With the absolute numerical advantage, Qingyuan's situation once again fell into crisis!

Chapter 229 Preparations for breakout, test flight and actual combat!

After a day of fighting, both sides briefly and tacitly separated their own camps to rest and did not continue fighting.

After all, after a day of fighting, even the most ordinary warrior of the gods will feel tired.

After all, they are truly integrated into this body, and their strength, physical strength and even perception are the same as those of normal people.

Without the help of strength, it is extremely difficult to fight continuously for a whole day and night.

Shortly after the battle, the day's combat report was truthfully passed back to Gudern in Qingyuan Town.

Looking at the battle damage information and the battle situation, even though he was wealthy, he felt a little distressed.

In terms of battle damage alone, a brigade of men was directly killed. This kind of loss was also the largest in his history.

Among them, more than 3,000 are from the reserve brigades, and the remaining 2,000 are from the three combat brigades. It can be said that the current establishment of each brigade has experienced more or less vacancy losses.

Although Gooden had expected this situation, after all, fighting in the wild and facing millions of troops, casualties would inevitably occur.

Moreover, although the armored company with the latest components had the greatest results, it also suffered a lot of losses. There were a total of twenty-four at the time of the expedition, but now only eleven survived.

An assault tank was worth more than two thousand gold based on the iron price alone.

Taking into account manganese steel and magic technology, the cost of a chariot is not only 10,000 gold coins, but also 8,000. With the help of Qingyuan City's industry, this price can be halved, which is at least four to five thousand. One gold coin.

Thirteen units were lost in one go, and 50,000 to 60,000 gold coins were lost in one fell swoop. Although given the current situation in Qingyuan, 50,000 to 60,000 is just a drop in the bucket, but the most important thing is the follow-up compensation for the pilots and soldiers. .

When the cannon goes off, the origin of Gold Wanliang is not unreasonable, and it is equally applicable even if it is placed in another world.

But in addition to the losses, Gooden is also worried about the current situation.

Although a lot of preparation work was done before the war, being surrounded by counterattacks is the worst result.

And the battle lasted for a day. For the Qingyuan Army, the replenishment of ammunition was the most important and critical. Once there was no ammunition replenishment, these less than 45,000 soldiers would become the most ordinary soldiers.

It would undoubtedly be even more difficult for them to attack below the level of the divine soldiers.

According to the presets of combat readiness, there are supply depots on the front line under normal circumstances. However, due to the haste of being surrounded, there are currently only more than 200 tons of ammunition of various types left on the front line.

The amount of ammunition of more than two hundred tons seems to be a lot, but you must know that on this day alone, the Qingyuan Army fired more than three hundred tons of ammunition.

If converted into rifle bullets, the number would be over 100 million. The weight of the shells also includes all types of shells, not all bullets.

But even so, the amount of ammunition left is too much to support the combat reserves that will not be available tomorrow.

In fact, according to the normal layout and transportation reserves of ammunition, the front line has at least prepared more than a thousand tons of reinforcements, which is enough to last for more than three days when surrounded.

However, the extraordinary intervention affected a wide range, and many reserve points were directly affected by the aftermath and exploded and destroyed. This kind of thing also made Gudern realize the importance of logistical preparations for the first time.

After all, he is not a professional. Many things are done based on memory and experience. Although most of the time the results are good, there will occasionally be some small deviations.

But now, he has to make a decision on how to solve the frontline problems and replenish ammunition.

At present, the officers left in Qingyuan City are all members of the independent brigade, and it is useless to call them to negotiate. Gudern sat alone on the soft chair in the study room, staring at the blank paper in front of him in deep thought.

The four brigades that have been withdrawn now, with a total number of about 17,800, are relatively complete and have been effectively handled. The strength of the two brigades has successfully caught up with the elite God's Family Legion that drove directly in.

At the same time, the two brigades behind are well positioned and can carry out counterattacks or respond to besieged troops at any time.

Regarding the situation of the troops, he is not too worried that they will be wiped out in a short time, but if Chaofan intervenes, it will be difficult to say.

For this kind of encirclement situation, the most effective way at present is to stay in place and rely on equipment advantages to suppress and consume.

Judging from the firepower of the Qingyuan Army who was still trapped in it, as long as the commander didn't have a problem with the deployment, there would be absolutely no problem in spending a period of time with the Divine Familiar Army.

