"Keep it up!".

Gao Yu is in a very good mood now.

He smiled and stretched out his hand to shake it: "Let's let everyone take a look at the 'spiced' Skull Island." "


The light curtain changes and the video starts playing.

In the Indian Ocean, an air company with a strange logo hovers back and forth.

On the surface of the sea, there is also a helicopter carrier.

And not far from the front of the armed forces of this unknown organization, a huge sea storm is condensing.


It was a very exaggerated sea storm, and it was heaven and earth.

It was as if a dragon was sucking water in the sky, and the sea was sucked up and connected to the clouds.

The spilled water formed a storm that spread for tens of kilometers in the surrounding area.

The most terrifying thing is the size of this sea storm tornado.

It's too big!

It's huge!

The extent of this seaspout storm is only visually inspected, and the left and right ends cannot be seen.

"It's not the first time I've seen it, but every time I see it, it doesn't feel like the wonders of the earth. "

William Landa watched the scene and was amazed.

The technician next to him said: "According to the data of magnetic field feedback, the area of the storm is about 100,000 square kilometers. "

100,000 square kilometers....

This is no longer a simple point on Earth.

William Landa nodded: "One hundred thousand square meters... Also, only in this kind of range can such a monster be able to move. "

He looked into the distance and sighed.

"Skull Island... I'm back..."


"Holy, this old man is right! Is this the landscape of the earth supposed to be?".

"What about the island, what about the island, why didn't I see it?"

"Good fellow! If this seaspout is gone, the water that will fall down will be a tsunami. "

"This little day won't be drowned, will it?"

"What about the King Kong Titans? Why doesn't the protagonist of this video appear yet?".

"I'm more curious about the monster in the old man's mouth. I'm a good man, 100,000 square meters to open the activity?".

Just as soon as it opened, the extreme environment of Skull Island caused heated discussions.

It's horrible.

The more people who know, the more they know how terrifying such a sea spout storm is.

100,000 square kilometers....

You know, the total area of each island in the island nation of England is more than 240,000 square meters!

This storm is equal to half of England!

It's just....

If such a seaspout storm really exists on Earth, why does no one know about it?

Such a scope, such a spectacle.

Moreover, now that we have entered the technological society, how can there be no rumors of this place.

It's simply unscientific!


S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.

"Mommy Fark!".

Nick Fury wonders if someone is joking with the world.

This environment, this range....

If such an environment and place really existed on Earth, it would be impossible for S.H.I.E.L.D. not to know about it!

Even the United Nations will definitely not be unaware!

After all, all countries are crazy to find resources, and the whole world has searched for them, except under the sea.

This kind of great spectacle in the Indian Ocean, can no one have ever seen it?

It's simply....

"Report sir!".

Coulson walked over with the report in hand, his face full of shock: "Skull Island... It's true!".


Nick Fury was stunned.

If this was true, how could he have never heard of it?

"Just now, intelligence satellites monitored abnormal currents and meteorological reactions in the Indian Ocean. "

"Then the satellite did a survey, and this is satellite imagery," Coulson explained. "

He handed over the report.

I saw the first page, which is a very exaggerated weather picture in the sky.

The clouds were all twisted into a giant ring.

And in the center of the ring, in the center of the eye of the storm, an ancient and mysterious island is hidden in it.

It seems that from ancient times, it has been hidden until now, and has never been washed away by time.


Stark Building.

"I'll go!".

Tony's eyes widened, "Is there such a fun place on Earth?".

Yes, it's fun.

In Tony's opinion, this scene is truly a spectacle.

Good looking, and fun.

"Sir. "

Jarvis's voice rang out.

"The abnormal current reaction in the Indian Ocean was detected, and according to the calculation, it should be the seaspout you just mentioned. "

"The latitude and longitude are..."

“OK。 "

Tony made a note of the place and waited for some time to play with it.


Call the cover girls and friends of these issues to go to the Haitian feast.

That's what Tony is... Uh, pure.

At least for now.


Kama Taj.

The Ancient One was pretty sure that just before this video was played, there was no Skull Island on Earth.

But now, she's not sure.

"Skull Island..."

Gu Yi looked at the light curtain thoughtfully.

The king looked at her: "Master Ancient One, what do you think?"

"It is possible that parallel space-time overlaps with the current space-time. The Ancient One explained.

Baron Mordo admired: "The ancient master is really knowledgeable. "

Can not see.

I really can't see it.

The Ancient One's eyes were a little dazed.

She can't see the future.

The future of the past is no longer countable, and from the moment the light curtain falls, everything ...

All sailed to the unknown!


"Strange. "

The Ancient One took a deep breath and said to the king, "Find Strange as soon as possible and bring him back." There are some things that can't wait for a long time. "

"Yes. "


The video continues.

William Landa: Their identities have been revealed.

It turns out that they belong to a mysterious organization codenamed "The Emperor".

This organization has not been around for long, but it has a deep heritage and is connected to some of the world's occult organizations.

Their target is the giant beast that once ruled the earth, but then fell asleep due to changes in the environment.

And these behemoths are called Titan Behemoths.

And Skull Island is the place where a titan monster exists, and it is also an extremely special place.

There is a very peculiar magnetic environment here, forming this sky-high seaspout, which is a natural barrier.

"Sir, it's ready. "

In front of the helicopter carrier, on a special small boat, technicians report to William Landa.

William Landa looked at the boat and asked, "All set?"

"It's already been commissioned. "

The technician affirmed, "The Langton has been fitted with a new magnetic field shielding device that shields against the effects of the Skull Island magnetic field.

The waterproofing treatment is up-to-date, and it completely avoids seaspouts, as well as all kinds of weapons ...

He said a lot and introduced the Langton.

William Landa nodded: "Very good, then let's move forward." "

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