Catwoman looked at Li Xiu with slightly shocked pupils.

She had heard of Li Xiu.

For the things he did, this was definitely the most vicious person Gotham has ever seen.

Kill the Joker and severely injure Batman.

No matter which one you do, you can establish a terrifying reputation in Gotham.

As a result, this guy did two things at once.

This is simply the worst of the worst.

Although in France, she had heard of this man's evil reputation.

I just haven't seen him in person.

So she didn't know what Li Xiuzhang looked like.

In her mind, he was a ferocious and angry big man.

As a result, she didn't expect that Li Xiu was the guy in front of her.

A tall, handsome guy with a calm demeanor.

Judging from the appearance, there is no hint that this is a super vicious person.

Seeing that the other person was still looking at the floor tiles with a faint smile, it was really difficult for her to connect this person with the person who killed the Joker and injured Batman over a disagreement.

Just when Catwoman's thoughts were racing.

Li Xiu had already finalized things and pointed to a floor tile that was the same style as his own home:

"Boss, give me a piece of this. He told me the dimensions.

Then he continued:"Give me a set of corresponding tools and a certain amount of decoration materials."

The boss smiled and said,"Okay, Mr. Xiu." I won't charge you for such a small thing.

I'll leave it to a handyman to repair it for you."

Catwoman suddenly felt happy when she heard the boss's words. She was about to agree.

Li Xiu said:"No, she will give you the money. When the time comes, she will help me fix it."

Catwoman's mouth twitched slightly.

Finally, she paid the money, and then carried her things home with Li Xiu.

After Li Xiu left, there was a lot of discussion in the store.

Several salesmen also came up.

"Mr. Xiu is really handsome. The photo is already very handsome, but I didn’t expect him to be even more handsome in person."

"Mr. Xiu’s girlfriend is so beautiful too! Super beauty! As expected of Mr. Xiu"

"Mr. Xiu’s girl is so beautiful, she’s so beautiful! As a woman, I liked it very much after watching it!

The boss said:"You don't understand at all."

The most amazing thing about Mr. Xiu is having such a beautiful woman repair the floor tiles and carry things for him!

Where do ordinary people get this kind of treatment?

Facing such a beautiful woman, who wouldn't hold her in her arms?

Only a person like Mr. Xiu can be chased and admired by beauties!

Mr. Xiu, a role model for our generation!"

Actually, they all thought wrong.

Catwoman is really Li Xiu's little decoration worker.

Li Xiu packed dinner again and then went back to the apartment.

After going up, Catwoman started to get busy.

Although Catwoman has never done anything Have you ever experienced this, but you haven’t eaten pork yet, haven’t you seen pigs running?

Catwoman used her gifted dexterity to finally embed the floor tiles perfectly after getting her hands and face dirty.

After finishing this, it was already dark outside.

Catwoman was also tired and hungry. She walked towards Li Xiu on the sofa.

At this time,

Catwoman also said,"I'm hungry now." Thinking of going down to buy some food. Li Xiu handed the other party a box of lunch:"Eat it, I bought it for you too." Catwoman licked her lips, took the lunch box, and said with a happy smile:"Thank you.""

After that, she was about to sit down and watch TV with Li Xiu and eat.

As a result.

As a result, she found that she couldn't do it anymore.

An invisible force prevented her from sitting down.

Catwoman twisted her neck stiffly and looked towards Li Xiu.

There is no doubt that this is what Li Xiu did.

Li Xiu didn’t look at her at all, but looked at the TV:"It’s so dirty, it will stain my sofa. Sit on the ground."

Catwoman listened, and the corner of her mouth twitched again.

She had no choice but to sit on the ground, not even close to the sofa.

Catwoman was crying again, what sin had she done to steal this house?

She would also be guilty of this crime She blamed the person who gave her the information.

At the same time, Catwoman no longer felt any guilt about betraying the other party. At this time , the content on the

TV attracted Catwoman's attention. The gymnasium was lifted up by Magneto. Catwoman looked at it, dumbfounded, and was extremely shocked. This man was too scary to lift up the huge gymnasium. Catwoman stuttered:"This.

...Is this still a human being?! So scary?

Lifting such a huge stadium, oh my god.

Have you ever felt scared that there are such scary people?"

As she said that, she pushed Li Xiu next to her.

But after pushing, she regretted it.

After all, her hands were covered with plaster, and it would have gotten on Li Xiu.

Li Xiu made the room dirty. It was extremely clean, but she had stained him.

Thinking that this was the ruthless person who killed the Joker and seriously injured Batman,

Catwoman was a little scared.

Catwoman looked extremely bold, flying over walls, and sexy. Charming.

In fact, she is a little timid.

This is why she has been able to survive in Gotham since she was a child. When faced with real danger, she will never provoke him and stay away.

When the woman was worried, she looked at Li Xiu and saw him looking at the screen calmly.

She was surprised that the other party was not angry.

She thought that Li Xiu was also shocked by what happened on the TV and did not react to her.

Just when she was about to act like an ostrich and say nothing, Li Xiu turned around and looked at her.

When Catwoman finished her thoughts, Li Xiu said with a smile.


Remember to tidy up the room and wash my clothes.

" After that, he took off his clothes and threw them next to Catwoman.

He pinched Catwoman's dirty but beautiful face, then walked back to the bedroom and changed into a new set of clothes.


The door closed.

Li Xiu left the apartment, leaving Catwoman sitting there.

She was very surprised that the other party was not angry.

She touched her face and murmured:"Could it be?"

...Does he like me?

Suddenly, she stood up excitedly:"He's gone!" Then can I escape?"

But immediately, Catwoman became dejected.

She didn't dare to run away like this.

After all, the other party was Li Xiu.

And the other party also said that if she ran away, she would have to pay for herself.

Catwoman was completely frightened by Li Xiu She didn't dare to run away.

She was ready to deal with everything honestly, but

Catwoman, who didn't like tidying up the house, almost cried!

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