But the Divine Familiar side will never continue to fight them like this. If they find that the attack is unfavorable, they will definitely continue to divide their forces to attack Qingyuan City from other directions.

At the moment, the most critical problem in Qingyuan is that there are too few troops. In a battle of this scale, even if the new recruits trained by the military academy are included, the number is still not enough.

Sticking to consumption, this is a way, and Gudern will not adopt this plan. After all, he will leave the main force to fish without reinforcements. He cannot take such risks. For this reason, finding opportunities to break out is the most critical thing. .

But breaking out of the siege is easy, but where should we go after breaking out of the siege, and how to deal with the threat of the God's Legion in the future?

In the end, only one side of the Divine Legion and Qingyuan could survive, and at this critical moment, he had to think more calmly.

After a while, a preliminary arrangement was made.

Gudern glanced around and thought for a moment that there was nothing wrong with it, then transmitted it to the communication room through magic and sent it to the frontline troop commander.

At the same time, Gudern used his mental energy to find Noros and asked him to come to the study.

A strange extraordinary person definitely cannot hide forever in Qingyuan City. After all, Moss, Olek and others are not vegetarians. It is normal for Noros to be discovered.

Now that he has been discovered, Noros has also switched from the dark side to the bright side to obey Gudern's arrangements.

After a while, there was a knock on the wooden door of the study, and then Noros opened the door and entered to say hello to Gudern.

After saying hello, Gudern also explained the reason for summoning him.

The war in the east is not going well, and the frontline is in short supply of ammunition. I need you to go there in person to help deliver supplies.

Let Noros deliver supplies. This was Gudern's helpless approach. If he wanted to deliver ammunition accurately and safely to the surrounded troops, he could only have someone go there in person, and he had to bring enough magic storage devices. Only then can a massive amount of supplies be stuffed.

In addition, a battle of extraordinary beings broke out on the battlefield today, and more than ten extraordinary people died. When going to the battlefield, you must keep a low profile and try not to be discovered by others.


The frontline battle is over, and both sides have suffered losses. Although they will continue to warn each other, the defense will definitely not be as strict as before.

And Noros, who is proficient in hiding and lurking, also happens to be a good transporter.

After taking over the mission, Noros immediately went to the military camp reserve station to start collecting ammunition and equipment needed for the front line.

In addition to the shortage of ammunition on the front line, some other equipment also consumes a lot of money and needs to be replenished. For this reason, conventional supply methods will inevitably be unable to deliver a large amount of materials, and Chaofan can only be used to help.

Noros has no dissatisfaction with this kind of task. After seeing the development of Qingyuan and Gudern's background, he is more confident about breaking through the legend.

Although Gudern may not be the first to be promoted among his abilities, he definitely has a chance to take this last step.

After stuffing several storage magic weapons to the brim, Noros left the city directly and flew towards the battlefield at full speed.

With extraordinary speed, it only takes half an hour to reach the battlefield hundreds of kilometers away.

One trip back and forth took just over an hour, and we were able to provide about ten tons of supplies to the front line. This speed was very efficient.

That night, Noros made six trips and provided more than one hundred tons of supplies.

However, during the seventh transportation, he was discovered by the gods. If Noros hadn't run fast, the source of the second extraordinary war might have started from him.

After receiving this reminder, the gods were even more focused on the direction of Qingyuan City. Noros tried to sneak in twice, but was discovered both times, so he had no choice but to end today's transportation.

When he woke up in the morning, Gudern also learned the news. It was normal for transportation to be hindered.

But fortunately, the previous shipments provided enough supplies and equipment for the Qingyuan Army's breakout mission today, so there is no need to worry about the lack of supplies for the time being.

Yesterday, after making plans and contacting the frontline generals, we were ready to counterattack and break out.

In just one night, the God's Favorite side definitely didn't have much time to make the encirclement airtight, and there would definitely be weak points to break through.

With extraordinary help, a quick and decisive breakout and counterattack is the most decisive choice.

Gudern glanced at the clock made of machinery and magic. It was already eight o'clock in the morning, and the war on the front line should have begun.

He could not interfere with the real-time command on the battlefield. After briefly handling some matters, he went directly to the institute.

After the first flight test, the aircraft has been continuously accelerated and improved. For example, wind tunnel testing takes up almost half of the day, and the remaining half of the time is spent on modifications and adjustments.

