement, everyone showed helplessness and disappointment in their eyes, and shook their heads slightly.

They have already paid a high price to be able to come to this world. If the soldiers of the gods are allowed to come, the price will be even greater. Even if they are rich and wealthy, they will not be able to support it at all.

Then what should we do now? The Orrea Empire's million-strong army on the border has given up the intention of continuing to hold on. The purpose of this army coming from the west of the northern border is very clear, which is to open the door to the other side. A passage.”

The blond young man, Hayabusa, also asked his own question.

Their strategic goal is to divide and surround the millions of imperial troops in the north, and let the orcs be the main attacker to eliminate the opponent's main force in one fell swoop.

If it succeeds, millions of imperial troops in the Northern Territory and the Northern Desert will be completely wiped out. In this way, no matter how powerful the empire is, it will not be able to carry out subsequent counterattacks to conquer the two regions, or even lose the entire territory. It's not impossible.

If you can't fight, give up.

The old man's words made everyone at the table look surprised, and they were unable to react to this decision.

Just when everyone wanted to ask, the old man continued speaking unhurriedly.

If there are no accidents, the Imperial Royal Third Army's next goal is to attack Xinwa City, then attack the must-pass pass, and then jump to Pavo City.

The defenders we have deployed in Xinwa City are less than 50,000, so a small number of people will not cause much damage to the opponent, but there are 60,000 ordinary people in the city...

Have all the soldiers who lost recently returned?

The sudden change of topic caught everyone slightly off guard, but those who reacted quickly still nodded.

All 170,000 people have returned, and suitable people are being selected for placement.

Then there is no need to screen. Directly possess the ordinary people of Xinwa City. Before the imperial army attacks, let the defenders withdraw to the pass and garrison with the Pavo City defenders. Rely on the terrain advantage and use the opponent's long-range explosive attack. If it fails, it can slow down the opponent’s attack speed.”

The people possessed by Xinwa City can live as ordinary people for the time being. After the opponent successfully breaks through the pass, the follow-up troops will be stationed in the city. Then, while they are resting or unprepared, use the advantage of close numbers to kill them. Shred.”

Anyway, the souls of the gods' soldiers are immortal. One city can replace a group of the opponent's reinforcements to delay the opponent's attack speed and buy time for the orcs.

Such tactics made everyone's eyes bright, and they didn't have much confidence in holding on to the city. Their original mission was to defend and block all the troops coming to support the Broken Vein Fortress.

They didn't care about the casualties of the natives. As long as they completed their mission, everything was worth it.

Falcon thought about this approach for a moment, then nodded slightly.

It's possible, but if you want to hold the opponent back, this troop strength will definitely not be enough. Some people will also need to be mobilized from the surrounding areas. Regardless of whether they are possessed or not, they will have to act as a second batch of reinforcements to supplement them.

There is no problem with this. The rest of the population will migrate over as soon as possible as a backup.

The old man directly agreed to Falcon's request, and the surrounding conference staff also expressed their willingness to help.

Regarding the discussion of defending the Imperial Army, a group of rebels quickly finalized the arrangements and notified their subordinates to begin implementation.

At the same time, the members of the Third Imperial Army Corps who had assembled and set out, and the First and Eighth Battalions of the Qingyuan Army, had been replenished and headed straight for Xinwa City.

Three days of fighting have extended the safe passage to more than 300 kilometers. The last half of the distance is left. According to the battle plan, it can be captured within five days at the latest.

The breakthrough of the coalition forces is not just about capturing a city, but also needs to control the radius territory centered on the city.

However, this part of the combat mission does not belong to the Third Army and the Qingyuan Army, but is supported by the 16th Army and the 24th Army that follow.

The remnants of the original Eighth Legion rebels, for some reason, retreated completely without much resistance, which gave the empire the advantage of rapid advancement.

In the past three days, a fierce battle broke out between the sudden army of Broken Pulse and the rebels in the north, although the rebels only invested less than 300,000 people.

However, due to their geographical advantage, they also hindered the progress of the imperial army's march south. Countless rebels died on the battlefield, but it didn't take long for a large number of rebels to fill in.

Such a war of attrition puts great pressure on the empire. Due to the deployment of troops, there will inevitably be gaps in the defense line below the orcs.

The orcs now no longer participate in the battle themselves, but instead send millions of undead to fight. The breath of death inside is a chronic poison for ordinary humans.

Once infected, if not handled carefully, one's own combat power will be greatly reduced, and there is also a risk of being assimilated after death.

The aura of death brought by millions of undead, even if there are extraordinary mages in the Broken Vein Fortress to jointly dispel and suppress it, they can only achieve a short-term suppression effect and cannot completely dispel it.

Unless the millions of undead can be wiped out on the spot, or the Paladin Legion that specializes in handling this crisis can be solved, the breath of the undead will spread with the movement of the undead army.

The current battle is a race against time. The soldiers in the frontline assault also know this and do not dare to waste time on the march.

At noon on February 10, the allied forces, which were marching hastily, arrived outside Xinwa City.

Upon arrival, members of the Third Army immediately began deploying offensive missions in accordance with conventional combat methods.

The two Qingyuan battalions in the rear are also deploying artillery, waiting for information from the Griffin Legion in the sky to prepare for the attack.

Since the Third Army was also equipped with an equivalent battalion-level firepower, when the Qingyuan Army was deployed, instructors were also sent to provide guidance and supervision, allowing them to quickly complete combat readiness and conduct joint attacks.

For training tasks, it is better to go directly to actual combat to accumulate experience. The experience gained in actual combat is much faster than that in daily training.

