The so-called dependents of the gods are, to put it bluntly, the toy puppets of the gods.

In addition to the control Anna mentioned, once they become dependent gods, they can control everyone's thoughts and behaviors. Even past memories can be exposed and modified at will.

It can be said that once a person becomes a dependent of the gods, that person has lost everything that makes him a human.

At the same time, there was an additional entry on Gudern's panel.

[Divine Blessing: A divine blessing from the God of Holy Light. The holder will become a puppet slave of the God of Holy Light and will obey all orders of the Holy Light]

Damn, it’s really not a good thing.

Looking at the introduction of this entry, Gudern cursed secretly.

But now in order to study the fluctuations of divinity, he put these side effects aside for the time being and went to start research immediately.

Although it is possible to hand over divinity to others and let others test it as experimental targets, the other party must also be a mage.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to conduct research in this area, and Anna's status as the successor of the God of Holy Light is top-secret information. No one in the entire continent knows more than two hands. Of course, this must exclude people who are favored by the gods in the divine domain.

In this case, Gudern could only temporarily sacrifice himself as a research target, and at the same time, he could quickly personally participate in solving this troublesome problem.

Divinity also has a unique trace similar to the breath of magic or power. Although it can be hidden, it will still leave weaker traces.

If someone who doesn't come into contact with them frequently would not find anything abnormal even if they check carefully, and the other party is protected by the power of the soul, even a new god like Anna who has inherited the spirit but has not fully mastered the power will have difficulty. Discover.

Such extreme concealment power is self-evident, but there is no solution at all. The institute has also given a plan to solve this problem, but now it lacks an experimental sample to test it.

With Gudern's divine reference, a group of people immediately started research arrangements in this area.

Although divine aura is similar to power fluctuations such as magic or vigor, it is more obscure and complex.

Just using the manufacturing equipment to sense the divine aura cost the researchers more than half of their brain cells.

This step also relies on the help of the learning institutes from the Kingdom of Hephros, who are extremely sensitive to the same power of the Holy Light.

It just so happened that Anna, as the new god of the God of Holy Light, this power happened to be recognized and accepted by them, which allowed the first step in the detection and research of divinity.

But just detecting it is not enough, you also have to identify it. This step is the most difficult step in the core.

Even though Gudern united a large number of people to research and develop together, the progress was still very slow...

February 13th.

The battle of the pass between Xinwa City and Pavo City has reached its final stage.

Although the rebels invested a total of nearly half a million people in this battle, they were defeated steadily due to the unlimited supply of artillery shells and siege.

And this battle can be regarded as the first experience of large-scale combat for the 50,000 people of the Imperial Third Army.

In the previous battle, due to the limited number of vehicles, only a group of people could go forward to fight. However, this time it took three days at the pass, and even the two ordinary legions for follow-up support had arrived in Xinwa City.

The battle of nearly 50,000 people and the combined firepower and equipment of the Qingyuan Army also made the officers of the Third Army feel the truth that caliber is justice and range is truth.

Facing a 1:10 combat environment, the three-day battle killed nearly 300,000 rebels. In addition to the losses in Xinwa City, the entire coalition lost more than 100,000 people. No more than a thousand people.

Such a record is also the first time in the history of the Third Army.

Although in the past, as an elite unit within the regular legion, there were many victories with less than the majority or crushing victories, but none of them could match the results of this battle.

As for the rebels, after holding on for three days, the remaining remnants of nearly 200,000 people retreated directly back to Pavo City for defense.

The commander of the Divine Familiar is not a fool. It is his task to stall for time. For them to fight to the death, it will take time for them to resurrect. It is still very necessary to be able to save a group of personnel.

News from the front line was also transmitted back to the royal capital Orake via magic communication.

Looking at this battle report, Olek's eyes were full of satisfaction. The combat strength of the Third Army exceeded his expectations.

The equipment developed by his son is really amazing, and now that the research on the equipment has been completed, Olek is very much looking forward to the combat strength of the upgraded Third Army.

Weapons that are two generations behind can have such strong capabilities. If they are upgraded, how powerful will they be?

Faced with this idea, Olek couldn't help but want to replace all the empire's legions with this weapon.

But such costs are undoubtedly huge. Assembling a 50,000-man Third Legion, with free upgrades and training by Gudern, already costs more than one million gold coins.

Moreover, most of the artillery ammunition has been consumed by more than half. If all the empire's legions are equipped with the same equipment, they may still be able to maintain it without fighting.

But once a battle is fought, all that is lost are gold coins. No matter how powerful and wealthy the empire is, it cannot support such huge military expenditures.

However, by arming the elite legion, the empire can still support it to this extent.

When Olek thought of this, he silently began to make arrangements to transfer that unit to the north for replacement training.

Facing the current situation, the stronger the empire's armed forces are, the better. The war on both sides has made the empire anxious.

Especially the resurrection of the gods is hard to guard against. If it weren't for Gudern's reminder, Olek would not have figured out where these rebels came from for a long time in the future.

The battle on the front line was fierce, and the research in Qingyuan City did not stop for a moment.

The plan to research equipment for identifying divine beings has also reached the final stages.

After modification and debugging, the first test machine has been able to identify his divine aura. Even if various concealment methods are used, it is difficult to counteract it without being discovered by the identification equipment.

After the experiment on him was successful, Gudern called Anna to come and test it too.

Can this thing really be discovered?

Anna was a little confused when she saw the strange metal identification piece that was only the size of a shoe box.

Even a person with legendary strength like Moss would find it difficult to detect her divine aura. Can he detect it with just this small box?