Thanks to magic technology, the high power consumption of the wind tunnel does not require electricity to support it. If it were to be replaced by electric drive, I am afraid that the output power of a hundred Qingyuan City would only be able to run the wind tunnel for half an hour at most. .

It is precisely because of this investment of nearly unlimited resources that the appearance, structure and other functions of the first aircraft have been rapidly improved.

At the same time, the aircraft also has a unique code name: Fei Xiao.

At this moment, Fei Xiao has completed all ground experimental tests and is ready for its first flight inspection at any time.

According to the time, yesterday should have been the first flight test of Fei Xiao. However, there were some surprises in the frontline battle situation. Gooden immediately asked it to suspend the experiment and prepare to make some changes.

Let Fei Xiao's first flight be an actual combat, and go directly to the theater to support.

Such a decision was not made hastily and blindly. Gudern was also very clear about Fei Xiao's performance. There would be absolutely no problem in completing the first battle mission under normal circumstances.

He still has great trust in the engineers and other personnel of the institute. On this kind of project, everyone strives for excellence and there will never be any slacking off.

At the experimental field of the Military Research Institute outside the city, the Flying Owl, which had completed its skin modification and various supplements, was parked quietly on the flight platform.

The overall structure of the Flying Owl is still in the shape of a knight, and its structural appearance is similar to that of the Blue Star Eagle Sauce's Osprey helicopter, but it does not have such a huge rotor.

However, even without the huge rotors, the Flying Owl is a full 27 meters tall, with a maximum height of 7.5 meters, and a width of more than 5 meters including the cabin, and a full 15 meters wide including the wings.

The cabin space is as high as 550 cubic meters, and with the help of the excellent magic engine, the maximum load exceeds one hundred tons, which can be said to directly exceed the delivery power of most of Blue Star's transport aircraft.

Moreover, if the spacious cabin is separated, a complete infantry company including equipment can be delivered to the battlefield in one delivery.

In addition to being able to deliver a complete infantry company, a single Flying Hawk can fit two tanks or infantry fighting vehicles in the cabin, and can also suspend two more.

Only three Flying Owls are needed to complete the delivery of an armored company. The delivery capability is very terrifying.

In particular, Feixiao does not need to be restricted by the take-off runway and has a hovering function. It can land and transport no matter how harsh the terrain is. This kind of vehicle is particularly suitable in the northern environment.

The most critical point lies in its speed and protection. According to the flight speed of the Flying Owl tested on the ground, when no external cargo is mounted and it is fully loaded, the flight speed can reach a maximum of Mach 3 or above!

What is the concept of Mach 3? Mach 1 means entering the speed of sound, which is 340 meters per second, while Mach 3 means flying at full speed, the speed of the Flying Owl exceeds one thousand meters per second!

Such terrifying speed is also very important for the overall material, but with the blessing of magic, when entering supersonic speed, using the solidification and help of magic, there will be no problems such as thermal friction causing material deformation.

And in terms of various protections, although the knowledge used by Fei Xiao is high-level magic technology, with mutual cooperation and blessing, even if it is attacked by an extraordinary sudden attack, it will not be said that it can survive intact. Directly and completely scrap the volley explosion.

It can be said that Fei Xiao has achieved the ultimate in Qingyuan magic craftsmanship in terms of safety protection.

It is for this reason that Gooden plans to let it go directly to the battlefield to participate in actual combat during its first flight.

However, the actual combat this time is not to transport materials and provide transfer, but to bomb!

The powerful transportation capacity allows Fei Xiao to carry a large amount of materials, including bombs!

According to the modifications given by Gooden, engineers set up two automatic transmission belts in the cabin overnight to drop bombs downward during flight.

Although a large number of equipment in Qingyuan City are excitation-type artillery shells, and there are no impact-delivered bombs, this does not matter. The conversion can be completed by simply changing the fuses of the artillery shells.

Qingyuan City, which has strong industrial power, completed the conversion of more than one hundred tons of artillery shells in one night's preparation time, and now they have been loaded into the engine room one after another for debugging.

Before officially going to the battlefield, Fei Xiao also needs to conduct a simple drop test in the no-man's land near Qingyuan City, so that he will not drop all the bombs on the heads of his own people on the battlefield later.

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