Of course, you must pass the most basic operational training before you can come to the front line for actual combat.

The firepower battalion of the Third Army also caught up with them on the second day after the attack. They participated in the joint operations and had two combat experiences. They were obviously much more proficient in position layout and attack plan.

Malz and Buniton at the frontline headquarters were waiting for the intelligence from the Griffin Legion to prepare a deployment plan.

Currently, the Qingyuan Army's reconnaissance methods include not only cooperating with the Griffin Legion to obtain intelligence directly from the air, but also deploying its own reconnaissance companies to the surrounding areas for investigation.

As a reconnaissance unit, the reconnaissance company is equipped with equipment that is closest to the special forces led by Hobert, and all members are basically selected from the elite.

In addition to separate magic off-road vehicles, there are also motorcycles with good maneuverability, suitable for penetration and mobile reconnaissance on various terrains.

But before the two reconnaissance companies could disperse, members of the Griffin Legion conducting aerial reconnaissance returned an unexpected piece of information.

The main rebel defenders seem to be withdrawing to the north. No defenders were found on the city defense. The residents of Xinwa City did not seem to be under the impression of the rebels' confinement. Many people were seen wandering on the streets.

The rebels withdrew and stopped defending the city?

Such information was not only surprising to Maltz and Buniton, but also to the commander of the Third Army.

According to preliminary investigations, there are at least 50,000 defenders in Xinwa City.

Although there is no need to go to a city, the number of city defenders is almost 100,000, but it is still a large number.

The fearlessness of the rebels also served as a warning to the Imperial Army and the Qingyuan Army. Of the 170,000 people wiped out in three days, not a single rebel surrendered or formed, and all of them died fighting to the last moment.

Even if they used brute force to capture some rebels, they would die inexplicably, which made the coalition feel extremely strange. This situation was often reported back to Qingyuan City and the Royal City.

Are you sure that the other party is really withdrawing its troops?

After Buniton received this information, he first confirmed it with the Griffin Legion's reconnaissance team.

It can be confirmed that the No. 3 team that went to track them has discovered the withdrawal of the opponent's large forces. The current estimated number of troops is at least 40,000.

This news was also notified to the Third Army of the Empire at the same time. The enemy's retreat without a fight also made the coalition forces unable to react.

But Buniton felt strange in his heart. Such a good defensive point was abandoned at the earliest opportunity. Could it be that the rebels did not intend to stop them?

But as soon as such an idea came out of his mind, he rejected it. This abnormal situation made him smell a hint of unusual weirdness.

However, he reacted immediately to the current situation of the second team. After discussing with Maltz, he decisively contacted the Imperial Army.

The rebels are withdrawing. There may be traps, but it is a good thing for us. You move in to strengthen the city's defense. We, the Qingyuan Army, will go to pursue them, check the opponent's movements, and act separately to see if we can push the front to the pass in advance. What do you think of the location?”

Yes, the Qingyuan Army's mobility is faster than ours. The pursuit and reconnaissance mission is left to you. We are responsible for taking over the city. If there is a counterattack by the opponent, the Qingyuan Army can temporarily avoid the attack, and our Third Army will send people to deal with it.

The officers of the Third Army also agreed with this arrangement.

The combat commanders on both sides regarded things like fighter planes as very important. After confirming the mission, they immediately began to take action, immediately stopped their offensive missions, quickly advanced into the city, and took over everything in the city.

The two battalions of the Qingyuan Army that had just got off the bus left one battalion here to provide garrison support, while the eighth battalion set off directly to pursue the rebels' evacuation route.

With the organizational ability and mobility of the Qingyuan Army, even if there is a short stay, allowing the rebels to evacuate first, it is only a matter of time to catch up with them.

In less than two hours, the Eighth Battalion was chasing the rebels' rear.

For the sudden Qingyuan Army, the rebels could only leave their rear troops behind to prepare for the attack.

The Qingyuan Army had not taken action on the frontal battlefield in the past few days, and the rebels knew very little about the pursuing Eighth Battalion.

At the same time, this pursuit team was still a reconnaissance company at the battalion level, with weapons and firepower configuration twice that of an infantry company.

As soon as they fought, the rebels were blinded by the dense metal storm.

They knew that this magical weapon could shoot metal projectiles with high lethality, but according to reports from the front line, it was an attack method with intervals and pauses.

With the advantage of numbers, a metal storm network has indeed been established that cannot be countered, but what is the situation with the 100-man advance team that is chasing after them?

The intensity of firepower that exploded in an instant instantly stunned the rebels who were preparing to defend and counterattack.

This kind of firepower density is something they have never experienced before. Even if they have the experience taught to dodge, but here, these experiences have turned into useless skills. Even if they dodge correctly, they will be torn apart in an instant. into pieces.

The blocking defense of thousands of rebels was torn to pieces and annihilated in less than half an hour. When this news was delivered to Falcon in Xinwa City, his face was a little surprised.

Looking through the window at the Imperial Army maintaining order on the streets, Hayabusa's eyes were full of interest.

At this moment, he was brewing a special idea in his mind and wanted to try it.

The Qingyuan Army, which was chasing the rebels, stopped its action after eliminating the rebels' obstruction.

The main force of the rebels has entered the pass area, and the rebel defenders in Pavo City on the other side have also sent troops to the pass to prepare for defense.

With the firepower and equipment of the Eighth Battalion, although it was possible to face them independently, it still required a high price. As an auxiliary on the battlefield, Buniton did not make an attack plan. Instead, he stationed himself on the spot and contacted various parties. On the other hand, discuss the next plan preparation.

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