But after Gooden started the instrument, a special progress bar appeared on the light and shadow projection screen of the identifier, and a red exclamation mark also appeared.

The progress bar represents the strength of the divine aura, and the appearance of a red exclamation mark means that the target is the 'god's descendant' or the gods with divinity.

After explaining, Anna was also a little curious, and then used her strength to continue to strengthen the concealed traces.

However, the recognition instrument in front of her did not change at all or decreased in intensity, which surprised Anna.

how did you do that?

To put it simply, it is to expand the divine breath and then identify the resonance. The divine power is different from other powers. It is very unique and the resonance is also very unique and unique. It is difficult for us to find it normally, but the machine is a machine, it only remembers And identify such a resonance parameter, and even if you use power to cover up your divinity, there will still be a residue and it will not completely disappear.

Gudern briefly explained the principle. Although Anna didn't understand many terms, it didn't stop her from being optimistic about this thing.

The second experimental target turned out to be successful, so the next step is to find the third experimental target.

In the entire Qingyuan City, apart from him and Anna who have divinity, there is only one person left who also has divinity, and that is Helisa.

Regarding Helisa's residual divinity, Gudern was a little curious about how it was achieved, but it was not the time to ask about this matter at the moment.

After briefly explaining the situation, Helisa gave him a meaningful look and agreed to the test without saying anything else.

The result was the same as Gudern expected. The identification instrument could accurately identify Helisa's divine intensity.

Like Anna, the strength is full, and his measured divine strength is about 70 to 80 percent.

Such different intensities of aura, Gudern speculated that it should be related to the purity of the god. For example, the intensity of the gods must be the purest, and it is normal for the aura to have full intensity.

As a dependent, it would be normal for him to have a little aura intensity.

After completing the experimental results, Gudern immediately ordered people to take the initial machine to the frontline battlefield for testing.

At the same time, anxious personnel began to mass-produce divine detectors on a large scale to spread them throughout his territory and provide support to his father and allies.

Chapter 214 Passage breakthrough, withdrawal battle

The fact that the first experimental machine was sent to the front line does not mean that there are no other equipment in Qingyuan City.

After confirming the success, the members of the experimental team acted as the first batch of manual manufacturers and produced twenty pieces of equipment for support and personal use.

The mass production plant is also being prepared. With the current population and technological advantages of Qingyuan City, it will take less than two days to complete a dedicated production plant.

Of the ten that were later hand-made, half were sent to the royal capital.

Olek was surprised by this batch of supporting detection equipment.

But it’s also a good time to test the authenticity of the list I was sent before.

After gathering a group of trustworthy troops and confirming that there are no gods, they will start arresting people and detecting the opponent's situation.

The feedback came back that made Olek feel lucky and worried. The people on the intelligence list did respond to the detection equipment, and when they saw that the situation was not good, they chose to commit suicide as soon as possible.

The empire's capture team was not given any time to react, and there were more than 20 people lurking in the royal capital, all of whom had official positions.

The intensity of this penetration made Olek look very embarrassed. After dealing with the first batch of borers, he immediately summoned all the important officials in the royal capital and began to investigate one by one.

In the end, it was discovered that several people who were no longer on the list were purged together inexplicably, putting everyone in the capital at this moment in danger.

However, for this group of people, Olek briefly explained the situation. These people who were purged were all people who had defected to the rebels, and he gave many evidences and crimes.

Looking at these irrefutable evidences, everyone couldn't help but be shocked, and became even more in awe of the emperor's methods.

However, even the detection of core personnel in the imperial capital is a large amount of work, and for the large-scale inspection of civilians, we can only slow down and postpone it for the time being.

For such highly concealed divine personnel, the more detection equipment the better. After all, as long as they are allowed to infiltrate once, whether it is Qingyuan City or the empire, they will be a threat. Validation pitfalls.

After finishing his research, Gudern finally had some free time to pay attention to the frontline battlefield.

After breaking through the pass, the coalition forces gathered their troops and quickly surrounded Pavo City and launched an attack. However, this time the rebels were large in number, and with prior preparation, they gathered a large number of civilians and sent them to the city to prevent coalition artillery bombing.

The coalition forces were helpless with this approach. Although the rebels had the ability to occupy, not all civilians were necessarily invaded by the rebels.

For such 'civilians' who have not launched a preemptive attack on the coalition forces, the coalition forces can only treat them as civilians to avoid accidental injuries.

After all, no one can tell whether the other party is a rebel. Once an attack order is given, it will be serious if the attack is wrong.

However, for such a situation, Gudern also asked them to send instructions to the front line, telling them not to rush to attack, but to consider clearing the surrounding area in advance and cooperate with the regular army to clear the safe area.

The research and development of detection equipment did not stop here. It can be successfully identified. It is just a first-generation equipment. The upgraded equipment is directly integrated into the rifle system and cooperates with the identification friend or foe system to discriminatively attack the rebels.

Civilians will not have a divine aura on their bodies, but those who have been resurrected will have obvious marks, which are like a bright light in the rifle's identification system.

This kind of research is not difficult for current researchers. They also made a sample that day and directly replaced the built core recording head.

By tomorrow, these weapons aimed at the rebels will be transferred to the hands of frontline soldiers, and the problem of hijacking will no longer trouble coalition soldiers and officers.

However, if this is done, the frontline war will continue to be delayed, and the rebels will have more preparation time to deal with it.

Although the rebels can mobilize a lot of personnel in one day, the surrounding areas are almost empty of combat personnel when supporting the pass.

If you want to mobilize troops from other places, you won't have enough time in one day.

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